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 p218  Fortuna Redux

Article on p218 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Fortuna Redux, templum: a temple built by Domitian in the campus Martius after his triumphal entry into Rome in 93 A.D. after the war in Germany (Mart. VIII.65; Claudian. de sext. cons. Honor. 1). It may be represented on a coin of 174 A.D. and on a relief of the same period on the arch of Constantine (Cohen, M. Aurel. 3; PBS III.259‑262), and if so, it was probably near the present Piazza di Venezia (HJ 501; RE VII.38; Rosch. I.1526; for an erroneous theory that this temple was the ara Fortunae reducis of Augustus, see BC 1908, 122‑124). See Arcus Domitiani (1).

Fortuna Redux, ara: an altar erected by the senate in 19 B.C. near the porta Capena, in honour of the return of Augustus from the east, when he entered the city, 12th October (Mon. Anc. ii.29, Greek version, vi.7: βωμὸν Τύχης Σωτήριου; Fast. Amit. ad IV Id. Oct. et ad XVIII Kal. Ian.; Fast. Cum. ad XVIII Kal. Ian.; Prop. IV.3.71; Cass. Dio LIV.10: Τύχῃ τε Ἑπαναγώγῳ βωμόν). At this altar the Augustalia were celebrated by pontiffs and Vestals (Mommsen, RGDA2 46‑47; CIL I2 p331‑332). The altar itself was dedicated on 15th December (see Fasti above) and is represented on several coins (Babelon II.412, Rustia 3; Cohen, August. 102‑108, 513; BM Rep. II.34.4440‑4; 77.4580, Aug.2, 358‑361). An aedituus Fortunae reducis (CIL VI.8705) can hardly have belonged to this altar (HJ 204; Rosch. I.1525‑1526; RE VII.37; BC 1908, 121‑122).

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Page updated: 22 May 20
