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 p207  Sacella Felicitatis

Articles on p207 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Felicitas (sacellum, ara?): see Theatrum Pompei and Genius Populi Romani.

Felicitas (ναὸς Εὐτυχίας): a temple planned by Caesar in 44 B.C., just before his assassination, and built by M. Aemilius Lepidus on part of the site previously occupied by the Curia Hostilia (q.v.) of Faustus Sulla (Cass. Dio XLIV.5.2). Nothing whatever is known of the later history of this temple (WR 266; RE VI.2164; Rosch. I.1473; Jord I.2.253; DE III.43‑44).

Felicitas, Aedes: a temple erected by L. Licinius Lucullus from booty taken during his campaign in Spain in 150‑151 B.C., and dedicated by him after 146 (Strabo VIII.6.23, p381 (ἱερόν); Cass. Dio, frg. 76.2 (Τυχαῖον; cf. L.10.2)). For the embellishment of this temple L. Mummius presented Lucullus with works of art that he had brought from Greece, and certain statues of the Muses by Praxiteles from Thespiae which stood in front of the temple (Cic. Verr. IV.4, 126; Plin. NH XXXIV.69; XXXVI.39). It was in front of this temple that Caesar broke the axle of his chariot when celebrating his triumph in 46 B.C. (Cass. Dio XLIII.21), and it therefore lay on the line of the triumphal procession. In describing this accident Suetonius (Caes. 37) says, 'Velabrum praetervehens,' but we know no other details as to its site (Jord. I.2.486; DAP 2.vi.262; Gilb. III.106, 107; RE VI.2163; Rosch. I.1473). It was burned early in the reign of Claudius and apparently not rebuilt. Pais (Fasti Triumph. II.481) wrongly maintains that it stood close to the first-mentioned temple (see Velabrum for the misinterpretation on which this theory rests).

Felicitas in Capitolio: The mention in Fast. Ant. (CIL I2 p331; cf. 339 and Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 100) may refer to an otherwise unknown shrine on the Capitol. See Genius Populi Romani.

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