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History of Wisconsin

Histories and Source Documents

At some point I may have a general history of Wisconsin onsite; for now, the following items:

[image ALT: A low wooden fort and a few single-story houses fronting on a body of water; in the foreground, the opposite shore: a small cliff partly covered in deciduous trees. It is the frontispiece of the 1926 print edition of the book 'Old Fort Crawford and the Frontier' by Bruce E. Mahan, the icon used on this site for my transcription of it.]

[ 282 pages of print,
5 photos, 4 maps, 7 other images
presented in 18 webpages ]

Bruce Mahan's Old Fort Crawford and the Frontier is a history of the fort at Prairie du Chien, but also much more than that, covering the early French exploration of the area and much of the history of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois in the early 19c: the people of the area among which especially of course the native American tribes — Sac and Fox, Menominee, Chippewa, Sioux; the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the European settlement and the consequent relocation of those tribes.

[image ALT: A handwritten signature, in an elegant flowing script of the 19c; it reads 'Albert Lea • 2d Lt.' It serves as the icon on my site for the Notes on the Wisconsin Territory (or at least the Iowa portion of it) by Albert Miller Lea, 1836.]

[ 11 pages of print
presented in 1 webpage ]

In 1836, U. S. Army officer Albert Miller Lea, fresh from a tour of duty exploring the wilds of what is now Iowa, wrote a little book on that area, titling it Notes on the Wisconsin Territory particularly with reference to the Iowa District — and indeed his classic of American pioneer literature is almost exclusively about Iowa; but in it he includes an Appendix in which he provides a complete transcription of "An Act For establishing the Territorial Government of Wisconsin".

[image ALT: A close-up of a collection of papers spread out on a table. It is the icon used on this site to represent my American History Notes subsite.]

[ 3/7/12: 143 pages of print presented in 11 webpages ]

Squirreled away in the American History Notes section of the site, a growing amount of Wisconsin material will be making this page increasingly useful; for now, just 9 items, listed here in roughly chronological order of their subjects:

Early French Forts and Footprints of the Valley of the Upper Mississippi

The Movement of American Settlers into Wisconsin and Minnesota

The Northwestern Career of Jefferson Davis

Lieutenant Jefferson Davis (anecdotes of his early army career)

The Services of the Menominee in Black Hawk War

The Dutch Settlements of Sheboygan County

Rufus King: Soldier, Editor, and Statesman

The Journey of an Immigrant Family from The Netherlands to Milwaukee in 1854 (primary source)

Reminiscences of Arend Jan Brusse on Early Dutch Settlement in Milwaukee

The First Dutch Settlers in Milwaukee

The Founding of New Amsterdam in La Crosse County

[image ALT: A heraldic shield divided into quarters, with the following items represented on blank fields, clockwise from the upper left: a plow; a shovel and a pick, crossed; an anchor; a muscular arm wielding a hammer. Over the center of the shield, a further shield — of the United States: stars in chief, vertical stripes in the main field — surrounded by a belt bearing the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM. It is the central device of the flag of the State of Wisconsin.]

The icon I use to indicate this subsite is the central shield on the flag of the State of Wisconsin.

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Site updated: 18 Apr 13
