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 p389  Aedes Pietatis

Articles on pp389‑390 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Pietas, aedes: a temple in circo Flaminio, mentioned in the list of prodigia of 91 B.C., when it was struck by lightning (Obseq. 54; Cic. de div. I.98; cf. de leg. II.28). Its day of dedication was 1st December  p390 (Fast. Amit. ad Kal. Dec., CIL I2 p245, 335‑336). Nothing further is known of it (HJ 551; WR 332; Rosch. III.2501; Gilb. III.95).

Pietas, aedes: (templum, Plin.): a temple in the forum Holitorium, vowed by M'. Acilius Glabrio in the battle of Thermopylae in 191 B.C., and begun by him, but dedicated in 181 by his son of the same name, who was appointed duumvir for the purpose (Liv. XL.34.4; Val. Max. II.5.1; cf. Cic. de leg. II.28). Mancini conjectures that a fragmentary entry: . . .]tati in Fast. Ant. (ap. NS 1921, 117), under 13th November, should be referred to this temple. It contained a gilded statue of the elder Glabrio, the first of its kind in Rome (locc. citt.). This temple stood at the east end of the area afterwards occupied by the theatre of Marcellus, and was destroyed by Caesar in 44 B.C. when he began preparations for the erection of that building (Plin. NH VII.121, who is mistaken in his date of the building of the temple; Cass. Dio XLIII.49.3; cf. Delbrueck, Die Drei Tempel am Forum Holitorium in Rom, Rome 1903, 6, for an erroneous theory).​1 With this temple was afterwards connected the Greek story of the daughter who supported her imprisoned father with milk from her own breasts (Fest. 209; Val. Max. V.4.7; cf. Mitt. 1901, 351; 1904, 259‑263; 1905, 188‑192, for a Pompeian fresco and epigram). Possibly the Columna Lactaria (q.v.) in the forum Holitorium may have caused the localisation of this legend in the temple (HJ 510; WR 331, 332; Rosch. III.2500‑2501; Gilb. III.94).

The Authors' Note:

1 Cf., however, Hellenistische Bauten II.43, where he accepts the conclusions of Wissowa in Gött. Gel. Anz. 1904, 560, 561.

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Page updated: 22 Aug 12
