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Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Vol. 1. NY: Yoseloff, 1956. pp692‑750. E470B346v1. Series of pertinent articles by various authors.
Burnett, Constance B. Captain John Ericsson: Father of the Monitor. NY: Vanguard, 1960. T40E8B8.
Butts, Francis B. "The Monitor and the Merrimac". Providence RI: RI Soldiers & Sailors Hist Soc, 1890. 51 pp. E464R47ser4no6.
______. "My First Cruise at Sea and the Loss of the Ironclad Monitor". Providence RI: RI Soldiers & Sailors Hist Soc, 1878. 23 pp. E464R47ser1no4.
Cannon, LeGrand B. "Personal Reminiscences of the Rebellion: The Monitor and Merrimac." Mag of Hist 15 (Jun 1912): pp190‑210 & 17 (Jul 1913): pp11‑17.
CSA Navy Dept. Report of Flag Officer Buchanan. Richmond VA: n. p., 1862. 13 pp. JK9719C4/10no1.
A Comprehensive Sketch of the Merrimac and Monitor Naval Battle, Giving an Accurate Account of the Most Important Naval Engagement in the Annals of War. NY: Merrimac & Monitor Panorama Co, 1886. 15 pp. E473.3C73.1886.
Crockett, Albert S., ed. "Aboard the U. S. S. Monitor." [Louis N. Stodder]. Civil War Times Illustrated 1 (Jan 1963): pp31‑36.
Demaree, Albert L. "Our Navy's Worst Headache: The Merrimack." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 88 (Mar 1962): pp130‑132.
Davis, William C. Duel Between the First Ironclads. Garden City NJ: Doubleday, 1975. 201 pp. E473.2D36.
Dorr, Ebenezer P. A Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and Its Inventor: A Paper Read Before the Buffalo Historical Society . . . Buffalo: Matthews & Warren, 1874. 52 pp. E173P18no16pam1
Fisher, K.J. "Titanic Coastal Clash." America's CW 2 (May 1989): pp34‑40.
Fiveash, Joseph G. Virginia-(Merrimac) Monitor Engagement and a Complete History of the Operations of These Two Historic Vessels in Hampton Roads and Adjacent Waters. Norfolk VA: Fiveash Pub Co, 1907. 29 pp. E473.2F56.
Greene, S. Dana. "The Fight Between the Monitor and the Merrimac." United Service 12 (Apr 1885): pp448‑454.
______. "I Fired the First Gun and Thus Commenced the Great Battle." Am Heritage 8 (Jun 1957): pp10‑13 & 102‑105.
______. "The Monitor at Sea and in Battle." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 49 (Nov 1923): pp1839‑1849.
Jones, Catesby. "The Iron-Clad Virginia." VA Mag of Hist & Biog 49 (Oct 1941): pp297‑303.
Hoehling, A.H. Thunder at Hampton Roads. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976. 231 pp. E473.2H57.
Hopkins, Garland E. The First Battle of Modern Naval History. Richmond VA: Dietz, 1943. 34 pp. E473.2H6.
Keeler, William F. Aboard the U. S. S. Monitor, 1862: The Letters of Acting Paymaster . . ., U. S. Navy, to his Wife, Anna. Annapolis MD: Naval Inst, 1964. 278 pp. E595M7K4.
Lamb, Martha J. "John Ericsson, the Builder of the Monitor, 1803‑1889." Mag Am Hist 25 (Jan 1891): pp1‑17.
Littleton, William G. The Cumberland, the Monitor and the Virginia (Popularly Called the Merrimac) Being an Address Delivered . . . May 10, 1933 at the Union League of Philadelphia. Philadelphia PA: n. p., 1933. 19 pp. E473.2L57.
McMaster, G. Totten. "A Little Unwritten History of the Original U. S. S. Monitor." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 27 (Dec 1901): pp725‑732.
[Mariner]. The Great Naval Battle as I Saw It and Its Remarks Upon American Genius . . . Washington DC: n. p., 1872. 16 pp. E173P18no16pam2.
Martin, Charles. "The Sinking of the Congress and Cumberland by the Merrimac." In Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion (MOLLUS, New York, Vol. 2). Wilmington NC: Broadfoot, 1992. pp1‑16. E464M5.1991v21.
"Medical Director Edward Shippen." United Service 4 (Sep 1890): pp323‑324. Of the Congress when that ship was sunk by the Merrimac.
Miller, Edward M. U. S. S. Monitor: The Ship That Launched a Modern Navy. Annapolis MD: Leeward, 1978. 125 pp. VA65M65M54.
Milligan, John D., ed. "Aboard the Monitor." [Alban C. Stimers] Civil War Times Illustrated 9 (Apr 1970): pp28‑35.
"The Monitor and Merrimac — Ericsson." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 53 (Feb 1929): pp198‑203.
Monitor Conference. The Monitor, Its Meaning and Future: Papers From a National Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 2‑4, 1978. Washington DC: Preservation Press, 1978. E595M7M66.1978.
Neeser, Robert W. "Historic Ships of the Navy — Monitor." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 52 (Dec 1926): pp2437‑2443.
Norris, William. The Story of the Confederate States' Ship "Virginia" (Once Merrimac): Her Victory Over the Monitor, Born March 7th, Died May 10th, 1862. Baltimore: Piet, 1879. 25 pp. E473.2N67.1879.
O'Neill, Charles. "Engagement Between the Cumberland and Merrimack." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 48 (Jun 1922): pp863‑893.
Parker, Foxhall A. "The Monitor and Merrimac." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 1 (1874): pp155‑162.
Peterkin, Ernest W. Drawings of the U. S. S. Monitor: A Catalog and Technical Analysis. Washington DC: Dept of Commerce, 1985. 588 pp. UV65M65P47.1985.
Reaney, Henry. "The Monitor and Merrimac." In War Papers (MOLLUS, Michigan, Vol. 2). Detroit: Stone, 1898. pp167‑172. E464W354.
Rogers, William. "The Loss of the Monitor." In War Papers (MOLLUS, Maine, Vol. 3). Portland ME: Thurston, 1908. pp77‑90. E464W35v3.
Shippen, Edward. "Two Battle Pictures (A Reminiscence of the First Ironclad Fight)." United Service 4 (Jan 1881): pp53‑78.
Smith, Alan C. "The Monitor-Merrimac Legend." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 46 (Mar 1940): pp385‑389.
Snow, Elliot. "The Metamorphosis of the Merrimac." U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings 57 (Nov 1931): pp1518‑1521.
Stiles, Israel N. "The Monitor and the Merrimac." In Military Essays and Recollections (MOLLUS, Illinois, Vol. 1). Wilmington NC: Broadfoot, 1991. pp185‑210. E464M5.1991v1.
Tindall, William. "The True Story of the Virginia and the Monitor; The Account of an Eyewitness." VA Mag of Hist & Biog 31 (Jan/Apr 1923): pp1‑38 & 89‑145.
Trexler, Harrison A. The Confederate Ironclad "Virginia" ("Merrimac)". Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1938. 95 pp. E473.2T75.
Wheeler, Francis B. "The Building of the Monitor." Mag Am Hist 13 (Jan 1885): pp59‑65.
______. John F. Winslow, LL.D., and the Monitor. Poughkeepsie NY: n. p., 1893. 66 pp. V860W43.1893.
White, William C. Tin Can on a Shingle. NY: Dutton, 1957. 176 pp. E473.2W6.
Ellis, David Roberts. The Monitor of the Civil War. Annville PA, 1902. 37 pp.
Martin, Charles. "Personal Reminiscences of the Monitor and Merrimac engagement, and destruction of the Congress and Cumberland". New York, 1886. 8 pp. 8°.
Mokin, Arthur. Ironclad: The Monitor and the Merrimack. Presidio Press, Novato CA, 1991. 274 pp.
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