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Lincoln Cathedral

A small square surrounded by low brick buildings of the 17th or 18th century, in contrasted sunshine and deep shade: rising out of the background, a very tall Gothic stone church crowned with towers. Behind the scene a thunderstorm is brewing. It is a view of Lincoln cathedral in its urban environment.
The church as seen from Exchequer Gate.

I've never been to Lincoln, but thanks to the twin miracles of a good library and the Internet — really one and the same miracle of people willing to share with others — I have the good fortune to pass on to you a mass of good information on its cathedral, with a number of beautiful engravings and photographs.

[An abstract tracery of tendril-like forms; it serves as my icon for Kendrick's book on Lincoln cathedral.]

[ 149 print pages,
30 b&w photographs, 10 engravings, 7 plans and elevations ]

In 1898, Albert F. Kendrick, noting a need to collect in a single work all the scattered material that existed on the history of the see and the architecture of the church, published The Cathedral Church of Lincoln: with minor revisions to the text and with the best possible photographs for the time, it was reprinted many times in Bell's Cathedral Series.

[A design in the shape of a Gothic arch with a tracery of foliage inside it; it serves as my icon for King's handbook to Lincoln cathedral.]

[ 96 print pages, 15 engravings, 1 plan ]

The minster and the see also found detailed treatment (and meticulous if somewhat cold engravings) in Vol. 3, the Eastern Division of King's Handbook to the Cathedrals of England.

[A stylized griffin (is there any other kind?); it serves as my icon for a photographic tour of Lincoln cathedral.]

[ 6/8/03: 7 pages, about 25 photos (in progress) ]

In The Griffins' photographic tour, we won't cover as much ground, but you'll get 21c color photos rather than 20c b&w or 19c engravings — and in case you're feeling studious, each photo is still linked back to the appropriate section of the books.

The Griffin used as an icon here is lifted from their photo of the 11c baptismal font in the cathedral, of course.

Now these three sites are rather complementary as to the information they contain, and the stock of images in each is certainly quite different; so although they're separate, wherever you find one of these little buttons in the text: link to Kendrick's Cathedral Church of Lincolnlink to King's Handbook to English Cathedralslink to Libbie Griffin's photo tour you can click on it to take you to the corresponding part of one of the others.

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Page updated: 30 Oct 17
