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Chapter 7

This webpage reproduces a section of
The Cadet Chapel

George S. Pappas

(2nd edition)
West Point, N. Y., 1958

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p64  Appendices

Chapel Statistics

The Cadet Chapel was designed by Bertram G. Goodhue of the architectural firm of Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson, Boston.

All of the stained glass in the Chapel was designed and made by William and Annie Lee Willet of the Willet Stained Glass Window and Decorating Company, Pittsburgh.

Although some of the organ parts were obtained from other firms, the majority of the organ was made and installed by the M. P. Moller Company, Hagerstown, Maryland.

The Chapel was built by Charles T. Wils, Inc., New York. The stone used was quarried at West Point. Cost of construction was $441,308.

The carved stonework was designed by Mr. Lee Lawrie, Easton, Maryland, and was accomplished by Edward Ardolino.

The interior woodwork was obtained from Irving and Casson, New York and Boston.

Key Dimensions of the Chapel

Length of the Chapel 200 feet
Length of the Nave 150 feet
Width of the Nave 33 feet
Width across the transepts 72 feet
Width of the transepts 32 feet
Height of ceiling 56 feet
Height of tower above ground 145 feet
Height of tower above Chapel roof 62 feet
Crypt dimensions 40 feet square
Seating capacity, including choir 1500 people

 p65  Glossary of Architectural and Iconographic Terms
Used in This Booklet

Apse — The projecting part of a church at that end in which the altar is located.

Chevet — A circular or polygonal apse surrounded by an ambulatory.

Clerestory — The upper stage of a building with windows above the adjacent roofs.

Corbel — A block of stone projecting from a wall, supporting the beams of a roof, floor, or other features. Corbels are often elaborately carved.

Credence — A small table near the altar on which the bread and wine rest before being consecrated.

Crozier — The staff of a bishop. It resembles a shepherd's crook in shape.

Cruciform — In the shape of a cross.

Font — A basin in which water is contained for baptising.

Hagioscope — An opening in the interior walls of a cruciform church to afford a view of the altar.

Lancet — An acutely pointed arch or window.

Narthex — The portico or vestibule of a church.

Nave — The long narrow part of a cruciform church which rises higher than the flanking aisles.

Quatrefoil — An ornamental opening with four leaves or lobes.

Reredos — An ornamental screen or wall behind an altar.

Retable — A raised shelf or ledge above the table of an altar.

Sedilia — Seats in the chancel for the clergy.

Stringcourse — A moulding running horizontally along the face of a building.

Stringtable — A stringcourse embodying a series of carved figures.

Transept — The part of a cruciform church which crosses at right angles to the greatest length.

Triforium — The gallery formed by the sloping roof over the aisle and the aisle vaulting.

 p66  Location of Chapel Windows by Class

(Bay location is shown in the Plan of the Chapel on page 71.)

Class Bay Location Title
1802 15

St. Clare D'Assisi

1803 5

St. Paul Visits St. Peter in Prison

1804 15

The Barren Fig Tree

1805 5

Martyrdom of St. Peter

1806 5

Paul's Charge to Timothy

1807 5

St. James Preaching

1808 8

Martyrdom of St. James

1809 5


1810 No Class graduated this year
1811 5


1812 5

St. Francis D'Assisi

1813 5


1814 15

St. Winifred of Wales

1815 5


1816 No Class graduated this year
1817 15

The Unjust Steward

1818 15

The Unprofitable Servant

1819 15

The Rich Fool

1820 5


1821 15

St. Chad

1822 20

Christ Sold by Judas
The Boy Christ Working as A Carpenter
Christ Being Led Away from Pilate's Judgment Hall

1823 20

The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Christ's Prayer in the Garden
Christ Raising the Son of the Widow Zarepah

1824 21

The Three Marys at the Tomb
Christ Rising from the Tomb
The Conversion of St. Thomas

1825 17

St. Clement

1826 17

St. Ursinus of Ravenna

1827 17

St. Anastasia

1828 17

St. Polycarp

1829 20

Christ Pronouncing the Doom of Jerusalem
Come Unto Me
Christ Walking on the Water

1830 17

St. Vitalis of Ravenna

1831 16

St. Bonaventura

1832 16

St. Theodor of Canterbury

1833 16

St. Wilfrid of York

1834 16

St. Alphege

1835 16

St. Theodore Tyro

1836 4


1837 4


1838 4


1839 9

John the Philosopher
Paul and the Pen of the Lord
Paul and his Physical Afflictions

1840 8

Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross
Judas' Betrayal of Jesus
Blessing of Christ in Sermon on the Mount

1841 4


1842 4


 p67  1843 9

Stephen the First Martyr
Cain the First Murderer

1844 15

St. Alban

1845 8

Wooing of Rebekah by Isaac
Hagar's Flight into Egypt
Samuel the Herald of Saul

1846 3


1847 3


1848 3


1849 3


1850 3


1851 14

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

1852 14

St. Anselm

1853 14

St. Eustace

1854 14

St. Margaret

1855 14

St. Dunstan

1856 2


1857 2


1858 2


1859 2


1860 7

St. Paul Writing His Epistles

May 1861 2


June 1861 13

St. Patrick

1862 6

St. Paul's Defense Before Agrippa

1863 13

St. Boniface

1864 13

St. Catherine

1865 19

St. George of England

1866 7

Martyrdom of St. Paul

1867 19

Laborers in the Vineyard

1868 19

The Good Shepherd

1869 7

St. Paul's Farewell to Timothy

1870 17

The Nativity of Our Lord

1871 7


1872 7

St. John at Patmos

1873 19

St. Louis of France

1874 3

Christ and Nicodemus

1875 18

The Annunciation of the Virgin

1876 19

Rich Man and Lazarus

1877 22

Malachi's Vision
The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple

1878 2

Christ Receiving Children

1879 6

The Resurrection

1880 5

Christ Before Pilate

1881 11

Manoah's Vision of God
Christ at Emmaus

1882 18

Wise Steward

1883 18

St. Ethelburga

1884 19

St. William of Scotland

1885 21

Christ Forgives the Woman which was a Sinner at the House of Simon the Pharisee

1886 10

Saul's Conversion on the Way to Damascus

1887 19

St. Edward the Confessor

1888 18

One Without a Wedding Gown

1889 4

Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple

1890 20

The Good Samaritan

1891 8

The Prodigal Son

1892 19

St. Eric of Sweden

 p68  1893 23

Abraham Offering Isaac
The Baptism of Our Lord by St. John

1894 6

St. Paul at Athens

1895 14

The Boy Christ in the Temple

1896 15

Christ in the Home of Nazareth

1897 18

Venerable Bede

1898 18

St. Frideswide

1899 6


1900 18

Marriage of the King's Son

1901 6

St. Paul's Charge to the Elders

1902 6

Conversion of the Philippian Jailor

1903 7


1904 16

The Visit of the Wise Men

1905 9

Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Well

1906 1

The Call of Matthew

1907 13

The Temptation of Jesus

1908 19

The Sower

1909 7


1910 6


1911 18

Go Ye Out into the Highway

1912 6


1913 19

The Lost Piece of Money

1914 7


1915 6


1916 6


Apr. 1917 18

Tribute to Caesar

Aug. 1917 18

St. Cuthbert

June 1918 6

St. Paul Baptizes Lydia at Philippi

Nov. 1918 7


1919 7

Vision of St. Paul

1920 18

St. Giles

1921 No window — Small Class
1922 20

Joseph Sold by His Brethren
David Tending His Flock
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel

1923 20

Samson's Triumph over the Philistines
Moses Interceding with God
Prophet Elijah Raising the Son of the Window of Nain

1924 21

Abraham Entertaining the Three Strangers
Elijah Translated to Heaven
Elijah Fed by the Ravens

1925 17

The Friend at Midnight

1926 17

The Wicked Husbandman

1927 17

The Two Debtors

1928 17

The Pharisee and the Publican

1929 20

Daniel Reading the Handwriting on the Wall
Moses Viewing the Promised Land
Noah and the Ark

1930 17

The Householder

1931 16

The Tares

1932 16

The Great Supper

1933 16

The Hidden Treasure

1934 16

The Unmerci­ful Servant

1935 16

The Talents

1936 4

Ananias Baptizes Saul

1937 4

Vision of St. Peter

1938 4

The Call from Macedonia

 p69  1939 9

Joseph the Dreamer
Gideon and the Sword of the Lord
Job and His Trials

1940 8

Moses Lifted up the Cross in the Wilderness
Jacob's Betrayal of Esau
Blessing of Jacob

1941 4

Saul in His Blindness

1942 4

Deliverance of St. Peter

Jan. 1943 9

Centurion's Loyalty to the Lord
Jonathan's Loyalty to David

June 1943 9

Christ Healing the Leper
Naaman the Leper Captain

1944 15

The Unjust Judge

1945 8

Wooing of Mary by Joseph
Mary's Flight into Egypt
John the Baptist, Herald of Jesus

1946 3

Martyrdom of St. Stephen

1947 3

Gamaliel's Defense

1948 3

St. Philip Baptizes the Eunuch

1949 3

Saul at the Feet of Gamaliel

1950 3

Preaching of St. Stephen

1951 4

The Syrophoenician Woman

1952 14

Stater in Mouth of Fish

1953 14

Daughter of Jairus

1954 14

Raising Widow's Son

1955 14

Healing of the Leper

1956 2

St. Peter Preaching

1957 2

Ascension of Christ

1958 2

St. Peter and John Healing the Lame Man

1959 2

Descent of the Holy Ghost

1960 2

The First Christians

1961 13

The Ten Lepers

1962 13

Healing Blind Bartimaeus

1963 13

Christ and the Lawyer

1964 13

The Pool of Bethesda

1965 13

The Widow's Mite

1966 13

St. Valeria

1967 13

St. Botolph

1968 1

Abraham's Vision

1969 1

Abel's Sacrifice

1970 1

Jacob Blessing Sons

1971 1

Noah Building the Ark

1972 1

The Choice of Moses

1973 1


1974 1


1975 1


1976 1


1977 1



[image ALT: An architectural sectional elevation of the Cadet Chapel at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.]

Sectional Diagram


[image ALT: An architectural plan of the Cadet Chapel at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.]



[image ALT: A key to the chancel window in the Cadet Chapel at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.]

Key to the Sanctuary Window

 p73  Cadet Chaplains

1813‑1817 Adam Empie
1818 Cave Jones
1818‑1825 Thomas Picton
1825‑1827 Charles P. McIlvaine​1a
1828‑1838 Thomas Warner
1838‑1840 Jasper Adams
1840‑1846 M. P. Parks
1847‑1856 William T. Sprole
1856‑1871 John W. French
1871‑1881 John Forsyth
1881‑1896 William Postlethwaite
1896‑1905 Herbert Shipman​1b
1905‑1913 Edward S. Travers
1913‑1918 Horace P. Silver
1918 Remsen B. Ogilby
1918‑1926 Clayton E. Wheat
1926‑1933 Arthur B. Kinsolving, II​1c
1933‑1937 Roscoe T. Foust
1937‑1941 H. Fairfield Butt, III
1941‑1947 John B. Walthour​1d
1947‑1954 Frank E. Pulley
1954‑ George M. Bean

Assistant Chaplains

1952‑1955 Alan Gripe
1955‑1957 Albert Fay Hill
1957‑ Henry R. Gooch

The Author's Note:

1a 1b 1c 1d Subsequently elected Bishop of the Episcopal Church

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Page updated: 3 Aug 12
