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Aedes Veneris

Articles on pp551‑555 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Venus, aedes: a temple, evidently near the forum, of which nothing whatever is known except that it was totally destroyed by fire in 178 B.C. (Obseq. 8 (62): M. Iunio A. Manlio coss. incendio circa forum cum plurima esset deusta aedes Veneris sine ullo vestigio cremata).

Venus Calva, templum: see separate page.

Venus Cloacina: see Cloacina, sacrum.

(p552) Venus Erucina, aedes: see separate page.

Venus Felix, aedes: the existence of this temple is indicated by an inscription found in the Villa Altieri (CIL VI.781 = 30831, a dedication to Venus Felix; cf. ibid. 782, Veneri Felici sacrum Sallustia Helpidus d(onum) d(edit), which may point to the site of the temple having been near the Horti Sallustiani; and see also 8710: P. Aelius Aug. lib. Epaphus aedituus Veneris Felicis). This temple may possibly have been built by Sulla (WR 291), but nothing is known of it.

Venus Genetrix: see Forum Iulium.

Venus Hortorum Sallustianorum, aedes: a temple in the Horti Sallustiani (q.v.) which is mentioned in three inscriptions (CIL VI.122, 32451, 32468: ex hortis Sall.). It is probable that this is only a late name for the temple of Venus Erucina (q.v.) which lay within the limits of these gardens (HJ 260; WR 289), but the attempts to identify it with any ruins that have been found have proved unsuccessful (BC 1888, 3‑11; 1914, 397; Mitt. 1889, 270‑274; 1892, 313; Mél. 1891, 167‑170).

Venus in Palatio: see Ἀφροδίσιον.

Venus (Libitina), templum: a temple of Venus with whom Libitina had been identified, in the Lucus Libitinae (q.v.) on the Esquiline. The date of its erection is not known, but its day of dedication was 19th August, the Vinalia rustica (Fest. 265; Plut. q. Rom. 23: θησαυρὸν τῆς Ἀφροδίτης; HJ 260; WR 289; Rosch. II.2034‑2035).

Venus Obsequens, aedes: see separate page.

(p553‑554) Venus et Roma, templum: see separate page.

(p555) Venus Verticordia, aedes: see separate page.

Venus Victrix: see separate page.

The Authors' Notes:

1 It is noticeable that another tessera (ib. 498) mentions a locality on the extreme north of the city, Ad nucem (q.v.); cf. HJ add. p. xxi.

2 It is here proposed to identify the temple with that represented on one of the Aurelian reliefs on the Arch of Constantine; but see Fortuna Redux, templum.

Thayer's Note:

a This webpage includes all the entries in Platner & Ashby for temples and shrines of Venus. For the "shrine of Venus" (τὴν καλιάδα τοῦ Ἄρεως) mentioned by Plutarch (Camil. 32), see the brief article Curia Saliorum. The discrepancy seems to be accounted for by loose writing on Plutarch's part, since the Salii were priests of Venus (see the article Salii in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities).

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Page updated: 22 Jan 18
