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This webpage reproduces a chapter of
The Dutch and Quaker Colonies
in America

John Fiske

published by
Houghton, Mifflin and Company
Boston and New York, 1903

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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Appendix II

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

Vol. II
Appendix I
Some Leisler Documents

Affidavits against Nicholson

The deposition of Nicholas Brown Aged Twenty three Years, the said Deponent declares that he being in the Service of ye late King Anno One thousand six hundred Eighty Six some time in July & August, did see Frances Nicholson Ye late lieut Governor of Ye fort at New York Several times in Ye Masse, but especially two times in Ye Kings tent at Hunsloheath in old ingland, being there to Exercise his devotions, & did Ye the same upon his Knees before the Alter in the papist Chappel, where the Mass was said, that himself, this deponent is ready to Confirm and declare upon Oath in testimony of the truth & have hereunto Set my hand, In New York this 12th day of Septemr Anno 1689.


Nicholas Brown.

1689 the 13th 7er in New York.

Then appeared before me Nichls Brown & Sworn before me the aforesaid to be the truth.


G. Beekman Justice.

Commission from the Committee of Safety
Appointing Jacob Leisler to be Captain of the Fort

There being a Present necessity that a Capt. of Ye fort at New Yorke should be appointed to be constantly there attending and to Command & order ye Soldiers appointed by this Committee  p340 of Safety to Serve ye fort in behalfe of their Majesties till orders Shall come and to order all matters of ye fortifications of said fort necessary at present this Committee therefore doe think fitt that Captn Jacob Leisler shall be Captain of said fort as above said Till orders shall come from their Majesties, & that the said Captn Jacob Leisler, shall have all aid and assistance, if need be & demanded by him from City and Country to suppress any foren Enemy & prevent all disorders which Evidently may appear

dated this 8th of June 1689, Signed Sealed

Richard Danton (L. S.) Saml Edsall (L. S.)
Theunis Roelofse (L. S.) P Dela Noy (L. S.)
Jean De Marest (L. S.) Mathias Harvey (L. S.)
Daniel De Klercke (L. S.) Thos Williams (L. S.)
Johannes Vermillye (L. S.) Wm Laurence (L. S.)

Commission to Capt. Leisler to be Commander in Chief

Forasmuch the Committee of Safety do apprehend the difficulty & inconveniency by reason of their remote habitants and ye insuing season of ye year to commence & abide in ye City of New York to advise recommend order, & appoint ye present affairs in hand for the interest of their most Excelent Majesties King William & Queen Mary and due preservation of ye inhabitants in ye province of New York & some others near adjacent towns, it is thought convenient and concluded by ye Committee for ye most Safety of ye province by reason of Sundry intervals & accidental motions which may arise & for the orderly way to direct all necessary matters touching ye ruling & ordering of ye inhabitants in the Province, it being uncertain whether ye orders shall Come from their Majesties, that Captain Jacob Leisler is hereby appointed to Exercise & use the Power & Authority of a Commander in Chief of the said Province to administer such Oaths to the people, to issue out such Warrants, and to order such Matters as shall be necessary & requisite to be done for the preservation and protection of the peace, of the inhabitants taking  p341 all ways, seasonable advice with Militia and Civil Authority as Occasion require Dated ye 16th day Augt 1689 —

Copy was Signed Sealed as followeth,

William Laurence (L. S.) Saml Edsall (L. S.)
Dl De Klercke (L. S.) Jean Demarest (L. S.)
Johannes Vermillye (L. S.) P. De La Noy (L. S.)
Richard Danton (L. S.) Mathias Harvey (L. S.)
Theunis Roelofse (L. S.) Thos Williams (L. S.)

Schuyler's Protest against Milborne

Fort Albany ye 15th day of novembr 1689

Whereas one Jacob Milborne hath with a Compe of armed men, come up to thereº Majes fort in a hostile manner with full arms and Demanded Possession thereof from ye Mayr of ye Citty who has ye Command of ye same, who Declared to keep said fort for there Majes William & Mary untill there orders comes but ye said Jacob Milborne as a Tumultuous & Mutinous Person doth Proceed to occasion great Disturbance to there Majes Liege People, by again faceing to ye fort with Loaden arms, Especially so many heathens to witt Maquase being ye Spectators thereof who seems to be upon ye Point to undertake some Dangerous Design, The Convention of ye Civil & Military officers of ye Citty & County of albany now p'sent in ye fort doe therefore Protest hereby in their Majes King William & Queen Maryes name before godº and ye world against ye sd Milborne and his Seditious Troops, for all Dammages, Murthers Bloodsheds Plunderings and oyr mischieffs which may Ensue by his Rebellious actions and charge him & them forthwith to withdraw themselves from there sd Majes fort.

Pr Schuyler Mayr

and Commander of there Majes fort

The Protest being Read hille akus Sister told yt ye Indians were very much Dissatisfied & if Milborne did not withdraw with his Compe they would fyre upon him, whereupon ye Mayr Desyred Doctor Dellius & ye Recorder to goe to ye Indians to Pacify and quiet them for ye Bussinesse was yt a Person without Power or  p342 authority would be Master over ye gentn here which they would nott admitt; the Indians answered goe and tell him that if he come out of ye gates we will fyre upon him, which Doctor Dellius forthwith Communicated to ye sd Milborne at ye head of his Compe in ye Presence of a great many Burghers who made no further attempt to goe to ye fort, but Marched doune ye towne and Dismissed his men.

Leisler to the Officers of Westchester

Fort William February 15, 1689 [90]

Gentlemen, — Whereas ye ffrench have surprized Schanegtade, & killed & taken Prisonners the most of their Maties Subjects burning & destroying ye sd Place: and fearing too great a Correspondency hath bean maintained between ye sd ffrensch & disaffected P'sons among us.

These are in his Maties name to will & require you to secure all Such Persons who are resputed Papists or Do any wise despise or reflect against this Governmt or hold or maintaine any Commissions from the Late Governrs Colo Thomas Dongan or Sr Edmund Andros by virtue of their Authority derived from King James the second & ye same Safely to Convey to mee forthwth Given under My hand & seale this 15th ffeby 1689 and in ye first yeare of their Maties Reigne.

Jacob Leisler

To the Officers Military & Civill &
ye Sheriffe of the County of Westchester

Ye same to Richmond County

Ye same to ye County of Suffolk

Ye same to Kings County

Ye same to ye Countryº of East Jersey

Ye same to Queens County

Leisler to his Commissioners at Albany

A 1690 1st July In Fort William

Gentlemen — Yesterday was my last to which I Referr you, You have Referred us to ye Messengers who brought our letter but  p343 we caneº understand nothing of them, my opinion Is they came here to consult with there parties. If they may safely Receive a Commission of mee what alteration in your place, there Coming here may cause us, the time will learne, beshure they are not well Tutered & keept from us I have writt you our meaning which we hoop you may be able to observe touching the major, Inclosed is a copy of a Letter Received of Governour Treat which I perceive was lifft upon the table wherein the major is absolutely Refused If Boston & Connecticut sends not their Compliment Ingaged In ye Result & approved by ye government they Brook ye Covenant & we are not obliged to any article therein the Barers are made sensible yt what we propose about ye Council of Warr yt the Capn by Turnes Every week should bee president In said Councel and so in godsº name go one without a major — Except Capn Browne accepts of ye place but no other whatsoever — Except Mausachusetts, Plymouth & Connecticutt Colonyes Comply fully with there promise ye ffrench Knight begins to be moved of (our) march and desires to prevent ye cruelties of our Indians against ye ffrench wimens and children which Indied would bee generous if possible It could be prevented we have sent Mestr Stole who has a speciall maxim to gaine the people & is able to assist you much in forwarding ye Business and if he should go he most be commissionated he is true, full mettall able and politique the news of Colonell Slayter is quitt vanised It would not hould — lwe have gott yesterday the Inclosed nues from neu England En send It for the Everi direcktet als the copie, to day the 25 I gott the Inclosed from Southampton I wish Ensign Stole was heer En Iff possible also Major Milborn we expeckt the franch ships heer the messenger raports the ar all ships, pray God to grand & give vs courage to resist them after min respects I remain

Your reall frind to serve your
Jacob Leisler


To the Honoble The Commissionrs Capn John De Bruyn, Mr Johannes Provoost and Major Jacob Milborne Esqrs In


 p344  G
Leisler to Gov. Sloughter

Fort William March the 20.1690‑1º

May it Please Your Excellency — This his Majesty's fort being besieged by Major Ingoldsby so farre that not a boat could depart, nor Persons conveyed out of the same without to be in danger of their Lives which hath occasioned that I could not be so happy as to send a messinger to give me the certainty of Your excellency's Safe arrival & an account of what was published, of which I am ignorant still but the Joy I had by a full assurance from Ensign Stoll of your Excellency's arrival has been something troubled by the detencon of Ye two my Messengers, I see very well the stroke of my enemies who are wishing to cause me some mistakes at the End of the Loyalty I owe to my gracious King & Queen & by such ways to Blatt out all my faithfull service till now but I hope have care to commit such an error, having by my duty & faithfulnesse being vigerous to them, Please only to Signify & order the Major in releasing me from his Majesties fort delivering him only his Majesties Armes with all the Stores & that he may act as he ought with a person who shall give Your excellency an exact account of all his actions & conduct, who is with all the request, Your Excellency's Most Humble Servt

Jacob Leisler

Dying Speeches of Leisler and Milborne

Colleccons made on the Dying Speeches of Captain Jacob Leisler & Jacob Milborne, his son in Law, who both Suffered in New York City on the 16th of May being Saturday in the Year of our Lord 1691.

— The great wise & omnipotent creator of all things visible & invisible who from the time of our first coming a Shore in the Vale of tears, misery & affliction, hath to this present moment protected us be magnified. Praysed & Glorified for ever, Amen.

Gentlemen And Fellow Brethren all I hope in the grace & fear of the Lord Jesus, we are not at present unsensible of our dying State & Condition, as to this world a State which all the Sons &  p345 Daughters of Adam in this globe must now one after another run through ere they can be satisfied with that eternity of which so often by the Divines is treated of — In consideration of which for death we may be better prepared, like penitent Mortals here on earth, we Submit our lives.º & all that unto us appertaineth into the hands of divine protection prostrating ourselves before the foot Stoole that immaculate Lamb of God who taketh away the Sinns of the world hoping that through his meritorious death & passing our iniquities shall be done away & our pardons Sealed on earth before we go hence & are seen no more, humbly imploring that not through our own meritts of Justification but rather through the merit of him that is willing to save our souls, might become precious in the Eyes of God & live forever in the Kingdome of Eternall Glory when time shall be no more — as to our State in this world among the rest of our hard fortunes in this seat of tears it is true we have lately on the important request of a Committee choose by the Major Part of the Inhabitants of this province & taken (to the present griefe & vexation of our poore afflicted relations left behind) great & weighty matters of State affairs requiring at Such an helme more wise & Cunning powerful Pilotts. then either of us ever was. but considering that in the time of this distracted Countrey's greatness, necessity amongst us — no such Persons could be found but that those that were any wayes, in Capasity of Uniting us against a Common enemy would not undertake, we conceive for the Glory of the protestant interest the Establishment of the present Government under our Sovereign Lord & Lady King Wm & Queen Mary &c — & the Strengthening against all foreign attempts, of this confused City & Province, thought it a very serviceable Act that our poore endeavours should not be wanting in anything that was needful for the Support of ourselves & posterity hereafter whereby we must confess & often times against our will several enormities have been committed from the day of our first undertakings until the arrival of his excellency the Honorable Coll Henry Sloughter. who now for his Majesties sake, we love & Honour & often times, during our unhappy abode in power longed to see that a periode thereby might be put to such distracted orders, as then were raging all of which some we must Confess on our side hath been committed through Ignorance some through a Jealous fear that disaffected persons would not be true to the present interest of the Crowne of England  p346 some peradventure through misinformation & misconstruction of People's intent & meaning, some through rashness by want of Consideration, & then through passion haste & anger, which According to orders for to declare would take up more time than present can be afforded, however for every such offence. seeing there is no recalling of the same, or possibility of given further Satisfaction, first of the great god of heaven & then afterwards of the several offended persons, we humbly begg pardon & forgiveness, desiring them every one with a Christian Charity in our graves with us to bury all malice, hatred & Envy that therein might be incurred & further before God & the World here we do declare & protest as Dying Sinners that we do not only forgive the greatest & most inveterate of our enemies, but According to that most Excellent patron of our dying Saviour. we say to the God of Justice, father forgive them for they know not what they do & so farre from revenge we do depart this world, that we require and make it our dying supplication to every of our relations & friends & acquaintances, that they should in time to come forever be forgetful of any injury done to us or either of us, so that on both Side, that discord & dessention (which by the devil in the beginning was created) might with our dying sides be buried in oblivion, never more to raise up to the inflamation of future posterity, the Lord grant that the offering up of our blood might be a full satisfaction for all disorders to this present day committed, & that forever after the Spiritt of unity might remaine among our felow brethren continuing upon earth, knowing that in a Strange land it is the divine providence of heaven not our desarts that have so well protected our unhappy province this day all that for our dying comfort we can say, as concerning the point for which we were condemn'd, is to declare as our last words. before that God whom we hope before long to see that our maine end, totall Intent & endeavors to the fullness of that understanding with which we were endowed — who had no other than to maintaine against popery or any Schism or heresy whatever the interest of our Sovereign Lord & Lady that now is & the reformed protestant Churches in those parts, who ever things otherwise Since we have hapined or being misconstructed & Scandalous reports (we at present must confess by divers are thrown upon us) as tho we intended to Support the dying, intrest of the late King James & the Contradiction of which we need not trouble many arguments, being persuaded that every  p347 good protestant of this Country who have been for any time acquainted with our transactions can from his conscience averre the falsehoods & maliciousness of such aspersions, as concerning Major Ingoldesby's coming to demand the Garrison after his arrival, he but in the least produced any Satisfaction of his power to receive the same and discharge us, we would as readily have delivered the fort, as he could demand the same, all of which seeing past & gone is Scarce worthy nothing —

The Lord of his infinite Mercy preserve the King & Queen from all their traytors and deceitfull Enemies, God be merciful unto & bless with peace & unity these their Kingdoms unto which we belong, God preserve this province from greedy outrageous Enemies abroad and Spite full inveterate wretches at home God bless the Governor of this place, God bless the council Assembly & Government now Established that they all may be united to propagate their Majesties interest, the Country's good & the Establishment of Piety, the Lord of Heaven of his infinite mercy less all that wish well to Zion & Convert those that are out of the way, let his mercies likewise administer true Comfort to all that are desolute, grieved & oppressed in misery & necessity or any other affliction, Especially the deplored Souls of that poor family unto which we did formerly belong, our only comfort, in this case, is that God has promised to take care for the Widows and fatherless, recommending them all this dying moment into the hands of one that is able and willing. to save these that seek him desiring them to put their perpetuall confidence in the mercies of one that never faileth, & not to weep for us that are departing to our God but rather to weep for themselves that are here behind us to remain in a State of Misery and Vexation.

Gentlemen you will, I hope all Christian like be Charitable to our poor distressed family that are to remain among you (as long as God please) that you will Join with us in prayer for the preservation of our immortal Soules in a kingdom of never Dying Glory, unto which God of his infinite mercy bring us all Amen Amen.

The Sheriff asking him if he was ready to die, he replied Yes, & lifting up his Eyes he prayed & then said that he had made his peace with God & that death did not scare him, & desired that his Corpse might be delivered to his wife, and declared that he Educated his family as a good Christian & hoping they should  p348 continue, accordinly & he said that you have brought my body to shame, I hope you will not despise my family therefore, I have not much more to say on this world, for we read in the Lords prayer, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass Against us, but hereafter we shall appear before God's Tribunal & there shall we be judged, our Lord Jesus Christ suffered so much in this world, why Should I not suffer a little —

Then to his Son Milborne he said. I must now die, why must you die? You have been but a Servant to us & further he declared I am a dying man & do declare before god & the world that what I have done was for king William & Queen Mary, for the defence of the protestant religion & the Good of the Country & therefore I must die upon which I will receive Gods Judgment, and then he said, when this my skin shall be eaten through, with this my flesh shall I see God, my Eyes shall see him & no stranger, when the Handkerchief was put about his head, he said, I hope these Eyes shall see our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven I am ready. I am ready.

Of Jacob Milborne —

He prayed for the King & Queen the Governor & Council he pardoned the Judge that had condemned him Saying that the Lord would forgive him, he was ready to lay down his terrestral coat, being assured that his heavenly father would cloath him with a new one in the Kingdom of Heaven, then to Mr Levingston he said you have caused the King (that) I must now die, but before gods tribunal I will implead you for the same. then to his father he said we are thoroughly wet with rain, but in a little while we shall be rained through with the Holy Spirit The sheriff asked him whether he would not Bless the King and Queen, he answered it is for the King and Queen I die & the protestant Religion to which I was Borne & Bred, I am ready I am ready. father into thy hands I recommend my soule —

amp; Quaker

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Page updated: 25 Feb 13
