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 p87  C

Collecting all the entries on pp87-147 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Caca, sacellum: a shrine of Caca mentioned twice in extant literature (Serv. ad Aen. VIII.190: hunc (Cacum) soror sua eiusdem nominis prodidit; unde etiam sacellum meruit in quo ei per virgines Vestae sacrificabatur (vulg.), ei pervigili igne sicut Vestae (F) = Mythog. Vatic. II.153; III.13; Lact. Inst. I.20.36: colitur et Caca quae Herculi fecit indicium de furto boum). It is supposed to have stood on the south-west corner of the Palatine near the Scalae Caci (q.v.), but no trace of it has been found. For a discussion of Caca and the topographical questions involved, see Rosch. I.842‑843; RE III.1164; WR 144; De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani II.524‑525; University of Michigan Studies IV.234; Mitt. 1895, 163; Gilb. I.51.

Caci Scalae: see Scalae Caci.

Cacum: another name for the forum Boarium, if the reading of the Cosmographia (Geogr. Lat. Min. ed. Riese, 83) is accepted (Jord. I.2.482; RE III.1165; Pr. Reg. 153 and HJ 40, in loc.). It may simply be an abbreviation of vicus Caci (Eranos 1923, 126‑129).

Caelimontium: see separate page.

Caelimontienses: see above.

Caeliolus or Caeliolum: a part of the Caelian hill (Varro, LL V.46), appearing as Caeliculus or Caeliculum in Cicero (de Har. Resp. 32), and probably the Caelius minor of Martial (XII.18.6). The vicus Capitis Africae, the modern via Claudia, seems to have divided the hill into two sections, and the smaller, eastern, section was presumably the  p88 Caeliolus. This is now marked by the church of SS. Quattro Coronati (Gilb. II.32; HJ 223; BC 1914, 353; Eranos, 1923, 55).

(p89) Caelius Mons: see separate page.

Caesares Septem: found on an inscription at Praeneste (CIL XIV.2886), but presumably indicating the district in Rome from which came a certain L. Domitius Agathemerus, a freedman of the pantomimist Paris, and a coactor argentarius (FUR p62, and frg. 107). Another inscription found at Reate (CIL IX.4680) means a 'vinarius a septem Caesaribus.' The name is doubtless taken from a street or shop sign.

Calcarienses: see Vicus Pulverarius.

Camellenses: found in the same inscriptions as Caelimontienses (CIL VI.31893, 31899), and referring probably to some district on the Caelian (DE II.39; cf. Jord. II.406, 457; BC 1891, 354).

(p90) Camenae: see separate page.

Camenarum Aedes, Aedicula: see Camenae.

Campus Agrippae: see separate page.

Campus Boarius: see separate page.

Campus Bruttianus: see separate page.

Campus Caelemontanus (sic): see separate page.

Campus Codetanus: see Codeta.

Campus Cohortium Praetoriarum: see separate page.

(p91) Campus Esquilinus: see separate page.

Campus Flaminius: see separate page.

Campus Iovis: see separate page.

Campus Ignifer: see Tarentum.

Campus Lanatarius: see separate page.

(pp92‑94) Campus Martius: see separate page.

Campus Martialis: see separate page.

Campus Minor: see separate page.

(p95) Campus Neronis: see separate page.

Campus Octavius: see separate page.

Campus Pecuarius: see separate page.

Campus Sceleratus: see separate page.

Campus Tiberinus: see separate page.

Campus Vaticanus: see Vaticanus (2).

Campus Viminalis: see separate page.

Canalis: the channel of the Cloaca Maxima (q.v.) in the forum before it was covered over (Plaut. Curc. 476; Fest. 45).

Capita Bubula, ad: the birthplace of Augustus on the Palatine (Suet. Aug. 5) — near the Curiae Veteres (Serv. Aen. VIII.361), and therefore probably on the north-east — which probably took its name from some monument or building decorated with bulls' heads. See Vicus Bublarius.

(pp96‑98) Capitolinus Mons: see separate page.

Capitolium Vetus: see separate page.

Capralia: apparently a popular designation for the district around the Caprae palus (Fest. 65).

Caprae Palus (Capreae, Ov. Fast. II.491): the pool or swamp in the campus Martius where Romulus is said to have been snatched from the sight of the Romans and carried up to heaven (Liv. I.16.1; Flor. I.1; Solin. I.20; et al.). It is called Αἰγὸς ἕλος by Greek writers (Plut. Rom. 27; Numa 2; Camil. 33; Zonar. VII.4), and probably extended from the lowest part of the campus Martius, the site of the Pantheon, towards the Tiber, although its actual limits cannot now be determined (HJ 473‑4), and it should perhaps be placed nearer the Aedicula Capraria and Vicus Caprarius (Eranos, 1923, 120‑122). De Rossi's attempt (BC 1883, 254‑258) to place it near the via Nomentana is certainly mistaken (PBS III.44).

(p99) Caput Africae: see separate page.

Caput Gorgonis: mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region XIV. It is possible that it was the name of a street leading from the river to the ancient grove and shrine of Furrina (q.v.) (Mitt. 1907, 250). We may note that Plutarch calls the grove ἄλσος Ἐριννύων (C. Gracch. 17).

Caput Tauri: see Forum Tauri.

(p100) Carcer: see separate page.

Carinae: see separate page.

Carmalus: see Cermalus.

(p101) Carmentis: see separate page.

(p102) Casa Romuli: see separate page.

(pp103‑105) Castor, aedes: see separate page.

Castor, aedes, templum: see separate page.

Castra Equitum Singularium: see separate page.

Castra Font(anorum): see separate page.

Castra Lecticariorum: see separate page.

Castra Misenatium: see separate page.

(p106) Castra Peregrina: see separate page.

(p107‑108) Castra Praetoria: see separate page.

Castra Ravennatium: see separate page.

Castra Silicariorum, Castra Tabellariorum, Castra Victimariorum: see separate page.

Castra (Urbana): see separate page.

 p109  Catabulum: probably a sort of warehouse and depot on the via Lata, opposite the Saepta and near the church of S. Marcello, which was a station of the cursus publicus, and where certain goods subject to import duty (anabolicae species, Hist. Aug. Aurel. 45) were received and unpacked (HJ 462; Mitt. 1896, 320‑1; LPD I.164, 166; LP XXXI.3; Acta SS. 16 Jan. p369; HCh 308; RE III.1782, s.v. Catabolenses; cf. Domus Lucinae.

Cati Fons: a spring on the western slope of the Quirinal, near the porta Salutaris, from which the Petronia amnis flowed down into Caprae palus. It took its name from a certain Catus (Fest. 45), and is perhaps the present Acqua di S. Felice (HJ 402; LA 24), which rises in the courtyard of the royal palace.

Catialis Collis: a part of the Quirinal hill, named from a certain Catus (Placidus 29, Deuerl.) who is evidently identical with the Catus of the Cati fons.

Cella Nigriniana: a warehouse of some kind, known only from one inscription (CIL VI.31065) that was found on the site of the Palazzo Antonelli, on the west slope of the Quirinal. Several other similar warehouses of the early empire stood here and were destroyed by the building of the thermae Constantinianae (HJ 419).

Cella Soliaris: see Thermae Antoninianae.

Cellae Vinariae nova et Arruntiana: a wine warehouse (CIL VI.8826) on the right bank of the Tiber that was excavated when the garden of the Villa Farnesina was reduced in size for the new embankment. It was just north of the line of the Aurelian wall and was buried beneath its glacis. It was a rectangular structure, resembling the horrea, of which the first story consisted of vaulted store-rooms and the second of a complex of courts surrounded by long porticoes (NS 1878, 66; 1879, 15, 40, 68; 1880, 127‑142; 1884, 238; BC 1927, 46).

Centum Gradus: a flight of one hundred steps leading up to the Capitol, near the Tarpeian rock, at the south-west corner of the hill (Tac. Hist. III.71; BC 1914, 90; Festschrift f. Kiepert 222; Pais, Ancient Legends 111).

(p110) Ceres Liber Liberaque, aedes: see separate page.

Ceres Mater et Ops Augusta, ara: see separate page.

 p111  Cermalus: the original name of the western and north-western part of the Palatine hill (v. Palatium), towards the Velabrum and vicus Tuscus (Varro, LL V.54; Plut. Rom. 3), which was one of the montes of the Septimontium (Fest. 341, 348). The name continued in use during the early empire (Cic. ad Att. IV.3.3; Liv. XXXIII.26; Plut. loc. cit.; cf. Clem. Alex. Strom. I.21.109.3: Κάρμαλον),​a but it may have been limited at that time to a street, perhaps the Cermalus min(or or -usculus) of an inscription (CIL VI.33920; cf. Eranos 1923, 54).

Ceroliensis | Ceroniensis: two variants of the same word, found only in a correspond passage in Varro (LL V.47). The adjective form used here with locus points to a substantive Cerolia or Cerniae, which may also have been in use. This was the name of the valley between the Caelian hill and the Carinae, partly occupied afterwards by the Colosseum (HJ 221; Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 245; Jord. II.245‑246).

Chalcidicum: see separate page.

Cicinenses: found in one inscription (CIL VI.9103 = 31895). It is to be connected with Sicininum (q.v.), and was in the vicinity of S. Maria Maggiore. See Hülsen in Geogr. Jahrb. 1911, 192.

Ciconiae Nixae: see separate page.

Cimbrum: see Nymphaeum.

Cincia: the site of the monumentum Cinciorum (Fest. 57), i.e. the tomb of the Cincii, and perhaps their house also. Elsewhere (Fest. 262) the site of this tomb is called Statuae Cinciae, and identified with that of the porta Romanula of the ancient Palatine settlement.

(pp112‑113) Circus Flaminius: see separate page.

(p114) Circus Gai et Neronis: see separate page.

Circus Hadriani: see Naumachia Vaticana.

(pp115‑120) Circus Maximus: see separate page.

Circus Mecinus: a corruption in Varro (LL V.153) for circus Maximus.

Circus Vaticanus: see Circus Gai et Neronis.

Cispius Mons: see separate page.

(p121) Claudius, Divus, templum: see separate page.

Clementia, ara: an altar erected in 28 A.D. by the senate to the clementia of Tiberius (Tac. Ann. IV.74; cf. Amicitia, ara), of which nothing more is known (RE IV.20; WR 335).

Clementia Caesaris, aedes: * a temple erected in 44 B.C. to Clementia and Caesar, in which the two were represented holding each other by the right hand (Cass. Dio XLIV.6: ναὸν αὐτῷ τῇ <τ᾽> Ἐπιεικείᾳ αὐτοῦ; App. B. C. II.106: κοινὸν (ναὸν) αὐτοῦ καὶ Ἐπιεικείας ἀλλήλους δεξιουμένων; Plut. Caes. 57: τῆς Ἐπιεικείας ἱερόν). This temple is probably represented on a coin of Sepullius Macer as tetrastyle (Cohen, Caes. 44 = Babelon II.29, No. 52 = BM Rep. I.549, 4176, 4177; cf. RE IV.20; WR 278). Its site is not known.

Clitellae: mentioned only once (Fest. 59)clitellae dicuntur . . . locus Romae propter similitudinem et in via Flaminia loca quaedam devexa subinde et accliva (cf. English 'saddle'). The nearest portion of the via Flaminia which can be described as up- and downhill is close to Castelnuovo di Porto (JRS 1921, 151‑154).

(p122) Clivus Argentarius: see separate page.

Clivus Bassilli: see separate page.

(p123) Clivus Capitolinus: see separate page.

Clivus Capsarius: see separate page.

Clivus Cosconius: see separate page.

Clivus Delphini: see separate page.

Clivus Mamuri: see separate page.

(p124) Clivus Martis: see separate page.

Clivus Orbius (Urbius): see separate page.

Clivus Palatinus: see separate page.

Clivus Patrici: see separate page.

Clivus Publicius: see separate page.

Clivus Pullius: see separate page.

Clivus Rutarius: see separate page.

(p125) Clivus Sacer: see separate page.

Clivus Salutis: see separate page.

Clivus Scauri: see separate page.

Clivus Suburanus: see separate page.

(p126) Clivus Triarius: see separate page.

Clivus Victoriae: see separate page.

Cliviusº Urbius: see Clivus Urbius.

(p127) Cloaca Maxima: see separate page.

(p128) Cloacina, sacrum: see separate page.

Codeta: see separate page.

Codeta Minor: see separate page.

(pp129‑130) Cohortium Vigilum Stationes: see separate page.

Collis Hortulorum: see Pincius Mons.

Colosseum: see Amphitheatrum Flavium.

(p131) Colossus Neronis: see separate page.

Columna Antonini Pii: see separate page.

Columna Bellica: a small column standing in an open area beside the temple of Bellona in the campus Martius. A soldier of Pyrrhus had been forced to buy this spot of ground in order that it might represent foreign soil, and the column represented a boundary stone over which the fetial cast his spear when war was to be declared in due form against a foreign foe (Ov. Fast. VI.205‑9; Serv. Aen. IX.52; Fest. 33; Placidus 14 (Deuerl.)). This act is said to have been performed as late as the time of Marcus Aurelius (Cass. Dio LXXI.33).

Columna Lactaria: a column in the forum holitorium, mentioned only by Festus (118), who says that it was so called quod ibi infantes lacte alendos deferebant (cf. also Aedes Pietatis in foro Holitorio). Its base may have been adorned with reliefs which suggested or bore out its name (Eranos, 1923, 38‑40; cf. HJ 510).

Columna Maenia: a column erected in 338 B.C. in honour of C. Maenius, the victor in the naval battle at Antium (Plin. NH XXXIV.20), which stood near the basilica Porcia and the Carcer (Plin. NH VII.212; Cic. div. in Caec. 50; pro Sest. 18 and schol. Bob. ad loc.; Plut. Cato min. 5). Another tradition, probably false, attributed the column to a later  p132 Maenius who, when he sold his house to Cato the Censor to make room for the basilica Porcia, reserved one column that he might use it as a support for the platform from which to view the games in the forum (Asc. in Cic. div. in Caec. 50, p120, Or.; Porphyr. ad Hor. Sat. I.1.3.21; BC 1914, 106). This column was standing in the fourth century (Sym. Ep. V.54.3; Jord. I.2.345; Mitt. 1893, 84, 92; O'Connor, Bull. Univ. Wisconsin III.188‑192; Gilb. III.212‑213; DR 469, 470).

(p133) Columna M. Aurelii Antonini: see separate page.

Columna Minucia: see separate page.

(p134) Columna Phocae: see separate page.

Columna Rostrata (M. Aemilii Paulli): see separate page.

Columna Rostrata Augusti: see separate page.

Columna Rostrata C. Duilii: see separate page.

Columna Traiani: see Forum Traiani.

(pp135‑137) Comitium: see separate page.

Compitum Acilii: see separate page.

Compitum Aliarium: see separate page.

Compitum Fabricium: see separate page.

(p138) Concordia, aedes: see separate page.

Concordia, aedicula: see separate page.

Concordia, aedes:º see separate page.

Concordia Nova: see separate page.

(pp139‑140) Concordia, aedes, templum: see separate page.

Consentes Dei (Porticus): see Porticus Deorum Consentium.

(p141) Consus, ara: see separate page.

Consus, aedes: see separate page.

Coraria Septimiana: mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue in Region XIV, and probably the headquarters of the organised tanners of Rome (cf. Iuv. XIV.203). Three inscriptions (CIL VI.1117, 1118, 1682) relating to the corpus corariorum have been found in the neighbourhood of the Ponte Rotto, and in 1899‑90º the remains of a large tannery were found beneath S. Cecilia (NS 1900, 12‑14), with six vats like those at Pompeii (Mau, Pompeii, 46; HJ 638; RE IV.1227; cf. Domus Caeciliorum).

Corneta: a place between the Sacra via and the Macellum, north of the forum, where there had been a grove of cornel trees (Varro, LL V.146, 152). According to the probable emendation of a passage in Placidus (25, Deuerl.) this site was afterwards occupied by the temple of Peace (HJ 1; RE IV.1602; contrast JP 1872, 567).

Corniscae: a grove or shrine on the return of the Tiber, dedicated to the Corniscae, the sacred crows in the service of Juno. Fest. 64: Corniscarum divarum locus (lucus, Dac.) erat trans Tiberim cornicibus dicatus quod in Iunonis tutela esse putabantur; CIL I2.975 = VI.96 (= 30691): devas Corniscas sacrum on a terminal cippus found in Trastevere. (Cf. I2.976 = VI.30858: Coronicei T. Terentius donom mereto dedet — Mitt. 1895, 63). Nothing more is known of this cult centre (HJ 626; RE IV.1633; WR 189; Rosch. I.930).

In Catull. 25.5, it has been proposed to read cum Diva Mulier alites (Ellis, aries, noting that the passage is corrupt) ostendit oscitantes, and to refer it to this cult (Mnemos. 1909, 322).1

(p142) Crypta Balbi: see separate page.

Curia Acculeia: see separate page.

Curia Athletarum: see separate page.

Curia Calabra: see separate page.

(p143) Curia Hostilia: see separate page.

(pp144‑146) Curia Julia: see separate page.

Curiae Novae: see separate page.

Curia Octaviae: see separate page.

Curia in Palatio: see separate page.

Curia Pompei: see separate page.

(p147) Curia Pompiliana: see separate page.

Curia Saliorum: see separate page.

Curia Tifata: see Tifata Curia.

Curiae Veteres: see separate page.

Cybele, tholus: see Magna Mater.

The Authors' Note:

1 CGL V.14.23 has uaeios, without any attempt at emendation.

Thayer's Note:

a The English translation linked to (from the late‑19c Ante-Nicene Christian Library) has "the Carmentale" — a nonsensical translation of the Greek text, which reads

ἐῶ δὲ τὴν Αἰγυπτίαν καὶ τὴν Ἰταλήν, ἣ τὸ ἐν Ῥώμῃ Κάρμαλον ᾤκησεν, ἧς υἱὸς Εὔ ανδρος ὁ τὸ ἐν Ῥώμῃ τοῦ Πανὸς ἱερὸν τὸ Λουπέρκιον καλούμενον κτίσας.

There was no "Carmentale"; the translator leapt at their reminiscence of the Porta Carmentalis, a gate, q.v.

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