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I. New Melleray Abbey Archives:—
The Narrative of the Foundation of the Monastery of New Melleray. Prior Clement Smith.º
Annals of New Melleray Abbey, 1849‑1887. Brother Kieran Mullany.
Manuscript articles and biographies by Brothers Kevin, Patrick, Arsene and various others, some of them anonymous.
Account books and letters.
Visitation Cards from 1857 to 1950.
II. Other Archives and Libraries:—
Letters and documents in Dubuque Archdiocesan Archives.
Register of Religious in Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland.
Letters and documents in Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland.
Letters and documents in the following archives and libraries:—
Propagation of the Faith Society, Lyons, France.
Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, Rome.
La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome.
Irish College Library, Rome.
Abbaye de la Grande Trappe, Orne, France.
Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley, Rhode Island.
Melleray Abbey, Melleray (Nantes), France.
St. Augustine's Monastery, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey, Leicestershire, England.
Mount Carmel Convent Archives, Dubuque, Iowa.
Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Catholic Archives of America, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana.
Historical, Memorial and Art Department of Iowa, Des Moines.
St. Louis (Mo.) Historical Society.
Dubuque Public Library.
Galena (Illinois) Public Library.
Baltimore Archdiocesan Archives.
New Orleans Archdiocesan Archives.
New York Archdiocesan Archives.
Omaha Archdiocesan Archives.
St. Paul Archdiocesan Archives.
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Archives.
Actes des Chapitres Généraux de la Trappe. La Grande Trappe, 1872.
Anonymous, Constitutions of the Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance, Dublin, 1931.
Catholic Encyclopedia, The, 15 vols. New York, 1907.
Cistercian Monk, A, History of the Cistercian Order with its Revival in England, London, 1852.
De Cailly, Louis, Memoirs of Bishop Loras and of Members of his Family, New York, 1897.
Dickens, Charles, American Notes, New York, 1907.
Extraits des Actes des Chapitres Généraux de la Trappe, depuis l'Année 1847, La Grande Trappe, 1866.
Garraghan, Gilbert J., S. J., The Catholic Church in Chicago, 1673‑1871, Chicago, 1921.
––––– "The Trappists of Monks' Mound." Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Vol. VIII, October, 1825.
Gerow, R. O., Cradle Days of St. Mary's, Natchez, Natchez, Mississippi, 1941.
Gethsemani, a father of the Abbey of (M. Alberic), Compendium of the History of the Cistercian Order, Gethsemani, 1944.
Hoffmann, M. M., The Church Founders of the Northwest, Milwaukee, 1937.
––––– Centennial History of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Dubuque, 1938.
––––– The Story of Loras College, Dubuque, 1939.
––––– "Clement Smyth, Second Bishop of Iowa," Iowa Catholic Historical Review, Vol. IX, February, 1936.
Holmes, Fred L., The Voice of Trappist Silence, New York, 1941.
Hughes, Carol, "Silent Sanctuary," Coronet Magazine, Chicago, October, 1951.
Luddy, M. Ailbe, The Story of Mount Melleray, Dublin, 1932.
Maguire, John Francis, Father Mathew, New York, 1864.
Mahan, Bruce, "A Day at New Melleray," The Palimpsest, The State Historical Society of Iowa, May, 1922.
Maynard, Theodore, The Story of American Catholicism, New York, 1942.
Merton, Thomas, The Seven Storey Mountain, New York, 1948.
––––– The Waters of Siloe, New York, 1949.
Mount Carmel Convent, In the Early Days, 1833‑1887, Dubuque, 1943.
Mullin, F. A., "The Chronicle of New Melleray Abbey," The Iowa Catholic Historical Review, Dubuque, Vol. VI, April, 1933.
New Melleray Abbey, A priest of, A Spiritual Directory for Religious, translation of the Directoire Spirituel, 2 vols., Westmalle, Belgium, 1932.
O'Rourke, John, History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847, Dublin, 1902.
Perkins, William Rufus, History of the Trappist Abbey of New Melleray, Iowa City, 1892.
Raymond, M., Burnt Out Incense, New York, 1949.
Religieux, Un, Histoire de N. D. de la Grande Trappe, Bordeaux, France, 1903.
Rothensteiner, John, History of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, St. Louis, 1928.
Ryan, M. V., A Relation of the Sufferings of the Irish Monks of La Trappe. (Translation from the French.) Limerick, 1832.
Schrepfer, Luke, O. S. A., Pioneer Monks in Nova Scotia, Tracadie, Nova Scotia, 1947.
Tallon, Clement, Notices sur les Monastères de l'Ordre de la Trappe, en France, en Algérie, et en Amérique, Paris, 1855.
p233 Visitation, a Sister of, Most Rev. Clement Smyth, Second Bishop of Dubuque, New Melleray, 1937.
Whalen, Charles, The Trappist Way, New Melleray, 1945.
The Dubuque Times.
The Dubuque Globe-Journal.
The Dubuque Telegraph-Herald.
The Dubuque Witness.
The Dubuque Catholic Tribune.
The Chicago Tribune.
The Chicago Sun‑Times.
The New York Freeman's Journal.
The Denver Register.
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