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 p254  Templum Herculis Invicti

Article on p254 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Hercules Invictus (Fast. Allif. cit.), Victor (al., Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 106), aedes: a temple of Hercules near the porta Trigemina (ad portam Trigeminam, Macrob. III.6.10; Serv. Aen. VIII.363). Its day of dedication was 13th August (Fast. Allif. ad Id. Aug., CIL I2 p217, 325; Fast. Ant. cit.). It was probably close to the altar of Iuppiter Inventor (q.v.), which Hercules was said to have built after slaying Cacus (Dionys. I.32). Whether this was the temple built by the merchant Marcus Octavius Herrenus​1 (Masurius Sabinus ap.  Macrob. III.6.11; cf. Serv. Aen. VIII.363; Panegyr. Maxim. 13), and whether it is alluded to on a coin of Antoninus Pius (Froehner, Med. p56; Cohen, Anton. 454; Rosch. I.2289; Jord. I.2.484) is entirely uncertain. (For this temple and the considerable literature relating thereto, see Rosch. I.2903, 2905, 2916‑2917; DAP 2.vi.144; Altm. 32; RE VIII.554, 556, 557, 558, 560; WR 275). Another coin (Cohen, Anton. 213) has a strong claim to represent the temple and the altar of Iuppiter; the former has eight columns, and so has a coin of Maximian (Boll. Mus. Civ. Padova, 1910, 131; Gnecchi Medaglioni, II.128.5; Boll. Ass. Arch. Rom. V (1915) 109 sqq. (esp. 126‑129), where the temple built by Herrenus is identified with that of Hercules Victor in the forum Boarium).

The Authors' Note:

1 The form Hersennus is preferred by Wissowa. He is to be identified with one Octavius Hersennus, who wrote a work 'de sacris saliaribus Tiburtium' (Macrob. III.12.7), and it was probably at Tibur that he built the temple (WR 278).

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Page updated: 22 Feb 08
