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 p214  Aedes Fortunae

Articles on pp214‑219 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Fortuna: a temple dedicated by Trajan to ἡ πάντων Τύχη (Lydus de mens. IV.7), to which offerings were brought on 1st January. Under this name all the special manifestations of Fortuna seem to have been comprised (Rosch. I.1536; RE VII.33).

(p215) Fortuna, Aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna, Ἀποτρόπαιος, ἱερόν: a shrine mentioned only by Plutarch (q. Rom. 74) among those attributed to Servius Tullius. It has been suggested that the Latin equivalent of Ἀποτρόπαιος is Averrunca (Hartung, Rel. d. Römer II.238; RE VII.31; Rosch. I.1513).

Fortuna Brevis (ἱερόν): a temple ascribed by Plutarch to Servius, and otherwise unknown (q. Rom. 74: Διὰ τί μικρᾶς Τύχης ἱερὸν ἱδρύσατο Σερούιος Τούλλιος ὁ βασιλεὺς ἣν 'βρεβεμ' καλοῦσι; then follow varying explanations of this epithet; Rosch. I.1514; RE VII.30).

Fortuna Dubia: see Vicus Fortunae Dubiae.

Fortuna Equestris, aedes: a temple of Fortuna in her relation to the equites, vowed in 180 B.C. by Q. Fulvius Flaccus during his campaign in Spain (Liv. XL.40, 44), and dedicated in 173 (ib. XLII.10), on 13th August (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 106). For the decoration of this temple Fulvius took some of the marble tiles from the temple of Juno Lacinia near Croton, but was ordered by the senate to restore them (Liv. XLII.3; Val. Max. I.1.20). It is referred to under the date of 92 B.C. (Obseq. 53), and possibly of 158 (ib. 16), but it must have been destroyed before 22 A.D. when there was no temple of Fortuna equestris in Rome (Tac. Ann. III.71; cf. BPW 1903, 1648, for arguments to the contrary). This temple was near the theatre of Pompey (Vitr. III.3.2) and is cited by Vitruvius as an example of a systylos, in which the intercolumnar space is equal to twice the diameter of the columns (HJ 487‑488; Becker, Top. 618‑619; Rosch. I.1521; RE VII.33‑34; AR 1909, 76).

Fortuna = Τύχη εὐέλπις: a shrine ascribed to Servius Tullius by Plutarch, who calls it ἱερόν (q. Rom. 74) and βωμός (de fort. Rom. 10). It was on the Vicus Longus on the Quirinal, and seems to have represented the combination of Fortuna and Spes that is so commonly found on coins  p216 (RE VII.41; Rosch. I.1538‑1539 and literature cited). The Latin equivalent of εὐέλπις is not known, nor anything whatever of the history of the structure.

Fortuna huiusce Diei, aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna huiusce Diei: see separate page.

Fortuna Mala, ara: an ancient altar dedicated to Fortuna mala somewhere on the Esquiline (Cic. de nat. deor. III.63; de leg. II.28; Plin. NH II.16; HJ 260; RE VII.30; Rosch. I.1513).

(p217) Fortunae (tres), aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna Mammosa: a shrine or altar in Region XII (Not.), evidently on the Vicus Fortunae Mammosae (q.v.), probably between the porta Capena and the baths of Caracalla. This manifestation of the goddess may have borne some resemblance to the Ephesian Diana (Pr. Reg. 196; Myth. II.187; Rosch. I.1520; HJ 197).

Thayer's Note: The following italicized article is not in Platner. I've repaired the oversight.

Fortuna Muliebris: A confusing name applied to a shrine of unknown location, or at the 4th mile of the Via Latina according to some; the name has also been used for other buildings. Citations of the ancient sources are collected in a note in the Loeb Classical Library edition of Plutarch's Fortuna Romanorum.

Fortuna, templum novum: a temple in Region VII (Not., Cur. om.), but otherwise unknown (HJ 465; Jord. II.7‑8).

Fortuna Obsequens (ἱερόν): a shrine somewhere in Region I (cf. Vicus Fortunae Obsequentis), ascribed to Servius Tullius by Plutarch (de fort. Rom. 10: καὶ τὸ τῆς Ὀψεκουέντις, ἣν οἱ μὲν πειθήνιον, οἱ δὲ μειλίχιον εἶναι νομίζουσι; q. Rom. 74: οὐ γὰρ μόνον Τύχης . . . μειλιχίας . . . ἱερὰ κατεσκεύασεν; Rosch. I.1512; RE VII.31).

Fortuna Primigenia (ἱερόν): a temple of Fortuna, the first-born daughter of Jupiter, on the Capitol, ascribed by tradition to Servius Tullius (Plut.  p218  q. Rom. 74: πρωτογενεία; de fort. Rom. 10: τὸ τῆς Πριμιγενείας λεγομένης ὃ πρωτογόνον τις ἂν ἑρμηνεύσειε; CIL XIV.2852 = Carm. epig. 249; Clemens Alex. protrept. IV.51 (?)). It was probably in the area Capitolina (Jord. I.2.64; Becker, Top. 404‑405; Rosch. I.1518; RE VII.29; WR 261). See also Fortunae (Tres), aedes.

Fortuna Privata (Τύχη ἰδία): a temple of Fortuna in relation to the individual as distinguished from Fortuna Publica (q.v.). It was on the Palatine, and was ascribed by tradition to Servius Tullius (Plut. de fort. Rom. 10; q. Rom. 74; HJ 46; RE VII.30; Rosch. I.1518).

Fortuna Redux, templum: see separate page.

Fortuna Redux, ara: see separate page.

Fortuna Respiciens (νεώς Dio, ἱερόν Plutarch): a temple of Fortuna on the Esquiline, ascribed by tradition to Servius Tullius (Plut. q. Rom. 74; de fort. Rom. 10, where the epithet is ἐπιστρεφομένη; Cass. Dio XLII.26, where it is stated that the epithet is οὐκ εὐαφήγητον). Nothing more is known of this temple and its site is uncertain (HJ 260; Rosch. I.1513; RE VII.31).

Fortuna Respiciens: a shrine of some sort on the Palatine (Not. Reg. X) which evidently gave its name to the vicus Fortunae Respicientis of the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975), but is otherwise unknown (HJ 104; Rosch. I.1513; RE VII.31).

Fortuna Restitutrix: see Castra Praetoria (p108).

 p219  Fortuna Seiani, aedes: a temple of Fortuna built by Nero within the precincts of the domus Aurea (Plin. NH XXXVI.163: Nerone principe in Cappadocia repertus est lapis duritia marmoris . . . hoc construxerat aedem Fortunae quam Seiani appellant a Servio rege sacratam, amplexus area domo). Cassius Dio (LVIII.7) states that Sejanus had in his own house the statue of Fortuna set up by Servius Tullius, probably in the temple of Fortuna in the Forum Boarium (q.v.), that was covered with two togas (Plin. NH VIII.197: Servii Tullii praetextae quibus signum Fortunae ab eo dicatae coopertum erat, duravere ad Seiani exitum), and Nero may have erected this temple to house this statue, but this is mere conjecture (Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 260; HJ XXII; Rosch. I.1510‑1511 and literature cited; BC 1914, 366).

Fortuna Stata: a shrine of some sort known only from an inscription (CIL VI.761) that records its dedication in 112 A.D. by the magistri of the Vicus Sandaliarius (q.v.) in Region IV.

Fortuna Tulliana: probably one of the several temples of Fortuna ascribed by tradition to Servius Tullius, which for some reason was marked out by the epithet Tulliana (Rosch. I.1521). It is known only from one inscription found near the porta Flaminia (CIL VI.8706: aedituus aedis Fortunae Tullianae), and no identification is more than conjectural, although that with Fors Fortuna seems not unlikely.

Fortuna Virgo (ἱερόν): a temple of Τύχη παρθένος said to have been built by Servius Tullius (Plut. q. Rom. 74: παρὰ δὲ τὴν Μουσκῶσαν καλουμένην κρήνην; de fort. Rom. 10; cf. Fons Muscosus). It may be referred to by Varro (ap. Non. 189: virginis Fortunae (i.e. signum), and it is possible that it may be the ancient temple of Fortuna in the forum Boarium (WR 257; Rosch. I.1519; RE VII.19).

Fortuna Virilis* (ἱερόν, ἕδος): a temple of Τύχη ἄρρην (undoubtedly the Greek of Fortuna Virilis), ascribed to Servius Tullius (q. Rom. 74; de fort. Rom. 10; cf. Fast. Praen. ad Kal. Apr., CIL I2 p235). The site of the temple is unknown, and its actual existence has been called in question​1 (Rosch. I.1518; RE VII.22). The name has been very generally (but wrongly) applied to the temple of Mater Matuta (q.v.).

Fortuna Viscata (ἱερόν): a temple of Τύχη ἰξευτηρία (q. Rom. 74: ἣν βισκᾶταν ὀνομάζουσι ὡς πόρρωθεν ἡμῶν ἁλισκομένων ὑπ’ αὐτῆς καὶ προσισχομένων τοῖς πράγμασιν; de fort. Rom. 10), ascribed to Servius Tullius. Its site is uncertain, but it may have been on the Palatine (HJ 46). For discussion of the epithet, see CR 1903, 421; RE VII.35; Rosch. I.1515).

[ Fortunium: see Portunium. ]

The Authors' Note:

1 Wissowa in Gött. Gel. Anz. 1904, 559; ZA 247; but see WR 258.

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Page updated: 7 May 17