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The Road of the Century

Alvin F. Harlow

Creative Age Press, Inc.,
New York, 1947

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 p430  Bibliography

Among the categories too voluminous to be listed piece by piece are:

Proceedings of mass meetings and conventions to promote railroads.

Prospectuses of proposed railroads.

Surveys, preliminary and final.

Petitions for charters and amendments to charters.

Acts of incorporation.

Boards of directors' reports.

Reports of stockholders' investigating committees.

Reports of state railroad commissions and committees.

Lawsuits, reports of trials, attorneys' speeches, etc.

Circular letters to stockholders.

Statements by railroads to the public.

Proceedings of railroad conventions and association meetings.

Guide books, timetables, advertising pamphlets, etc.

Correspondence and documents, mostly in New York Central offices at New York, Cleveland and Detroit.

Minutes of directors' meetings of 366 corporations, living and dead, which have become a part of the New York Central system, as well as many minutes of stockholders', executive and finance committee meetings, all in the Secretary's office in New York.

Books, Magazine Articles, etc.

Adams, Charles Francis. Chapters on Erie and Other Essays. Boston, 1871.

–––––. Notes on Railroad Accidents. New York, 1879.

–––––. Chapter by, on "The Canal and Railroad Enterprise of Boston," in Justin Winsor's Memorial Library of Boston, Vol. IV, pp111‑150. Boston, 1881.

Andrews, Wayne. The Vanderbilt Legend. New York, 1941.

Anon. History of the St. Charles Air Line in Chicago. Chicago, 1902.

–––––. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad and Representative Employees. Buffalo and Chicago, 1900.

 p431  –––––. The Railroads of Chicago. Chicago, 1872.

–––––. The Vanderbilt System. New York, 1887.

–––––. Triumph of the People and the Law over Rail Road Monopoly; or, History of the Rail Road Difficulties at Erie. By a Member of the Erie Bar. Erie, Pa., 1854.

Bates, James L. Alfred Kelley, His Life and Work. Columbus, O., 1888.

Baxter, W. E. America and the Americans. London, 1855.

Beste, J. Richard. The Wabash. London, 1855.

Bishop, Mrs. Isabella Bird. An Englishwoman in America. London, 1856.

Bliss, George. Historical Memoir of the Western Railroad. Springfield, 1863.

Bloodgood, S. Dewitt. Some Account of the Hudson & Mohawk Rail-Road. Albany, n. d. (1831).

Brown, William H. History of the First Locomotives in America. New York, 1871.

Brunett, Charles H. Conquering the Wilderness. New York, n. d. (1922).

Carman, H. J. The Street Surface Railway Franchises of New York City. New York, 1910.

Cleveland, Frederick A., and Powell, Fred Wilbur. Railroad Promotion and Capitalization in the United States. New York, 1909.

Clews, Henry. Fifty Years in Wall Street. New York, 1908.

Croffut, W. A. The Vanderbilts and the Story of Their Fortune. Chicago and New York, 1886.

Daniels, Winthrop M. American Railroads: Four Phases of Their History. Princeton, 1932.

Depew, Chauncey M. My Memories of Eighty Years. New York, 1922.

–––––. Orations, Addresses and Speeches. New York, 1910.

Dictionary of American Biography.

Dunbar, Seymour. A History of Travel. 4 vols. Indianapolis, 1915.

Duryee, Joseph R. The Story of Samuel and Margaret Sloan. New York, 1927.

Elvin, R. J. Scrapbook. In Indiana State Library.

Faller, John D. The South Pennsylvania Railroad. Typed MS., 1935. New York Public Library.

Ferguson, William. America: By River and Rail. London, 1856.

Fite, Emerson D. "The Canal and the Railroad from 1861 to 1865." Yale Review, Aug., 1906, pp195‑213.

 p432  Flagg, Azariah C. Internal Improvements in the State of New York. New York, 1851.

Flannery, Thomas V. The Story of the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad. Paper before Albany County Historical Society, Jan. 24, 1943. MS. Railroadians of America.

Flint, Henry M. Railroads of the United States: Their History and Statutes. Philadelphia, 1868.

Forbes, John Murray. Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes, edited by Sarah Hughes Forbes. 2 vols. Boston, 1899.

Fowler, W. W. Ten Years in Wall Street. Hartford, 1870.

Grayson, T. J. Leaders and Periods of American Finance. London, 1932.

Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad Transportation: Its History and Its Laws. New York, 1885.

Haney, Lewis Henry. A Congressional History of Railways in the United States. 2 vols. Madison, Wis., 1906, 1910.

Hatch, Rufus. Circular No. 1. Frauds in Railroad Management and Their Remedies. New York, n. d. (1869).

Hepburn Committee. Report of Special Committee on Railroads, to Investigate Alleged Abuses in the Management of Railroads Chartered by the State of New York. Albany, 1880.

Hooper, Osman Castle, "John Brough." Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications, Vol. XII, p40.

Houstoun, Mrs. (M. C. J. F.). Hesperus: or Travels in the West. London, 1850.

Hungerford, Edward. Men and Iron. New York, 1938.

–––––. The Story of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad. New York, 1922.

–––––. The Run of the Twentieth Century. New York, 1930.

Husband, Joseph. Story of the Pullman Car, Chicago, 1917.

Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States. Reports, 1887‑1945.

(James, Thomas H.) Rambles in the United States and Canada, by "Rubio." London, 1847.

Jervis, John B. "The Hudson River Railroad," Hunt's Merchants Magazine, March, 1850, pp278‑289.

Johnson, Emory. American Railway Transportation. New York, 1908.

Kinnear, Wilson Sherman. "The Detroit River Tunnel," American Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions. Vol. LXXIV, pp288‑374. 1911.

 p433  Lane, Wheaton J. Commodore Vanderbilt. New York, 1942.

Laning, P. F. History of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad in Ohio. M.A. thesis, Ohio State University, MS. 1938.

Lewis, John D. Across the Atlantic. London, 1851.

Locomotive, The. Weekly newspaper. Indianapolis, 1845‑60. Indiana State Library.

Mackay, Charles. Life and Liberty in America. London, 1858.

Mackinnon, (Lauchlan) Capt. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches. London, 1852.

Marryat (Frederick), Capt. A Diary in America, 2d Series. 3 vols. London, 1839.

Medbery, J. K. Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. Boston, 1870.

Meeker, J. E. The Work of the Stock Exchange. New York, 1930.

Meyer, Balthasar H., Director. History of Transportation in the United States Before 1860. Washington, 1917.

Munsell, Joel. The Origin and Progress of the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad. N. p., n. d. (Albany, 1875).

Myers, Gustavus. History of the Great American Fortunes. 3 vols. Chicago, 1910.

–––––. History of Public Franchises in New York City. New York, 1900.

New York Central Railroad. Consolidation Agreement. Albany, 1853.

Pearson, Henry Greenleaf. An American Railroad Builder, John Murray Forbes. Boston, 1911.

Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas (Dauphin County). Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, South Pennsylvania Railroad Company, et al., Report of Trial. N. p., n. d. (1886).

Perkins, D. W. Wall Street Panics, 1813‑1930. Utica, N. Y., 1931.

Peters, A. D. Corporate History of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad. MS., n. d., in New York Central files.

Poor, Henry Varnum. History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States. New York, 1860.

–––––. Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States. New York, 1868‑1924.

–––––. Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Internal Improvements of the United States. New York, 1881.

Ringwalt, J. L. Development of Transportation Systems in the United States. Philadelphia, 1888.

Rose, L. S. History of the Peoria & Eastern Railroad. Typed MS., n. p., n. d. Indiana State Library.

 p434  Scrap Books. 5 in office of J. J. O'Mahoney, Secretary NYC, New York, one in office of H. B. Goodwin, Detroit.

Slie, D., Rev. The War of the Gauges, or Railroading at Erie. Cleveland, 1857.

Smith, M. H. Bulls and Bears of New York. Hartford and Chicago, 1875.

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. The New York Stock Exchange. New York, 1905.

Stephens, Frank Walker. The Beginnings of the New York Central System. New York, 1926.

Tanner, H. S. A Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States. New York, 1840.

Taintor, Charles Newhall. The New York Central Railroad and Its Branches. New York, 1867.

Thompson, Slason, Ed. The Railway Library, 7 vols. Chicago, 1909‑15.

Trollope, Anthony. North America. London, 1863.

Local Histories — A Selection


Anon. Combined History of Edwards, Lawrence and Wabash Counties, Ill. Philadelphia, 1883.

–––––. History of Edgar County, Ill. Chicago, 1879.

–––––. Industrial Chicago, 4 vols. Chicago, 1894.

Bateman, Newton, and Selby, Paul. Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. Chicago, 1900.

Chapman, Mrs. P. T. History of Johnson County, Ill. N. p., n. d. (Herrin, 1924).

Dunne, Edward F. Illinois, the Heart of the Nation. 5 vols. Chicago and New York. 1933.

Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois from its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847. New York, 1854.

Goodspeed, Weston A., and Healy, Daniel D., Eds. History of Cook County, Ill. 2 vols. Chicago, 1909.

Hasbrouck, Jacob L. History of McLean County, Ill. Topeka and Indianapolis, 1924.

Jones, Lottie E. History of Vermilion County, Ill. Chicago, 1911.

Perrin, W. H., Ed. History of Alexander, Union and Pulaski Counties, Ill. Chicago, 1883.

–––––. History of Bond and Montgomery Counties, Ill. Chicago, 1882.

 p435  Indiana

Anon. Counties of Warren, Benton, Jasper and Newton, Ind. Chicago, 1883.

–––––. History of Shelby County, Ind. Chicago, 1887.

–––––. History of St. Joseph County, Ind. Chicago, 1880.

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain and Montgomery Counties, Ind. Chicago, 1881.

Blank, Ralph. Early Railroad Building in Indiana. M.A. thesis, MS. Indiana University, Bloomington.

Bradsby, H. C. History of Vigo County, Ind. Chicago, 1891.

Claybaugh, Joseph. History of Clinton County, Ind. Indianapolis, 1913.

Committee of Citizens, A. Centennial History of Shelby County, Ind., from 1822 to 1876. Shelbyville, Ind., 1876.

Cottman, George S. Centennial History and Handbook of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1915.

–––––. "Internal Improvements in Indiana." Indiana Magazine of History, Dec., 1907, pp150‑181.

Dunn, Jacob Piatt. Greater Indianapolis. 2 vols. Chicago, 1910.

Esarey, Logan. History of Indiana from Its Exploration to 1922. Dayton, O., 1923.

Forkner, John L., and Dyson, Byron H. Historical Sketches and Reminiscences of Madison County, Ind. Anderson, Ind., 1897.

Grove, B. R. History of Indianapolis and Madison County, Ind. Philadelphia, 1894.

Helm, T. B. History of Delaware County, Ind. Chicago, 1881.

Holloway, W. R. Indianapolis. Indianapolis, 1870.

Kemper, G. W. H. Twentieth Century History of Delaware County, Ind. 2 vols. Chicago, 1908.

Murphy, Ared Maurice. "The Big Four Railroad in Indiana," Indiana Magazine of History, June-Sept., 1925, pp108‑273.

Weaver, Abraham E. A Standard History of Elkhart County, Ind. Chicago and New York, 1916.


Adams, Mrs. Franc L., Ed. Pioneer History of Ingham County, Mich. Lansing, 1923.

Anon. History of Berrien and Van Buren Counties, Mich. Philadelphia, 1880.

–––––. History of Jackson County, Mich. Chicago, 1881.

–––––. History of Kalamazoo County, Mich. Philadelphia, 1880.

Beakes, Samuel W. Past and Present of Washtenaw County, Mich. Chicago, 1906.

Bonner, Richard I., Ed. Memoirs of Lenawee County, Mich. Madison, Wis., 1909.

 p436  Burton, Clarence M. The City of Detroit, Mich., 1701‑1922. 4 vols. Detroit and Chicago, 1922.

Campbell, James V. Outlines of the Political History of Michigan. Detroit, 1876.

Collin, Henry P. History and Biographical Record of Branch County, Mich. New York and Chicago, 1906.

Durant, Samuel W. History of Ingham and Eaton Counties, Mich. Philadelphia, 1880.

Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Michigan. Detroit, 1884.

Mills, James Cooke. History of Saginaw County, Mich. Saginaw, 1918.

Palmer, Friend. Early Days in Detroit. Detroit, 1906.

Report of the Great Conspiracy Case. The People of the Michigan versus Abel F. Fitch and others, commonly called the Rail Road Conspirators. Detroit, 1851.

Tuttle, Charles Richard. History of the State of Michigan. Detroit, 1874.

Wing, Talcott E. and Charles P. History of Monroe County, Mich. New York, 1890.

New York

Anon. History of Seneca County, N. Y. Philadelphia, 1876.

Bagg, M. M. Memorial History of Utica, N. Y. Syracuse, 1892.

Bruce, Dwight H. Memorial History of Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse, 1891.

Chase, Franklin H. Syracuse and Its Environs: a History. New York and Chicago, 1924.

Chautauqua History Co. Centennial History of Chautauqua County, N. Y. Jamestown, N. Y., 1904.

Clayton, W. W. History of Onondaga County, N. Y. Syracuse, 1878.

Curtis, Gates. Our Country and Its People; a Memorial Record of St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Syracuse, 1894.

Donaldson, Alfred Lee. A History of the Adirondacks. New York, 1921.

Durant, Samuel W., and Pierce, Henry B. History of Jefferson County, N. Y. New York and Philadelphia, 1878.

Ellis, Franklin. History of Columbia County, N. Y. Philadelphia, 1878.

Flick, Alexander C. History of the State of New York. 10 vols. New York, 1933‑37.

Foreman, Edward R. Centennial History of Rochester. 4 vols. Rochester, 1931‑34.

French, J. H. A Gazetteer of the State of New York. Syracuse, 1860.

 p437  Grant, J. Lewis. "Early Modes of Travel and Transportation," Cayuga County Historical Society Collections, No. 7, pp89‑111. Auburn, 1889.

Green, Nelson. History of the Mohawk Valley. 2 vols. Chicago, 1925.

Haddock, John A. The Growth of a Century. Albany, 1895.

Hayner, Rutherford. Troy and Rensselaer County, N. Y. A History. New York and Chicago, 1925.

Hill, Henry Wayland, Ed. Municipality of Buffalo, N. Y. 2 vols. New York and Chicago, 1923.

Hough, Franklin B. History of Jefferson County in the State of New York. Albany and Watertown, 1854.

Howell, George R., and Tenney, Jonathan. History of Albany and Schenectady Counties, N. Y. New York, 1886.

Hungerford, Edward. "When the Railroads First Came to Western New York," Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series. Vol. V, pp97‑111. Rochester, 1926.

Jenkins, Stephen. The Story of the Bronx. New York, 1912.

Landon, Harry F. The North Country. Indianapolis, 1932.

Larned, J. N. History of Buffalo, N. Y. 2 vols. New York, 1911.

McIntosh, W. H. History of Wayne County, N. Y. Philadelphia, 1877.

Munsell, Joel. Annals of Albany. 10 vols. Albany, 1850‑59.

–––––. Collections on the History of Albany. 4 vols. Albany, 1865‑71.

Peck, William F. Semi-Centennial History of the City of Rochester, N. Y. Syracuse, 1884.

Platt, Edmund. The Eagle's History of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, 1905.

Roberts, George S. Old Schenectady, Schenectady, n. d.

Ruttenber, E. M., and Clark, L. H. History of Orange County, N. Y. Philadelphia, 1881.

Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Westchester County, N. Y. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1886.

Smith, H. Perry. History of Buffalo and Erie County. 2 vols. Syracuse, 1884.

Stokes, I. N. Phelps. Iconography of Manhattan Island. 6 vols. New York, 1925‑28.

Storke, Elliott G. History of Cayuga County, N. Y. Syracuse, 1879.

Weise, Arthur James. History of the City of Albany. Albany, 1884.


Aldrich, Lewis Cass. History of Erie County, O. Syracuse, 1889.

Anon. History of Ashtabula County, O. Philadelphia, 1878.

 p438  –––––. History of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, O. Cincinnati, 1894.

–––––. History of Delaware County, O. Chicago, 1880.

–––––. History of Sandusky County, O. Cleveland, 1882.

Bowersox, Charles A. A Standard History of Williams County, O. Chicago and New York, 1920.

Butler, Joseph G., Jr. History of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley. Chicago and New York, 1921.

Fess, Simeon D. Ohio. The History of a Great State. 4 vols. Chicago and New York, 1937.

Ford, Henry B. and Mrs. Kate B. History of Hamilton County, O. Cleveland, 1881.

Graham, A. A., Ed. History of Fairfield and Perry Counties, O. Chicago, 1883.

–––––. History of Richland County, O. Mansfield, O., 1880.

Hill, N. N., Jr. History of Knox County, O. Mt. Vernon, O., 1881.

Hopley, John E. History of Crawford County, O. Chicago, n. d. (1912).

Hover, John C. and Others, Eds. Memoirs of the Miami Valley, Chicago, 1919.

Kennedy, J. H. "Early Railroad Interests of Cleveland." Magazine of Western History. Vol. II, Nos. 6 and 7. Oct.‑Nov., 1885.

Kennedy, James Harrison. A History of the City of Cleveland, 1796‑1896. Cleveland, 1896.

Kennedy, Robert P. Historical Review of Logan County, O. Chicago, 1903.

Killits, John M. Toledo and Lucas County, O. 2 vols. Chicago and Toledo, 1923.

Lee, Alfred E. History of the City of Columbus, O. 2 vols. New York and Chicago, 1892.

Lytle, James R. Twentieth Century History of Delaware County, O. Chicago, 1908.

Meek, Basil. Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, O. Chicago, 1909.

Morris, Charles N. "Internal Improvements in Ohio," American Historical Association Papers, 1889.

Peeke, Hewson L. Centennial History of Erie County, O. 2 vols. N. p., 1925.

Perrin, W. H., and Battle, J. H. History of Logan County and Ohio. Chicago, 1880.

Prince, Benjamin F. A Standard History of Springfield and Clark County, O. Chicago and New York, 1922.

Sanderson, Thomas W., Gen. Twentieth Century History of Youngstown and Mahoning County, O. Chicago, 1907.

Studer, Jacob H. Columbus, Ohio: Its History, Resources and Progress. N. p., 1873.

 p439  U. S. A., Works Progress Administration of Ohio. Annals of Cleveland, 1819‑1935. 59 vols. Cleveland, 1936‑38.

Waggoner, Clark, Ed. History of the City of Toledo and Lucas County, O. New York and Toledo, 1888.

Winter, Nevin Otto. History of Northwest Ohio. Chicago and New York, 1917.

Wittke, Carl F., Ed. History of the State of Ohio. 6 vols. Columbus, 1941‑44.


Anon. History of Erie County, Pa. Chicago, 1884.

Miller, John. A Twentieth Century History of Erie County, Pa. Chicago, 1909.

West Virginia

Laidley, W. S. History of Charleston and Kanawha County, W. Va. Chicago, n. d. (1911).


American Railroad Journal, 1832‑86.

American Railway Review, 1859‑61.

Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 1839‑60.

New York Central Lines Magazine, 1919‑32.

Railroad Age Gazette, 1856‑1908.

Railroad Gazette, 1870‑1908.

Railroadians of America, annual publication.

Railway Age (with change of title), 1876‑date.

Railway and Locomotive Historical Society, Bulletins, 1921‑date.

Railway Chronicle, 1873‑1915.

Railway Times, 1849‑67.

Railway World, 1875‑date.

Daily and weekly newspapers, 1826 to date.

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