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Chapter 48
This webpage reproduces a chapter of
A History of Armenia

by Vahan M. Kurkjian

published by the
Armenian General Benevolent Union of America

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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Chapter 49

 p489  Epilogue

American and British statesmen have considered the defence of the Armenian interests as an issue within the sphere of Russian influence. In fact, the present little Armenia, a Russian territory since 1828, is now one of 16 republics of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, there still exists an Armenian Question, even after the extermination of the Armenians of Turkey. A solution of the problem was offered by the late Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer and philanthropist, who was sent to Armenia as a delegate of the League of Nations.

quarter-century ago, an editorial of the New York Times, Sept. 11, 1931, after commenting on the invitation by Russia to Armenian refugees abroad, supplemental to the sympathetic expression of Lord Bryce and Professor Lushan and, supported by the marvelous progress achieved during a few years, pointed out that "If Turkey would yield to the Armenian Republic the narrow strip of land this side of the Araxes, including Mount Ararat, which is sacred in their history . . . this expansion of her present territory would enable Armenia to give homes to all the refugees who . . . wish to return. Turkey could take no step that would do more to erase the memories of the atrocities of the past and to win the good opinion of the Western world, than to make it possible for Armenians who have now a refuge by leave of other peoples, to have a home in the shadow of their ancient mountain."

The repatriation to Soviet Armenia from various Near Eastern countries of about 100,000 refugees in 1947 should be noticed here. A new movement is now on foot to ask again for a repatriation to the Homeland of Armenians from other areas.

More than one hundred Orientalists whose names appear in this History, place a high estimate on the industrial and cultural service rendered by the Armenian nation. The dispersion of such an element means its ultimate total loss, a grave blow at civilization, both Western and Eastern. It is the duty of the advocates of Human Right and Dignity to fight for the preservation of such treasures. Surely the world owes something to a small nation which for three thousand years has preserved its integrity, and for centuries past made contributions, modest though they may be called, yet large in proportion to the numbers of the people, to the betterment of mankind.

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Page updated: 10 Jan 05
