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Sections 8‑10

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The History of West Point

William F. H. Godson

Philadelphia, 1934

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Appendix A

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p75  Bibliography​a

Acts of Congress: (Government Printing Office: D. C. Library of Congress.) June 12, 1856; March 3, 1857; December 14, 1867; February 28, 1873; February 17, 1880; February 2, 1884; September 22, 1888; March 2, 1889; June 20, 1890; January 16, 1895; June 6, 1900; March 2, 1901; June 28, 1902.

Act of New York State Legislature, May 15, 1875.

Andrews, George L., Professor. The Military Academy and its Requirements A paper read before the United States Military Service Institute at West Point, March 8, 1883. Printed at West Point, 1883. U. S. M. A. Library Ac. No. 167251.

Annual Report, Army Athletic Council, 1901. U. S. M. A. Library Ac. No. 167255. Printed at West Point.

Annual Reports, Association of Graduates of the U. S. M. A., 1870‑1902. On file U. S. M. A. Library.

Annual Reports, Superintendent U. S. M. A., 1877‑1890. Government Printing Office: D. C.  U. S. M. A. Library Ac. No. 187592.

Annual Reports, Superintendent U. S. M. A., 1891‑1901. Government Printing Office: D. C.  U. S. M. A. Library Ac. No. 167593.

Annual Reports, Superintendent U. S. M. A., 1902. Government Printing Office: D. C.  U. S. M. A. Library Ac. No. 137594.

Annual Reunions, Association of Graduates U. S. M. A., 1870‑1881, Ac. No. 167263, U. S. M. A. Library.

Army Officers' Athletic Association. First Annual Meeting, 1893. Ac. No. 137253 U. S. M. A. Library.

Bailey, W. W., Professor. My Boyhood at West Point, Providence: Published by the Society, 1891. Ac. No. 21507 U. S. M. A. Library.

Barnes, James. "A Hundred Years of West Point," an article in the Outlook (magazine), July, 1902.

Berard, A. B., Miss.​b Reminiscences of West Point, 1886. Ac. No. 167289, U. S. M. A. Library. Evening News Printing and Binding House, East Saginaw, Michigan.

Bixby, W. H. Record of the Class of 1873, U. S. M. A. Van Nostrand, New York, 1875.

Board of Visitors, United States Military Academy, Congressional Documents. Government Printing Office: D. C. (Library of Congress, D. C.) For the years: 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1861, 1868, 1870‑1899 (Ac. No. 167302 U. S. M. A. Library), 1902.

 p76  Boynton, E. C. History of West Point. Van Nostrand, New York; Sampson Low & Son, Co., London, 1863.

Boynton, E. C. Guide to West Point. Van Nostrand, N. Y., 1867.

Brown, A. H. "Cadet Life at West Point," an article in Pall Mall (magazine), Vol. XI, No. 45, January, 1897, London.

Cajori, Florian. Teaching and History of Mathematics in the U. S. Printed by U. S. Bureau of Education, 1890.

Centennial of the United States Military Academy, Vol. I, Government Printing Office, D. C., 1904.

Centennial of the United States Military Academy, Vol. II. Government Printing Office, D. C., 1904.

Circular No. 3, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., December 1, 1888.

Circular No. 13, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., 1891.

Class Album (1857) Photographs. (U. S. M. A. Library.)

Class Album (1892) Photographs. (U. S. M. A. Library.)

Congressional Document No. 1089, 1857.

Cullum, General, United States Army. Address on General Thayer, June 11, 1883. Privately printed and bound. Ac. No. 166422, U. S. M. A. Library.

Cullum Register, Vol. I, 1891.​c A record of the graduates U. S. M. A. Houghton Mifflin Co.

Davies, H. C., Major, United States Army. Decoration Day Address, May 30, 1878. Pamphlet, U. S. M. A. Library.

Davis, G. B. Military Laws in the United States, 1901, Vol. I, U. S. M. A. Library. Printed by Wiley Company.

Diploma of Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.U. S. Grant (dated June 23, 1843) Framed. U. S. M. A. Library.

Executive Document No. 1, 37th Congress, 1st Session. Message of the President of the United States. (Congressional Library.)

Executive Document (Senate) No. 58, 46th Congress, 3rd Session, Vol. 3, 1881. Congressional Library.

"F. H. S." An article entitled, "U. S. M. A.," p665, Southern Literary Messenger (magazine), November, 1843.

Farley, J. P. West Point in the Early Sixties. Troy, N. Y., Pafraets Book Co., 1902.

Farrow, E. S. West Point, N. Y., Ogilvie Publishing Co., 1899.

Fish, W. published under pseud. "Fush." Won at West Point, Rand McNally Co., Publishers, Chicago, 1883.

Flipper, H. O. The Colored Cadet, N. Y., Homer Lee & Co., 1878.

General Orders, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C. No. 60, 1868; No. 56, 1870; No. 15, 1877; No. 84, 1880; No. 77, 1882; No. 13, 1889; No. 103, 1898.

 p77  Hancock, H. I. Life at West Point, G. P. Putnam, 1902.

History of the Fifth Artillery, U. S. M. A. Library. Published at Governors Island, N. Y., 1895.

Hodges, H. F. Roster of Service with Engineer Troops, U. S. Army, 1885, U. S. M. A. Library.

Holden, Edward S. MS. (long hand and typed) relating to U. S. M. A., 1776‑1902, Ac. No. 56903.

Holden, Edward S., Dr. The Library of the U. S. M. A. at West Point, 1777‑1903. Ac. No. 56964, U. S. M. A. Library. Typed MS., 35 pages.

Howe, E. W. History of the Class of 1878, U. S. M. A., Homer Lee Bank Note Company, N. Y., 1881.

Howitzer (Year Book) 1896. Franklin Printing Co., Philadelphia, 1896.

Howitzer, 1900. Printed by U. S. M. A.

Howitzer, 1915. Printed by U. S. M. A.

"Investigation of Hazing at the United States Military Academy." (Testimony) Congressional Documents, 56th Congress, 2d Session, Report No. 2768, 3 volumes, Ac. No. 167696‑7‑8, U. S. M. A. Library. Government Printing Office, D. C. (1976 pages).

Keep, R. P. (Yale). "The System of Instruction at West Point," an article in the New Englander (magazine), No. CVI, January, 1869.

King, Charles. Cadet Days, Harpers, 1894.

Larned, C. W., Professor. Report in Regard to the Proposed New Academic Building, August, 1899, West Point, U. S. M. A. Press and Bindery, 1889.

Lemley, H. R. "A West Point Romance," an article in the Outing Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 5, February, 1887, pp466‑468.

Malone, P. B. A West Point Lieutenant, Syracuse, N. Y., Mutual Library, 1894.

Maps. The following are among those available in the U. S. M. A. Library:

1857‑8‑9 — Scale 15000. Undated. Date estimated. File: 526.92.

1889 — No scale. Topographical. File: Map Room 378.

1883 — Scale 14800. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Floor frame, Main Room.

1885 — Scale 1 in./200 ft. From reconnaissance of First Class Corps of Cadets. Framed, Main Room.

1886 — Scale 110,000. Topographical. Copied from original in the archives of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. File: Main Room 370.

1886 (about) — Scale 110,000. Copied by Professor Jas. Mercur from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey of 1880. File: Main Room 378.

1888 — Scale 110,000. Photographic copy of topographical map by D. P. Coudray, U. S. M. A. Class of 1891. File: Main Room 378.

 p78  1897 — Scale 12400. Topographical. By W. D. Connor, Class of 1897 U. S. M. A. File: Floor frame, Main Room.

1901 — Scale 162,500. U. S. Geological Survey. File: Main Room, framed.

McClellan, Major General, U. S. Army. Oration: Dedication of "Battle Monument," 1864. Printed: N. Y.: 1864, pamphlet (39 pages) U. S. M. A. Library.

"M. E. C." Are the West Point Graduates Loyal? Pamphlet: N. Y.: 1862.

Memorial Tablets. (Revolutionary and Spanish Wars) In the Cadet Chapel Presented by N. Y., Daughters of the American Revolution. Described in a pamphlet, U. S. M. A. Library.

Michie, P. S. "Educational Methods at West Point," an article in the Educational Review (magazine) Vol. 4, No. 19, November, 1892.

Michie, P. S., and Forsyth, J. "L'académie militaire des Etats‑Unis à West Point," an article in the Revue Internationale de l'enseignement, Tome 5, 1883, pp611 et seq.

Michie, P. S., Professor. Life and Letters of General Upton, N. Y., Appleton, 1885.

Michie, P. S., Dean. "West Point," an article in the Union College Practical Lectures, Vol. I. F. T. Neely: N. Y.: 1895.

Miscellaneous Document, No. 3, 36th Congress, 2nd Session, December 13, 1860. Ac. No. 67298, U. S. M. A. Library.

MSS. Adjutant General's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C. O. M. A., March 28, 1876.

New York Times (article) June 8, 1892. Page 3, column 1.

Official Registers U. S. M. A. —, 1850‑63, Ac. No. 167774; 1857‑73, Ac. No. 171742; 1873‑82, Ac. No. 167776; 1883‑92, Ac. No. 167777; 1893‑1900, Ac. No. 167778; 1901‑15, Ac. No. 167779.

One Hundredth Night Show (first?), 1884. February 13th. Ac. No. 167362, U. S. M. A. Library.

One Hundredth Night Show, February 24, 1900, U. S. M. A. Library.

Orders and Circulars, United States Military Academy. For the years 1883‑1893. Ac. No. 167717, U. S. M. A. Library. Printed at West Point, 1893.

Orders and Circulars, United States Military Academy. For the years 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905. Ac. No. 167718, U. S. M. A. Library.

Palmer, Frederick. "West Point after a Century," an article in World's Work (magazine) August, 1902.

Papers, Essayons Club (West Point). 1858.

Photographs. Framed. U. S. M. A. Library.

Photograph and data, West Point Army Mess. Benny Havens.

Placard, U. S. M. A. Library (relating to Class Rings).

 p79  Quartermaster Book, United States Military Academy.

Reade, P. General, U. S. Army. Private Scrap Book. B R286 U. S. M. A. Library.

Reed, H. T. Cadet Life. Irwin Reed & Son: Indiana: 1896.

Regulations, United States Military Academy:

1853, J. F. Trow, N. Y.; 1857, J. F. Trow, N. Y.; 1866, Baldwin & Jones, N. Y.; 1877, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.; 1883, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.; 1894, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.; 1902, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

Report of a Commission (Jefferson Davis, Chairman), Dec. 13, 1860. U. S. M. A. Library.

Report of a Committee on Coat of Arms U. S. M. A., January 14, 1898, MSS., U. S. M. A. Library.

Report of the Secretary of War, November 10, 1880, Vol. I, U. S. M. A. Library.

Report of the United States Commissioner of Education, 1892‑3. Vol. I. (Professor Riedler) West Point 1802‑1892 as a school of Technology. U. S. M. A. Library.

Richardson, R. C. West Point, G. P. Putnam Sons, 1917.

Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Roe, W. J. published under pseud. "G. I. Cervus." Cut, A Story of West Point. Lippincott, 1886.

Roosevelt, Theodore, President of the United States. A letter dated June 11, 1902. The original is framed and exhibited in the U. S. M. A. Library, Main Room.

Schaff, Morris. The Spirit of Old West Point 1856‑1862, Houghton Mifflin, 1907.

Schofield, J. M. Forty-six Years in the Army, U. S. M. A. Library. Century Company: 1897.

Schofield, J. M. Major General, U. S. Army. An address to the Corps of Cadets, U. S. M. A., August 11, 1879. Printed at the U. S. M. A. and bound at the Library. Ac. No. 167554, U. S. M. A. Library.

Sherman, General, U. S. Army. Address to the graduating class, 1869. Pamphlet U. S. M. A. Library.

Songs, West Point Army Mess, Pamphlet. No date. (Est. about 1890) U. S. M. A. Library.

State Reporter 795, 22 N. Y. Supp. 138. Matter of Town of Highlands, 48 N. Y., November 5, 1892.

Stokes, O. E. P. Letters and Memories of Susan Warner, G. P. Putnam, 1925.

Thayer's Note: Properly, Letters and Memories of Susan and Anna Bartlett Warner (Stokes, Olivia Egleston Phelps).

Trip, W. H. Guide to West Point. 1900. Pamphlet, U. S. M. A. Library.

Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, Boston, Wright & Potter, 1864.

 p80  U. S. M. A. Music 1847‑52. F 378 U 47 U. S. M. A. Library. Ac. No. 16799.

Unsigned article on West Point. Scribners (magazine) July 1872, pp257‑284.

Views: 1778‑1907. Substantially every known view of importance is owned and catalogued by the U. S. M. A. Library. Many are on display.

West Point Army Mess, Ac. No. 167586 U. S. M. A. Library. Constitution, by‑Laws, Membership. Years, 1841‑1880, 1880,º 1885, 1890, 1895, and 1900. (etc.)

West Point Memoranda 1874. Pamphlet, 8 pages. U. S. M. A. Library.

West Point Y. M. C. A. Constitution, adopted 1893. Ac. No. 16872.º U. S. M. A. Library.

Whipple, C. W. West Point Life. (A Poem), Irwin Reed & Son, Indiana, 1896.

Who's Who in America, 1900. A. N. Marquis & Co., 1900.

Wolseley, G. J. W. Story of a Soldier's Life, Vols. 1‑2, U. S. M. A. Library. Scribner: 1904.

Wood, O. E. West Point Scrap Book, 1874, Van Nostrand, N. Y., 1874.

Woodruff, C. E., U. S. Army. "The Nervous Exhaustion due to West Point Training," an article in American Medicine (magazine), June, 1901.º

Wright, J. M. "West Point Before the War," an article in the Southern Bivouac (magazine), June, 1885.

Thayer's Notes:

a For more bibliography, see Waugh, p245 f.

[decorative delimiter]

b Augusta Blanche Berard was the daughter of long-time French professor at the Academy, Claudius Berard.

[decorative delimiter]

c More correctly, Cullum's Register; the name is an informal one, the proper title being Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, since its establishment in 1802. Why Vol. I is singled out here is not to be fathomed; Volumes I thru III were published together in 1892, and together form the complete work by Gen. Cullum, divided as follows purely for convenience: Vol. I: graduates 1‑1000; Vol. II: graduates 1001‑2000; Vol. III: graduates 2001‑3384.

Be that as it may, Volumes I and II are onsite in their entirety, as is a good chunk of Volume III: see the orientation page.

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Page updated: 11 Feb 22
