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Eventually, all the entries on pp1-67 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

 p1  Acca Larentia, ara: see Sepulcrum Accae Larentiae.

Adonaea: the name​1 found on a fragment of the Marble Plan (44) which seems to belong to a large complex of buildings covering an area of about 110 by 90 metres. Its location is not certainly known, though some authors (LR 167‑170; BC 1910, 1‑41; ZA 219‑220) place it at the east angle of the Palatine, in the large area known as Vigna Barberini (see Domus Augustiana). On the other hand, on grounds of material, it appears that the fragment will not fit in at this part of the plan (DAP 2.x1.113‑118); and, if this is so, its site must be considered quite uncertain (HJ 87; Mitt. 1890, 77; 1896, 206).

Adonidis aula: a hall or garden in the Flavian palace in which Domitian is said to have received Apollonius of Tyana, but nothing is known of its character (Philost. vit. Apoll. Tyan. VII.32; HJ 87; Mitt. 1896, 206).

Aedes Tensarum: mentioned in only one inscription, a military diploma (CIL III p845 II); but probably the same building is referred to in another (ib. p1963, XVI: post thesarium veterem). This was on the Capitol and served to house the chariots, tensae (Fest. 364), in which the statues of the gods were carried in procession (Jord. I.2.52; BC 1910, 49‑52). Cf. also Suet. Vesp. 5 ut tensam Iovis optimi maximi e sacrario . . . deduceret.

Aedicula Capraria: mentioned in the Notitia among the monuments of the southern part of Region VII, but otherwise unknown (HJ 459). It may have stood in or near the Vicus Caprarius (q.v.).

Aemiliana: see separate page.

Aeolia: balnea belonging to a certain Lupus, which are mentioned only by Martial (II.14; cf. I.59). The name was perhaps derived from a picture of the island of Aeolus on the wall of the baths, or from its draughts (HJ 502), and in the latter case it may be simply a joke.

 p2  Aequimelium: see separate page.

Aerarium Saturni: see Saturnus, aedes.

(pp2‑3) Aesculapius, aedes: see separate page.

Aesculetum: see separate page.

Ager L. Petilii: property lying sub Ianiculo, but otherwise unknown, where the tomb (q.v.) and books of Numa were said to have been found in 181 B.C. (Cic. de legg. II.56; Liv. XL.29; Val. Max. I.1.12; HJ 626).

Ager Turax: see Campus Tiberinus.

Ager Vaticanus: see Vaticanus ager.

Ager Veranus: the name given in the middle ages (Acta S. Laurentii AA. SS. Aug. 10) to the site occupied by the catacombs of S. Cyriaca and later by the church of S. Lorenzo and the modern cemetery, campo Verano; this district probably took its name from its owner in classical times (PBS III.89).

Agger: see Murus Servii Tullii.

Agonus: according to Festus (254) this was the earlier name of the collis Quirinalis, derived from agere 'to offer sacrifice,' but this was probably simply an invention of the antiquarians (Jord. I.1.180; Walde, Etym. Wörterb. s.v.). Cf. Fest. 10, where an even more absurd suggestion is made, that agonusmons.

Agri Novi: see Campus Esquilinus.

Agrippae templum: see Pantheon.

(pp3‑4) Aius Locutius, ara: see separate page.

Albionarum lucus, a grove somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber, consecrated to the Albionae (Fest. 4: Albiona ager trans Tiberim dicitur a luco Albionarum quo loco bos alba sacrificabatur), who were probably connected with the protection of the fields (RE I.1316; Roscher I.223; HJ 626; Wissowa, Rel. 245).

Almo: the modern Acquataccio, a stream that rises between the via Latina and the via Appia, receives the water of the modern Fosso dell' Acqua Santa (some of which is nowadays derived by a crosscut from the Marrana Mariana: see Aqua Iulia), flows north-west and west for six kilometres and empties into the Tiber about one kilometre south of the porta Ostiensis. It formed the southern boundary of Region I, and in it the ceremony of bathing the image of Cybele took place annually on 27th March (Cic. de nat. deor. III.52; Ov. Met. XIV.329; Fast. IV.337‑340; Lucan I.600; Mart. III.47.2; Stat. Silv. V.1.222; Sil. Ital. VIII.363; Amm. Marcell. XXIII.3.7; Vib. Sequest. 146, Riese; Prudent. Peristeph. X.160; Claudian de Bell. Gild. 120; Gregor. Magn. reg. XIV.14; RE I.1589; T. IX.32, 33, 40).

Alta Semita: see separate page.

 p5  Amicitia, ara: an altar erected in 28 A.D. by order of the senate, dedicated to the amicitia of Tiberius, probably as illustrated in the case of Sejanus (Tac. Ann. IV.74: ita quamquam diversis super rebus consulerentur, aram clementiae, aram amicitiae effigiesque circum Caesaris ac Seiani censuere; cf. Wissowa, Rel. 337). Its site is entirely unknown.

Amphitheatrum: see separate page.

Amphitheatrum Caligulae: see separate page.

(pp5‑6) Amphitheatrum Castrense: see separate page.

(pp6‑11) Amphitheatrum Flavium: see separate page.

Amphitheatrum Neronis: see separate page.

Amphitheatrum Statilii Tauri: see separate page.

Anaglypha Traiani: see Rostra.

(p12) Anio Novus: see separate page.

(p13) Anio Vetus: see separate page.

Anton(in)iana:* this word, in large letters, formed of tiles (CIL VI.29843) was seen in the fifteenth-seventeenth centuries near the Arcus Dolabellae (q.v.), but to what it refers is doubtful (LA 373; JRS 1919, 186). See also Castra Peregrina.

Antoninus, templum: see Divus Marcus, templum.

(p14) Antoninus et Faustina, templum: see separate page.

Antrum (Notitia) or Atrium (Curiosum) Cyclopis: see separate page.

Ἀφροδισιον: Apparently a shrine of Venus on the Palatine, mentioned only once, under date of 193 A.D. (Cass. Dio LXXIV.3.1: τὸν θάλαμον ἐν τῷ Ἀφροδισίῳ τῷ κατὰ τὸ Παλάτιον ὄντι παρεσκεύασεν. It is possible, but not very probable, that the name Venus Palatina, given in jest to L. Crassus (Plin. NH XXXVI.7) may be based on the existence of this shrine (HJ 46; Gilb. III.430).

 p15  Apollinare: a precinct in the prata Flaminia, sacred to Apollo (see Apollo, aedes), where the first temple to this divinity was dedicated in 431 B.C. (Liv. III.63; Jord. II.265; RE I.2842; HJ 535).

(p16) Apollo, aedes: see separate page.

Apollo Argenteus: probably a silver statue of Apollo which seems to have stood on or near the via Triumphalis in the north-west suburbs of the city, for an inscription (CIL VI.2233) found on Monte Mario records a tomb built interius agro Apollinis argentei. Besides ager Apollinis argentei, ab Apolline argenteo occurs on one inscription (CIL VI.29967), and probably on a second (ib. 21861), indicating that the statue had given its name to the district (BC 1913, 54‑57; PBS IX.205‑213). See Bellona Pulvinensis, aedes.

Apollo Caelispex: a monument, undoubtedly a statue, in Region XI, mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue. It probably stood between the forum Boarium and the porta Trigemina.

(pp17‑19) Apollo Palatinus, aedes: see separate page.

Apollo Sandaliarius: a famous statue of Apollo erected by Augustus (Suet. Aug. 57; Notit. Reg. IV; HJ 329) in the Vicus Sandaliarius (q.v.).

Apollo, templum. In the Liber Pontificalis, in the life of S. Peter, we find the following statement: 'sepultus est via Aurelia in templo Apollinis': but this is a misnomer (LPD I.193; HJ 659; PBS IX.212, n. 3).

Apollo Tortor: a shrine (?) somewhere in Rome, probably of Apollo as the flayer of Marsyas (quo cognomine is deus quadam in parte urbis colebatur, Suet. Aug. 70; Rosch. I.449; IV.319 — where the words "dorthin aus Rom verschleppt" show that the author is not aware that S. Eusebio is in Rome — but Hülsen (RhM 1894, 630), who is inclined to accept the information with Apollo Sandaliarius, believes the words quoted to be a gloss), or as the punisher of slaves (Hermes, 1869, 231)

Appiades: a fountain in front of the temple of Venus Genetrix in the forum Iulium. In two passages (Ars Am. I.82; Rem. Am. 660) Ovid speaks of one Appias, and in one passage (Ars Am. III.452) of Appiades, whence it is to be inferred that several statues of Appias, probably a water nymph, surrounded the fountain. Pliny (NH XXXVI.33) states that Asinius Pollio had a statue of the Appiades by Stephanus, and this may have been a copy of that in the forum Iulium. The name has not yet been explained, as the aqua Appia did not extend to this part of the city (RE II.237‑8; Jord. I.2.440).

Aqua Alexandri(a)na: see separate page.

(p21) Aqua Alsietina: see separate page.

Aqua Annia: see separate page.

Aqua Antoniniana: see Aqua Marcia.

Aqua Appia: see separate page.

Aqua Attica: see Aqua Annia.

 p22  Aqua Augusta see separate page.

Aqua Aurelia: see separate page.

Aqua Caerulea: see Aqua Claudia.

Aqua Cernens: see separate page.

Aqua Ciminia: see remarks on Aqua Aurelia.

(p23) Aqua Claudia: see separate page.

Aqua Conclusa: see separate page.

Aqua Damnata: see separate page.

Aqua Drusia: see separate page.

Aqua Herculea: see separate page.

Aqua Iovia: see Aqua Marcia.

(p24) Aqua Iulia: see separate page.

(pp25‑27) Aqua Marcia: see separate page.

Aqua Mercurii: see separate page.

Aqua Pinciana: see separate page.

Aqua Sallustiana: see separate page.

Aqua Severiana: see separate page.

(p28) Aqua Tepula: see separate page.

Aqua Traiana: see separate page.

(p29) Aqua Virgo: see separate page.

Aquae Pensiles: see Aqua Cernens.

 p30  Aquilenses: found only in one inscription (CIL VI.31893), and probably designating those who lived on the vicus Longi Aquilae, a street in Region XIV, mentioned only on the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975).

Ara Ditis: see DIs Pater et Proserpina, ara.

Ara Domitii Ahenobarbi: see Neptunus, aedes.

Aragentisº Iuliae: see Gens Iulia, ara.

Ara Marmorea: known only from two inscriptions that were found near the porta Capena (CIL VI.9403, 10020). Its use in these inscriptions shows that it was used to indicate a locality.

Ara Maxima Herculis: see Herculis Invicti Ara Maxima.

Ara Incendii Neronis: see separate page.

(pp30‑32) Ara Pacis Augustae: see separate page.

Ara Pietatis Augustae: see Pietas Augusta, ara.

Arbor Sancta: a name found only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region II, next to Caput Africae (q.v.)zzz

[. . .]

The Authors' Notes:

1 It is maintained in Ἄγγελος, II.44‑50, that they are garden courts and not connected with the cult of Adonis.

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Page updated: 23 May 20
