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Capitolium Vetus

 p98  Article on p98 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Capitolium Vetus: the name given in historical times to a shrine of the Capitoline triad, Juppiter, Juno, and Minerva, on the Quirinal, which was older than that on the Capitoline (Varro, LL V.158). It stood on the northern edge of the hill, just north-west of the present Ministero della Guerra ( Mart. V.22; VII.73; Not. Reg. VII), where dedicatory inscriptions belonging to it have been found (CIL I2.726‑9 = VI.30925‑9;​1 cf. p3034; HJ 395, 411; RhM 1894, 408; BC 1889, 300; RE III.1540; Rosch. II.653).

The Authors' Notes:

1 VI.30928 (with 30921, 30923) = I2.732 may belong either to this locality or to the Capitol proper.

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