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 p205  F

The entries on pp205-245 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Fagutal: see separate page.

(p206) Faunus, aedes: see separate page.

Fausta Felicitas: see separate page.

Faustinae Aedicula: the name frequently, but without sufficient reason, given to a small shrine, of which the remains are visible between the temples of Vespasian and Concord at the foot of the Capitoline. It was built at the same time as the temple of Vespasian (q.v.), for its left wall rests on the foundations of the temple, which were made to project for that purpose. The building was 4.10 metres wide and 2.50 deep, and the marks of its vaulted roof are visible on the front wall of the Tabularium. The purpose of the structure is unknown, but in it was found a marble base dedicated to Faustina by the viatores quaestorii ab aerario Saturni, who may have used it for a schola (Mitt. 1893, 284‑285; Théd. 160, 362; HC 93; DR 203‑205).

Febris, templum: see separate page.

Fecunditas, templum: a temple voted by the senate in 63 A.D. on the occasion of the birth of the daughter of Nero and Poppaea (Tac. Ann. XV.23). It is possible that there is a reference to offerings made to Fecunditas at this time in the Acta of the Arval Brethren (CIL VI.2043.ii.9). There is no certainty whatever that this temple was ever built, although this is frequently assumed (Rosch. I.1471‑1472; RE  p207 VI.2098; Gilb. III.136; WR 336), in fact the contrary is far more probable, as the child died within four months.

Felicitas (sacellum, ara?): see separate page.

Felicitas (ναὸς Εὐτυχίας): see separate page.

Felicitas, aedes: see separate page.

Felicitas in Capitolio: see separate page.

Feronia, Lucus in Campo Martio: see separate page.

Ficus Navia: a fig tree in the Comitium, near the steps of the curia and the statue of Attus Naevius (Fest. 169; Dionys. III.71: ἱερὰ συκή). It was said to have been the tree beneath which the wolf suckled the twins, Romulus and Remus, and to have been miraculously transported to the Comitium by the power of the augur Naevius (Plin. NH XV.77;  p208  Tac. Ann. XIII.58). It was surrounded by a bronze grating (Conon, Narr. 48: ἐρινεὸς ἱερά), and thereby marked a spot that had been struck by lightning (Plin. loc. cit.: sacra fulguribus ibi conditis). It was regarded as a symbol of Rome's power, and any sign of withering as an unfavourable omen which must be averted by the priests (Plin. loc. cit.; Fest. 169). This happened in 58 A.D., according to Tacitus (loc. cit.), who calls the tree ruminalis arbor (see below), and says that it had sheltered the twins 840 years before. The probable explanation of this tree on the Comitium is, that it had grown in a spot which had been struck by lightning and therefore was left unpaved and sacred; and, as this spot was close to the statue of Naevius, the legend had developed that the augur had brought it over from the Lupercal (Jord. I.2.264, 356‑7; RE VI.2147‑8).

Ficus, Olea, Vitis: a fig tree, olive tree, and vine, that stood in the middle of the forum, near the lacus Curtius in the time of Pliny (NH XV.78). The fig tree is represented on the reliefs, and with the vine and olive may perhaps have grown in an open space about 4 metres square (where the Statua Marsyae (q.v.) also stood), between the inscription of Naevius and the reliefs, where there are no traces of pavement (RE VI.2148; Hülsen, Forum, Nachtrag 15‑19; HC 150). See Rostra.

Ficus Ruminalis: see separate page.

(p209) Fides, Aedes: see separate page.

Fides, templum: see separate page.

Figlinae (in figlinis): a district on the Esquiline hill, just inside the Servian wall, so named from its potteries (Varro, LL V.50; cf. Fest. 344; Jord. II.255).

Flora, aedes: a temple of Flora, built by the aediles Lucius and Marcus Publicius, in 240​1 or 238 B.C. (cf. BM Rep. I.469, n. 3); restored by Augustus, in part at least, and dedicated by Tiberius in 17 A.D. (Tac. Ann. II.49); and probably again restored in the fourth century by the younger Symmachus (Anth. Lat. IV.112‑114). It stood on the slope of the  p210 Aventine at the west end of the circus Maximus (Fast. Allif. ad Id. Aug.; cf. CIL XV.7172), probably on the Clivus Publicius (q.v.), which was built by the same aediles (HJ 118; RE VI.2748; Merlin 95, 30; cf. Ad To(n)sores).

Flora, templum: a temple of Flora on the slope of the Quirinal (Varro, LL V.158; Mart. V.22.4; VI.27; Vitr. VII.9.4), undoubtedly on the site previously occupied by an altar that was said to have been erected by Titus Titius to the Sabine Flora (Varro, LL V.74). Nothing is known of the date of erection of this temple, or of its history, except that it was standing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. VI). The site is not certain, but we are told that a clivus led up to the Capitolium Vetus (q.v.) from it, and that it was not far from the temple of Quirinus. It is claimed that two sites conform to the statement, one outside the Servian wall at the foot of the Quirinal, near the Piazza Barberini, and the other just below the Capitolium vetus, between it and the street ad Malum Punicum, the modern Via delle Quattro Fontane (HJ 412; RE VI.2747).

Fontus or Fons: an altar of the god Fontus or Fons on the Janiculum (Cic. de leg. II.56), near the burial place of Numa. Its exact site is, of course, unknown (HJ 624; RE VI.2839; Rosch. I.1497; WR 221; Walde, Etym. Wört. s.v. Fons; Pais, Fasti Triumph. II.478).

Fons Apollinis: see separate page.

Fons Camenarum: see Camenae.

Fons Cati: see Cati Fons.

Fons, Delubrum: see separate page.

Fons Iuturnae: see Lacus Iuturnae.

Fons Lollianus: see separate page.

Fons Muscosus: see separate page.

(p211) Fons Pal . . .: see separate page.

Fons Scaurianus: see separate page.

Fornix Augusti: see separate page.

Fornix Calpurnius: see separate page.

(p212) Fornix Fabianus or Fabiorum: see separate page.

Fornix Scipionis: see separate page.

Fornix Stertinii: see separate page.

Fornices Stertinii: see separate page.

(pp213‑214) Fors Fortuna, fanum: see separate page.

Fortuna: see separate page.

(p215) Fortuna, Aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna, Ἀποτρόπαιος, ἱερόν: see separate page.

Fortuna Brevis (ἱερόν): see separate page.

Fortuna Dubia: see separate page.

Fortuna Equestris: see separate page.

(p216) Fortuna = εὐέλπις: see separate page.

Fortuna huiusce Diei, aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna huiusce Diei: see separate page.

Fortuna Mala, ara: see separate page.

(p217) Fortunae (tres), aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna Mammosa: see separate page.

Fortuna, templum novum: see separate page.

Fortuna Obsequens (ἱερόν): see separate page.

(p218) Fortuna Primigenia (ἱερόν): see separate page.

Fortuna Privata (Τύχη ἰδία): see separate page.

Fortuna Redux, templum: see separate page.

Fortuna Redux, ara: see separate page.

Fortuna Respiciens (νεώς Dio, ἱερόν Plutarch): see separate page.

Fortuna Respiciens: see separate page.

Fortuna Restitutrix: see Castra Praetoria (p108).

(p219) Fortuna Seiani, aedes: see separate page.

Fortuna Stata see separate page.

Fortuna Tulliana: see separate page.

Fortuna Virgo (ἱερόν): see separate page.

Fortuna Virilis (ἱερόν, ἕδος): see separate page.

Fortuna Viscata (ἱερόν): see separate page.

Fortunium: see Portunium.

Forum Ahenobarbi: see separate page.

(p220) Forum Aproniani: see separate page.

(pp221‑223) Forum Augusti: see separate page.

(p224) Forum Boarium: see separate page.

Forum Caesaris: see Forum Iulium.

Forum Coquinum: see separate page.

Forum Cuppedinis: see separate page.

(p225) Forum Esquilinum: see separate page.

Forum Gallorum: see separate page.

Forum Graecorum: see Graecostadium.

Forum Holitorium: see separate page.

(pp226‑227) Forum Iulium: see separate page.

Forum Martis: see Forum Augustum.

(pp228‑229) Forum Nervae: see separate page.

Forum Pacis: see Templum Pacis.

Forum (Palatinum?): see separate page.

Forum Palladium: see Forum Nervae.

Forum Pervium: see Forum Nervae.

(p230) Forum Petronii Maximi: see separate page.

Forum Piscarium: see separate page.

Forum Pistorum: see separate page.

(pp231‑236) Forum Romanum s. Magnum see separate page.

(p237) Forum Rusticorum: see separate page.

Forum Suarium: see separate page.

Forum Tauri: see separate page.

(pp238‑245) Forum Traiani: see separate page.

Forum Transitorium: see Forum Nervae.

Forum Ulpium: see Forum Traiani.

Forum Vespasiani: see Templum Pacis.

Forum Vinarium: see separate page.

Fossae Quiritium: see Cloaca Maxima.

Fregellae: a quarter in Rome inhabited by Fregellans (Fest. 91), perhaps the survivors of the destruction of Fregellae in 124 B.C.

Frigianum: see Templum Magnae Matris in Vaticano.

A Furca: found on one inscription: Iulius casarus a furca (CIL VI.9238); apparently a district of the city.

Furrina: see Lucus Furrinae.

The Authors' Note:

1 So Vell. I.14.8 (acc. to CIL and HJ 118; WR makes it 241); Plin. NH XVIII.286 is the authority for the later date. The date of foundation is given as 28th April by Fast. Praen. (while Fast. Allif. (13th Aug.) refers to a restoration; see CIL I2 p325) and the Floralia lasted from that date till 3rd May.

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Page updated: 26 Aug 12
