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This webpage reproduces part of the index to
A History of Armenia

by Vahan M. Kurkjian

published by the
Armenian General Benevolent Union of America

The text is in the public domain.

This page has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though, please let me know!

 p511  Index, C‑G

(direct links to each letter:)

Cabira 70

Cadisho [Dadisho] 157‑158, 160

Caesar [Julius Caesar] 84

Caesarea 30, 70, 116, 120, 125, 202, 331

Caius Caesar [Gaius Caesar, the nephew and heir of Augustus] 88

Caius Flavius Licinius [Gaius Flavius Licinius] 114

Calantar, A 39

Calcutta 469

Cambys [Cambyses] 101

Cappadocia 2, 15, 20, 24, 26, 45, 61, 64, 110

Caracalla 106‑107

Caracashian, M. 22

Carcathiocerta [Argatiokerta, Gargatiokert] 63

Carchemish [Karkemish] 27‑28, 35, 43, 46, 52

Carrière, Auguste 89, 383

Carus 112

Casimir III, King of Poland 467

Caspian Sea 2‑4, 17, 64, 147

Catherine II, Empress [286], 358

Caucasus 18, 22, 50, 58, 72, 148

Cavaignac, Eugene 32

Cdihon 160

Celestine III, Pope 229, 235

Centrites 55, 57‑58

Cerassus (Kirasson) 466

Ceylon [Sri Lanka] 469

Chalcedon (Kadikeuy) 335

Chaldea 10, 14‑15

Chalyb 57, 70

Charles VII [Karl VII], Emperor of Austria 468

Charles VII, King of France 272

Charles Martel 181

Cherubim [Kherubim] 15

China 10, 24, 181, 195

Cilicia 2, 26, 30, 82, 84, 91, 214, 216, 224, 349

Cimmers [Gimirri] 19

Circilius of Pharsalia 21

Clémenceau, Georges 481

Clement III, Pope 232

Clement VII, Pope 272

Cleopatra, Queen of Armenia 74, 77

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 87

Cogh Vassil 219

Coelesyriaº [Coele-Syria] 215

Colchis 58

Commagene [Kummuch] 30, [43], 46, 72, 84

Constans I 124‑125

Constans II 176‑177, 341

Constantin of Erznga 405

Constantine the Great 118, 120‑121, 123, 131

Constantin I, Baron 217

Constantin II 124, 258, 261

Constantin III 259‑260

Constantin IV, King of Armenia 260‑261

Constantin IV, Emperor 260,º 345

Constantin V, Byzantine Emperor 346

Constantin VII (Porphyrogenitus) 191, 463

Constantin X, Monomachus 202, 207

Constantin XI 201

Constantinople 114, 126, 146, 182, 202, 282, 288

Constantius 124, 126

Conybeare F. C. 345

Corbulo, Domitius 92‑93, 95

Coushakian, Torkom 423

Crassus 84‑85

Crete 297

Ctesiphon 87, 98, 106, 112, 124, 137, 141, 146, 154, 334

Cumnias 55

Cumri 55

Cunaxa 55

Cyaxares 53, 100

Cyprus 225

Cyrenaica 103

Cyril, St. 336

Cyropaedia 52

Cyrus 24, 53‑55, 100, 103

Daia Maximinus [Maximinus Daia] 330

Damascus 16, 178, 245

Damissa 63

Daniel (Edessa), Bishop 132

Danube 175

Dardanelles 36

Dardel, Jehan 259, 261, 266, 272

 p512  Darius I 24, 40, 54, 60, 76, 101‑102

Darius III 101

Darmesteter, J. 308

Dashian, H. Fr. 383, 411

David Anhaght ("The Invincible") 384

David Anhoghin 200

David-beg 285

Daylaka River 8

Deghmoud river 148

Demavend Mt. 308

Demeter [Demetr] 305

Demirjian, T. 424

Demirjibashian, Eghia 419

Denikin 474, 483

Den-Shapuh 142, 156

Derbend Gates 140

Der Garabedian, Kegham 415

Der Hagopian, Prof. 482

Derjan 64

Der Movsesian, S. 50

Der Nersessian, Sirarpie 440

Der Sahakian 24

Derxene 64

Deve-Boynou Mt. 3

Diadin 5, 287

Diana [Artemis] 51

Diarbekir [Amida] 39, 43, 125, 205

Dieudonné de Gozon 260

Dilijan 5, 7

Dimaksian, Hmayak 151

Diocletian 114, 116, 120, 331

Diodorus 61, 64

Dionysius, Patriarch 329

Dioscorus, Patriarch of Alexandria 335

Divrik 30

Djivani 404

Dokouz-Khatoun 245

Don James, King 250

Douin [Dovin, Duin, Dvin] 121, 145, 160, 162, 170, 176, 184, 348

Drangiana 10

Dstrik 158

Dudhaliyash [Tudhaliya, Tudhaliyas] 32

[Duluk (Doliche) Mt. 394]

Dupont-Sommer, A. 66

Dussap, Serpouhi 418

Dzaghgouniantz 3

Dzaghgotza-tsor 183

Dzopq 154

Dzovk [Cybistra, Dluke, Doliche, Duluk, Duluke, Dzovk-Sof, Dzovq, Sof] 219, 348, [394]

Ecbatana 75, 87, 466

Edessa [Urfa] 72, 89n, 106, 113[‑114], 132[‑133], [221], [224], 229, 245, [250], [276n], 329, [332], [381]

Egil 63

Egypt 7, 10, 14, 16, 29, 70, 174

Ekeghiatz 29

Ekelisene [Akilisene] 21, 23, 29, 70, 98, 122, 127

Ekmalian, Marcar 445

Elam 10, 17, 114, 135

Elizavetpol [Elizabethpol] 8, 214

Emesa [Homs] 27, 249

Enlil 14

Enver 297

Ephesus [Efiz] 383

Ephrem, Katholikos 358

[Ephrem Syrus (Ephrem the Syrian) 133, 369]

Ephrem, Khan 465

Epiphanes 119

Eran 142

Erato 88

Eregli (Heraclea)º [Heraclea Cybistra] 79

Ereklé II, King of Georgia 286, 464

Erevan [Aravanna, Yerevan] 4, 34, 69, 176, 285, 287, 477

Erez 160

Eriza 301

Ermina 24

Ermitage 66

Erouand 61

Erouandakert 69

Erouandashat 65, 170

Eroukhan 424

Erzerum 3, 21, 44, 57, 64, 96, 170, 177, 287

Erzinga 21

Erzinjan 29

Esarhaddon 17, 46

Essayan, Zabel 423

Esther 103

Etchmiadzin [Echmiadzin, Ejmiatsin] 121, 184, 281, 490

Etruscans 19

Eugenius III, Pope 232, 350

Eumenes 61

 p513  Euphrates 2, 15, 23, 26, 28‑29, 36, 43, 55, 62, 132

Euphrosina, Byzantine Empress 463

Eusebius 89, 114, 120, 329

Eutyches 335

Euxine Sea [Black Sea, Pontus-Euxine] 3‑4, 21‑22, 3‑4, 21‑22, 26, 29, 54, 84, 180, 201, 466

Eylar 8

Ezekiel 19, 30

Eznik 135

Ezr, Katholikos 339

Fars 100

Fath Ali Shah 286

Faustus of Byzantium [Phaustus Puzant, Pavstos Puzantatsi] 132, 312, 317, 378, 380

Fetvadjian, Arshag 425

Filepicus Bardanes [Philippicus Bardanes, Philippikos Bardanes] 461

Firuz [Peroz] 156‑158, 161‑162

Flavianus, Patriarch 335

Forrer, E. 30, 32

Foulques d'Anjou, King of Jerusalem 220

Fourth Armenia 62

Frederick I, "Barbarossa" 229, 353

Frederick II, German Emperor 279

Frederick II of Sicily 257

Frik 404

Gagik-Abas, King of Kars 197, 207

Gagik I 195, 197‑198, 205

Gagik II 201‑203

Galerius 116

Galicia 467

Gamir 19, 30

Gamsaragan, Dikran [Kamsarakan, Tigran] 424

Gand 471

Gandzak 39, 243, 286

Ganuvara 35

Gara-Murza, Christopher 445

Garduchs 23

Gargatiokert [Argatiokerta, Carcathiocerta] 63

Garmirvank [Karmir-vank, Karmir Vanq] 223, 394

Garni [Karni] 12, 95

Garstang, J. 36

Gayaneh 117, 318, 377

Gelkit (Gail-ket) 21

Gelzer, H. 306

Germanicus 90‑91, 348

Germany 50, 291

Ghapantsian, G. 39, 48

Ghazan Khan 253, 280

Ghazar of Sebastia 404

Ghevond the Historian 389

Ghevond Yeretz 143, 145, 149, 156, 373

Ghevondian, A. 446

Ghorghanian, Col. 477, 484

Gibbon 346

Gilgamesh 15‑16, 309, 435

Gimirri [Cimmers] 19

Gimmers 31

Gnel 127

Gnuni [Gnouni] 46

Godfrey de Bouillon [Godefroi de Bouillon] 217‑218

Goetze, A. 33, 36, 41

Gogarene 64, 72

Goghten 131, 134, 382, 441

Golod, Hovhannes 412

Goodell, William 363

Gordianus 110

Gordiene 75‑76, 80, 116

Gorduq Mts. 3

Gorgi VII, King of Georgia 259

Gorigos 263

Goukarq 30, 64, 158, 180, 186, 193, 200, 280

Gourgen-Khatchik 193, 198

Greece 60, 101, 297

Gregory XI, Pope 261‑262

Gregory XIII, Pope 218

Grigor, Magistros 200, 346, 372, 392

Grigor, St. (Gregory the Illuminator) 113, 116, 120, 124, 334

Grigor of Tadev 355

Grigor III, Pahlavouni, Katholikos 347, 349

Grigor IV, Degha, Katholikos 232, 351

Grigor II, Vkayaser 347

Grousset, René 96

Gulesserian, Papken 422

Gulistan (Treaty of) 286

Guras 82

Gurgum 44

 p514  Gurin 19, 30

Gurjian, M. 424

Gute 135, 157

Gutschmid, Alfred von 78

Guy de Lusignan 230, 258

Guzeldagh 215

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Page updated: 24 Feb 05
