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 p308  Aedes Juventatis

Articles on pp308‑309 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Iuventas, aedes: a temple of Iuventas (Hebe) vowed by M. Livius Salinator on the day of the battle of the Metaurus in 207 B.C., begun by him when censor in 204, and dedicated by C. Licinius Lucullus in 193 (Liv. XXXVI.36.5‑6). It was burned in 16 B.C. (Cass. Dio LIV.19.7: τὸ τῆς Ηεότητος μέγαρον) and restored by Augustus (Mon. Anc. IV.8 = Grk. X.12: ναὸς Ηεότητος). It is possible that in later times the Roman youth on assuming the toga virilis made their offerings in this temple, although this custom was assigned by Lucius Piso to Servius Tullius (Dionys. IV.15.5), and the early offerings were made at the shrine of Iuventas on the Capitol. This temple was 'in circo Maximo' (Liv. loc. cit.) and near that of Summanus (Plin. NH XXIX.57), therefore probably on the Aventine side, towards the west end of the circus (HJ 119; Rosch. II.765; Gilb. III.93; WR 136).

Iuventas, aedicula (βωμός, Dionys.): a shrine within the cella of Minerva in the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (Plin. NH XXXV.108; Dionys. III.69). According to tradition Iuventas, as well as Terminus, had refused to allow her cult, already established there, to be removed from its site when the temple of Jupiter was built, and therefore it was preserved within that structure (Liv. V.54.7; Flor. I.1.7; Dionys. loc. cit.; Aug. de civ. dei IV.23). The introduction of Iuventas into this legend  p309 is, however, of later date than that of Terminus. In early times the offering made by Roman youths on assuming the toga virilis (Plin. NH XXIX.57) was probably made in this shrine, a custom afterwards transferred to the temple of Iuventas (q.v.) in the circus Maximus (Jord. I.2.91; Rosch. II.764; III.2156; WR 135; Gilb. II.422; RE III.1532; X.1360‑1).

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