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 p250  H

The entries on pp250‑273 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Divus Hadrianus templum, Hadrianeum: see separate page.

 p251  Hecatostylon: a porticus of one hundred columns (Mart. II.14.9; III.19.1) represented on a fragment (31) of the Marble Plan as a row of columns on each side of a long wall running along the north side of the porticus Pompei, of which it may have formed a part. It was burned in 247 A.D. (Hier. a. Abr. 2263). For possible remains of this building see LS III.123; cf. HJ 532; RE VII.2590. Hülsen's comparison of it with the so‑called Poikile at Hadrian's villa is illuminating. From Martial we learn that the plane grove which surrounded it was adorned with bronze statues of wild beasts (ferae), including that of a bear: the correlative is the locality known as Mansuetae (q.v.). Cf. Eranos 1923, 49.

Heliogabalium: see Elagabali Templum.

Hercules, templum: a temple of Hercules outside the porta Collina, to which Hannibal advanced when he marched against Rome in 211 B.C. (Liv. XXVI.10.3: Hannibal . . . ad portam Collinam usque ad Herculis templum est progressus). Nothing further is known of this temple, for the two inscriptions (CIL VI.284, 30899 (= I2.981)), sometimes referred to it, were found one and two kilometres from the porta Collina (HJ 416; Mitt. 1891, 114; RE VIII.578‑579; Rosch. I.2922; DE III.704).1

Hercules, templum (?): on the site afterwards occupied by the Teatro Apollo near Ponte S. Angelo. Here remains of a small round temple (?) with two capitals in the form of a lion's skin were found (BC 1892, 175; PT 155; HF 1282, 1283 — a third capital is in the Vatican, Gall. Candelabri 100) and a beautiful altar of the Augustan period, decorated with bucrania and plane leaves (BC 1891, 45‑46; NS 1892, 110‑111; Mitt. 1892, 322‑325; HJ 600‑601; HF 1465; PT 252; SSculpt 69; SScR 50, 51; for the use of plane leaves in connection with Hercules, see Mitt. 1889, 89 sqq; HF 405; JRS 1922, 242). An architrave with lib . . . scratched upon it was also found, and led to the erroneous supposition that the temple was dedicated to Bacchus.

Hercules Cubans: a monument on the right bank of the Tiber, mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue (Not. Reg. XIV), which may have been either a statue or a shrine of some kind. In 1889, within the limits of the Horti Caesaris (q.v.), just south of the Trastevere station, a shrine was discovered cut in the tufa rock and dedicated to Hercules, who is represented as reclining at table; together with seven heads of charioteers, and with two inscriptions recording a dedication by L. Domitius Permissus (CIL VI.30891, 30892). To this another inscription (VI.332) may perhaps belong, and the shrine is now generally identified with the Hercules Cubans (HJ 644; NS 1889, 243‑247; BC 1890, 9; Mitt. 1891, 149; 1892, 331; 1897, 67‑70; RE VIII.588‑589; Rosch. I.2962; PT 234).

(p252) Hercules Custos, aedes: see separate page.

Hercules Fundan(i)us, templum: a temple of Hercules which is believed by some (Hülsen, Nomenclator; Richter 290) to have been in Rome (cf. Lacus Fundani), because of an inscription (CIL VI.311: Herculi  p253 Fundanio (sic) Ti. Claudius Habitus libens votum solvit) which is reported to have been found in the city. Others (RE VIII.585; Rosch. I.3007) place it in Fundi (cf. Hercules Tiburtinus).º The literary references (Hist. Aug. Tac. 17.2: vinum quo libaturus Tacitus fuerat in templo Herculis Fundani subito purpureum factum est, taken (SHA 1917, 7 A, 13) from Porphyr. ad Hor. Ep. I.1.4: Veian<i>us nobilis gladiator post multas palmas consecratis Herculi Fundano armis suis in agellum se contulit) can be explained on either hypothesis, but it seems reasonable to assume a shrine in Rome.

(p254) Hercules Invicti Ara Maxima: see separate page.

Hercules Invictus: see separate page.

(p255) Hercules Musarum, aedes: see separate page.

Hercules Olivarius: a monument of Hercules in Region XI (Not.), which may have been either a shrine or a statue​2 (cf. Hercules Cubans). Some evidence for the latter view is a marble base found near the round temple in the forum Boarium, with an inscription (CIL VI.33936: [Hercules invictus. . . . .]o Olivarius opus Scopae minoris; NS 1895, 459; Mitt. 1896, 99‑102; 1897, 56‑70; BC 1897, 55; 1917, 184). The epithet olivarius may well indicate the presence in that district of dealers in oil who regarded Hercules as their tutelary deity (HJ 145‑146; DAP 2.vi.261; RE VIII.580; Rosch. I.1960, for literature and other explanations).

(p256) Hercules Pompeianus, aedes: see separate page.

Hercules Primigenius: apparently a shrine or altar of Hercules, which was also used as an indication of locality, if we may accept that interpretation of two inscriptions (CIL VI.7655: Sex. Clodius Sex. l. Amoenus eborarius ab Hercule Primigenio; 9645: P. Saenius P. Ↄ. l. Arsaces monestrator. ab Hercul. Primig.; cf. Bull. d. Inst. 1861, 19 ff.). The epithet is of uncertain significance, and nothing is known of this cult or of the location of the shrine (Rosch. I.28968‑2969).

Hercules Sullanus: a statue or shrine of Hercules on the Esquiline, mentioned only in Reg. (Reg. V). It was probably near the Nymphaeum (q.v.), now called the temple of Minerva Medica, east of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. Whether it was a statue or shrine, and whether erected by Sulla in memory of his victory over Marius on the Esquiline or not, is wholly uncertain. (For various explanations, and the relevant literature of the discussion, see RE VIII.579; Rosch. I.2921; DE III.704; LS III.161; BPW 1913, 1494.)

(pp257‑258) Hercules Victor, aedes: see separate page.

Hermaeum: an apartment (diaeta) on the Palatine in which Claudius took refuge (Suet. Claud. 10), and perhaps the same that occurs on two inscriptions (CIL VI.8663, 9949).

Hippodromus Palatii: see Domus Augustiana (p162).

Holovitreum: the palace (palatium) of Chromatius, probably Agrestius Chromatius, praef. urbi about 248 A.D. The building took its name from its decoration of glass mosaics representing the heavenly bodies (Acta S. Sebastiani 20 Ian. p629; Mirab. 29), and traces of it were found in 1741 when the church of S. Stefano in Piscinula in the Via dei Banchi vecchi was destroyed (Mon. L. I.548; Jord. II.535; HJ 597‑8).

Honos, aedes: the oldest temple of Honos in Rome, just outside the porta Collina, dating from republican times but probably not earlier than the third century. All that is known of it is stated by Cicero (de leg. II.58: nostis extra portam Collinam aedem Honoris: aram in eo loco fuisse proditum est. Ad eam cum lamina esset inventa et in ea scriptura Domina Honoris, ea causa fuit huius aedis dedicandae. Sed cum multa in eo loco sepulcra fuissent, exarata sunt; statuit enim collegium locum publicum non potuisse privata religione teneri,​3 but an archaic inscription (CIL VI.3692 = 30913:​4 M (?) Bicoleio V. l. Honore donum dede(t) mereto), found under the east wing of the Ministero delle Finanze, probably belongs to it, and had not been removed from its original site. A dedication to Virtus (CIL VI.31061) may also have been set up in it (HJ 414; RE VIII.2293; Rosch. I.2707; DE III.964).

(pp259‑260) Honos et Virtus, aedes: see separate page.

Hora Quirini: see Horta.

Horrea Agrippiana: see separate page.

Horrea Agrippiniana: see separate page.

Horrea Aniciana: see separate page.

Horrea Caesaris: see separate page.

Horrea Candelaria: see separate page.

(p261) Horrea Chartaria: see separate page.

Horrea Faeniana: see separate page.

(p262) Horrea Galbae: see separate page.

Horrea Germaniciana: see Horrea Agrippiana.

Horrea Leoniana: see separate page.

Horrea Lolliana: see separate page.

Horrea Nervae: see separate page.

Horrea Peduceiana: see separate page.

(p263) Horrea Piperataria: see separate page.

Horrea Postumiana: see separate page.

Horrea Seiana: see separate page.

Horrea Sempronia: see separate page.

Horrea Severiana (?): see separate page.

Horrea Sulpicia: see Horrea Galbae.

Horrea Q. Tinei Sacerdotis: see separate page.

Horrea Ummid(iana): see separate page.

Horrea Vespasiani: see separate page.

Horrea Volusiana: see separate page.

Horta (Ὅρτας ναός): a temple of a goddess otherwise unknown, which Plutarch says was always kept open (q. Rom. 46). It is not certain that this temple was in Rome, or that Plutarch had not confused the goddess with Hora Quirini (WR 156; Rosch. I.2749; cf. NS 1921, 109, under date Aug. 23). It is also possible that her temple is referred to in the  p264 corrupt passage (Hist. Aug. Elag. 1), as Rose, Plutarch, Roman Questions, in loc., conjectures.

Horti Aciliorum: see separate page.

Horti Agrippae: see separate page.

(p265) Horti Agrippinae: see separate page.

Horti Alli Faletiani: see separate page.

Horti Anniani: see separate page.

Horti Antonii: see Horti Pompeiani.

Horti Antoniani: see separate page.

Horti Aquili Reguli: see separate page.

Horti Aroniani: see separate page.

Horti Asiatici: see Horti Lucull(i)ani.

Horti Asiniani: see separate page.

Horti Atticiani: see separate page.

(p266) Horti Caesaris: see separate page.

Horti Calyclani: see separate page.

Horti Cassiani: see separate page.

Horti Ciloniae Fabiae: see separate page.

Horti Clodiae: see separate page.

Horti Commodiani: see separate page.

Horti Coponiani: see separate page.

Horti Cottae: see separate page.

Horti Crassipedis: see separate page.

Horti Cusinii: see separate page.

Horti Damasippi: see separate page.

Horti Dolabellae: see separate page.

(p267) Horti Domitiae: see separate page.

Horti Domitiae Calvillae: see separate page.

Horti Domitiorum: see Sepulcrum Domitiorum.

Horti Drusi: see separate page.

Horti Epaphroditiani: see separate page.

Horti Frontonis: see separate page.

Horti Galbae: see separate page.

Horti Getae: see separate page.

(p268) Horti Lamiani: see separate page.

Horti Largiani: see separate page.

Horti Liciniani: see separate page.

Horti Lolliani: see separate page.

(p269) Horti Lucull(i)ani: see separate page.

Horti Maecenatis: see separate page.

Horti Maiani: see Horti Lamiani.

Horti Marsiani: see separate page.

(p270) Horti Messalae Corvini: see separate page.

Horti Neronis: see Horti Agrippinae.

Horti Othonis: see separate page.

Horti Pallantiani: see separate page.

Horti C. Passieni Crispi: see separate page.

Horti Peduceiani: see separate page.

Horti Pompeiani: see separate page.

Horti Pomponii Secundi: see separate page.

Horti Reguli: see separate page.

(pp271‑272) Horti Sallustiani: see separate page.

Horti Scapulani: see separate page.

Horti Scatoniani: see separate page.

Horti Scipionis: see separate page.

Horti Senecae: see separate page.

Horti Serviliani: see separate page.

Horti Siliani: see separate page.

Horti Spei Veteris: see separate page.

Horti Tauriani: see separate page.

Horti Terentii: see separate page.

Horti Thraseae Paeti: see separate page.

(p273) Horti Torquatiani: see separate page.

Horti Trebonii: see separate page.

Horti Variani: see separate page.

Horti Vettiani: see Vettius Agorius Praetextatus, Domus.

Horti Volusiani: see separate page.

The Author's Notes:

1 See also De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani, III.2.341.

2 The type is represented on a larger scale by the recumbent Hercules in the Museo Chiaramonti in the Vatican (No. 733; v. Amelung. Sculpt. Vat. I p812).

3 The text is as given by Hülsen: Vahlen reads 'memoriae proditum est; in ea scriptum lamina honoris; dedicare; obligari (for teneri).'

4I2.31; ILS 3794.

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