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A region of N Italy: 22,124 square kilometers. 2006 population: 4,188,000. Capital: Bologna. |
A statue of Garibaldi gazes out over the Piazza Pisacane in Cesenatico. |
The Emilia-Romagna is a 9‑province region of Northern Italy, or more accurately a double region, in which Emilia to the W and Romagna to the E account for four and a half provinces each; it is geographically unified by the Po River basin and historically unified by the Via Aemilia, the great Roman road that gave Emilia its name.
I'm hardly an expert on the region, where I've spent something like eight days total, about half of them in the coastal town of Rimini in the far southern fringes of Romagna; but if everyone shared the information we have, the world would be a better place, so here's mine:
Rimini, a place usually thought of as a beach resort, I've always looked upon as a historic Roman town — so most of what I have for you is Roman: the Arch of Augustus where the Via Flaminia comes into town, and Tiberius' great bridge on the other side, where the Via Aemilia leaves it; and a few other sights, some of them on the quirky side. [ 9 pages, 1 schematic map; 12 photos, plus those in my diary ] |
Santarcangelo di Romagna, a mere two hours' walk from Rimini, is a completely different atmosphere: a little medieval outcrop of a hill guarding the plain, and a miniature 18c city at its foot, with a beautiful piazza. [ 1 page, 6 photos, plus those in my diary ] |
Brisighella is a late-medieval town of striking aspect, with castles perched on steep crags overhanging the town, one of the rare places yours truly, a rather spur-of-the-moment traveler, had wanted to see before actually visiting it. It has its churches too. [ 1 page, 7 photos, plus those in my diary ] |
Bologna (2 articles: the modern town; Bononia, the Roman town) Ravenna (2 articles: the town and the Exarchate) |
Of the two sub-regions, Emilia is terra incognita to me, except for a night in Bologna. For Romagna on the other hand, I do expect to put up pages on a few more towns: Cervia, Cesenatico, Faenza, and Savignano sul Rubicone; but for these places, until I churn out the formal webpages, my diary will have to do (May 27 and 29, 2004, some nice photos); and the far more comprehensive sites in the footer bar below.
Images with borders lead to more information.
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Site updated: 4 Dec 17