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 p137  Compita

Collecting all the individual compitum entries on p137 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Compitum Acilii: probably the intersection of the Vicus Cuprius (q.v.)1 and another street that ran north-east, up and across the Carinae. This compitum is mentioned twice. Near it was the Tigillum Sororium (Hemerol. Arv. ad Kal. Oct. = CIL VI.32482), and a shop that was bought by state for Archagathus, the first Greek physician who came to Rome, in 229 B.C. (Plin. NH XXIX.12; cf. Mommsen, Münzwesen 632).

Compitum Aliarium:2 the intersection of two or more streets of unknown location, which is mentioned only in four inscriptions (CIL VI.4476, 9971, 33157; BC 1913, 81).

Compitum Fabricium: evidently the intersection of the vicus Fabricius (CIL VI.975) and some other street, where there was also a lacus. It was near the Curiae Novae (q.v.: Fest. 174), and very probably on the western slope of the Caelian hill. It is said to have received its name (Placidus 45, Deuerl.) from the fact that a house was given to Fabricius at this point ob reciperatos de hostibus captivos). The Fabricius referred to is probably the ambassador to Pyrrhus in 278 B.C. (cf. Cic. Brut. 55). The vicus Fabricii is known only from the Capitoline Base, where it is the last street in Regio I (RE VI.1930; HJ 201).

The Authors' Notes:

1 Two churches, S. Maria and S. Nicholas, which lay between these streets, were called 'inter duo' or 'inter duas' (HCh 340, 394).

2 There seems to be no warrant for the form Alliarum (Thes. Ling. Lat.). The derivation is from alium (garlic).

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Page updated: 22 Feb 08
