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Aqua Tepula: * an aqueduct constructed in 125 B.C. (Plin. NH XXXVI.121 wrongly says that it was repaired by Q. Marcius Rex; Frontinus, de aquis I.4, 8, 9, 18, 19; II.67‑69, 82, 125; Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545, 546). It was restored with the rest by Augustus in 11‑4 B.C. Its springs were two miles to the right of the tenth mile of the via Latina,• where a tepid spring, the Acqua Preziosa, still exists (PBS V.222); but no remains of its original channel have ever been found. In 33 B.C. Agrippa mixed its water with that of the aqua Iulia; and from that time onwards its channel entered the city on the arches of the Aqua Marcia (q.v.). In Frontinus' time its intake was considered as beginning from the reservoir of the aqua Iulia, where it received 190 quinariae, then p28 92 from the Marcia, and 163 from the Anio Novus at the horti Epaphroditiani, making 445 quinariae in all, or 18,647 cubic metres in 24 hours. See LA 293‑314; LR 52, 53.
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