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 p81  Basilicae Marcianae et Matidiae

Article on p81 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Basilica Marcianae }
Basilica Matidiae:

mentioned in Reg. as in Region IX and in Pol. Silv. (545). These halls were undoubtedly near the Templum Matidiae (q.v.), and from the evidence of a medallion of Hadrian (Eckhel VI p472; Gnecchi II p5, No. 25, pl. 39, No. 5) they seem to have stood on each side of the area in front (north) of this temple, a little back from the east and west sides of the present Piazza Capranica; while the domed building known as Tempio di Siepe in the seventeenth century may have had a corresponding building opposite to it, each standing at the north end of one of these two basilicas, as Hülsen supposes. It cannot have given its name to the church of S. Stefano de Trullo, which was near the Hadrianeum (LS I.132; HCh 485; BC 1883, 5‑16; Mitt. 1899, 141‑153; HJ 575; Hülsen in OJ 1912, 136‑142; RA 134).

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Page updated: 16 Jul 07
