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 p148  D

Collecting all the entries on pp148-198 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Dea Carna, sacrum: (templum, Macrob.): a temple of Dea Carna (quae vitalibus, i.e. humanis, praeest) said to have been vowed by L. Junius Brutus on 1st June in the first year of the republic, and dedicated by him some time afterwards (Macrob. Sat. I.12.31‑32). It was on the Caelian, and seems to have been standing in the third century (Tert. ad nat. II.9; RE III.1598; Rosch. I.854; WR 236; Gilb. II.19‑22).

Dea Naenia, sacellum: a shrine of Naenia, the goddess of lamentation for the dead, which stood outside the porta Viminalis but is otherwise unknown (Fest. 161, 163: Neniae deae sacellum extra portam Viminalem fuerat dedicatum; HJ 373; WR 236; Rosch. III.2).

Dea Satriana, lucus: the grove of a deity of the gens Satria, known only from an inscription now lost which was said to have been found near S. Peter's (CIL VI.114 = 30695; Rosch. IV.425).

(p149) Dea Suria, templum: see separate page.

Dea Viriplaca: a shrine on the Palatine, known only from one reference (Val. Max. II.1.6: quotiens vero inter virum et uxorem aliquid  p149 iurgii intercesserat in sacellum deae Viriplacae quod est in Palatio veniebant).

Decem Tabernae: a locality, perhaps a street, in Region VI, mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue. The name is also said to have occurred on an inscription that was to be seen in the sixteenth century (Albertini, Mirabilia Urbis Romae, f. D III ed. 1510; f. 8, ed. 1523).​1 It is marked on Bufalini's plan of the city, and was probably on the Viminal, near the churches of S. Lorenzo in Panisperna and S. Agata dei Goti (HJ 374; Mitt. 1892, 307; RhM 1894, 417; BC 1914, 367; Eranos, 1924, 88‑90).

Decennenses: a name found on an inscription (CIL VI.31893) of c. 370 A.D., applied to those who dwelt in the Decennium or Decenniae. This was the swampy depression south-west of the Lateran, outside the Aurelian wall, through which the Marrana​2 flows. Decennium is a conjectural form; Decenniae appears in mediaeval documents (cf. Jord. II.318; HJ 220; BC 1891, 343, 355‑6; RE IV.2267).

Dei Consentes: see Porticus Deorum Consentium.

Diaetae Mammaeae: apartments constructed by the Emperor Alexander Severus on the Palatine for his mother, Mammaea, and popularly known as ad Mammam(s) (vit. Alex. 26; RE V.306). V. Domaszewski, however, regards them as a mere invention (SHA 1916.7 A, 13).

Diana: see separate page.

(p150) Diana, aedes: see separate page.

Diana, sacellum: see separate page.

(p151) Dianium: see separate page.

Diana, shrine of (supposed): see separate page.

Diribitorium: see separate page.

Dis Pater, aedes: a temple in Region XI which is mentioned only in Not. (not in Cur.). It is probably the Aedes Summani (q.v.), as Summanus was explained in the third and fourth century as Summus Manium, and so identified with Dis Pater (WR 135; HJ 119; Gilb. III.436; Rosch. IV.1601). Cf. also Elagabalus, templum.

(p152) Dis Pater et Proserpina, Ara: see separate page.

Dius Fidius: see Semo Sancus.

(p153) Divorum Templum: see separate page.

Divorum, aedes: see separate page.

(p154) Doliola: see separate page.

Dolocenum: see Iuppiter Dolichenus.

(pp155‑198) Domus . . . : see separate page.

Duo Aedes: a locality, probably a street, mentioned only in Not. as in Region IX (Eranos, 1924, 88‑90).

Duodecim Portae: (1) Mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue in Region XI, and probably by Obsequens (77 : mula ad d. p. peperit). It was probably the name of the open space or street at the west end of the circus Maximus, derived from the twelve carceres of the circus. (2) Possibly a popular designation of some opening in the Servian wall (Plin. NH III.66), but no satisfactory explanation of this passage has been given (Jord. I.1.203; II.86‑88; Mitt. 1897, 157; Mél. 1909, 132 sq.).

Duas Domos, ad: the name applied to the church of S. Susanna on the Quirinal, under which remains of a house of the third century A.D. have been found (Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 70‑74).

Duos Amantes, ad: a locality mentioned in the life of S. Silvester (LP XXXIV.3), so that the name probably goes back to classical times. A church of S. Salvatore ad duos amantes occurs in various documents of the eleventh century, and may be identical with S. Salvatore de Camiliano (HCh 433, 601) to the west of the Saepta.

The Authors' Notes:

1 The 1515 edition follows the paging of that of 1510. In all three the phrase used is 'ut in tiburtinis lapidibus noviter effossis apparet.' Marliani gives the same information (Topographia, ed. 1534, lib. V c. 18, p116); but he improved on it in his second edition, and wrote 'decem tabernae fuere in valle D. Agathae aedi subiectae, ut ex inscriptione marmoris ibidem effossi didicimus' (id. ed. 1544, lib. IV c. 20, p86). Whether this is a mistake or a correction is uncertain (Hülsen, etc., S. Agata dei Goti (Rome, 1923), 10).

2 This stream, which is fed by the springs of the Aqua Julia (q.v.), was brought to Rome by Calixtus II in 1122 (LA 325‑327); see also Circus Maximus.

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