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 p264  Horti

Collecting all the individual horti entries on pp264‑273 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Horti Aciliorum: see separate page.

Horti Agrippae: gardens in the campus Martius, near the Thermae Agrippae (q.v.), which he left by will to the Roman people in 12 B.C. (Cass. Dio LIV.29.4; cf. Ov. ex Ponto I.8.37‑8 and CIL VI.29781; NS 1885, 343).

Horti Agrippinae: the gardens of the elder Agrippina, on the right bank of the Tiber, which afterwards (33 A.D.) belonged to Caligula (Sen. de ira III.18; Philo Iud. de legat. ad Gaium II.572). They occupied the present site of S. Peter's, and extended to the Tiber, from which they were separated by a porticus and terrace. Within them Caligula built the  p265 circus Gai et Neronis, and it was probably in these gardens, under the name horti Neronis (Tac. Ann. XV.39, 44; cf. XIV.14), that the martyrdom of many Christians took place.

Horti Alli Faletiani: known only from the bare mention in one inscription (CIL VI.9240).

Horti Anniani: known only from a fifteenth century copy of one inscription (CIL VI.8666; RE I.2257; VII.834).

Horti Antonii: see Horti Pompeiani.

Horti Antoniani: gardens on the right bank of the Tiber, near the Horti Caesaris (q.v.). Their exact location is unknown (Cass. Dio XLVII.40; CIL VI.9990 (?), 9991; HJ 644; RE VII.834; VIII.2482).

Horti Aquili Reguli: the gardens of the advocate and legacy-hunter, Regulus, on the right bank of the Tiber, which he had adorned with very extensive porticus and his own statues (Plin. Ep. IV.2.5).

Horti Aroniani: somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber, known only from an inscription (NS 1901, 356, superseding CIL VI.671, 30808).

Horti Asiatici: see Horti Lucull(i)ani.

Horti Asiniani: gardens at the end of the specus Octavianus (Frontin. de aq. 21), the branch of the Anio Vetus built by Augustus. As this specus has been traced only to the porta Latina, and the regio viae novae of Frontinus, who wrote in the time of Trajan (loc. cit.), cannot refer to the via Nova constructed by Caracalla in front of his thermae, the exact location of the gardens is as uncertain as that of the via Nova (cf. RE VII.833; VIII.2483; LA 265; DS III.279; HJ 189). Nor should the monumenta Asinii Pollionis be identified with these gardens (see Bibliotheca Asinii Pollionis).

Horti Atticiani: mentioned in one inscription (CIL VI.8667), otherwise unknown.

(p266) Horti Caesaris: see separate page.

Horti Calyclani: gardens on the Esquiline, known only from the inscriptions (CIL VI.29771) on two cippi: cippi hi finiunt hortos Calyclanos et Taurianos. These cippi were found in situ in 1873‑4, just outside the line of the Servian agger, a little north of the Via Principe Amedeo (BC 1874, 57; 1875, 153; HJ 368), and the horti Calyclani may have extended from this point eastward towards the porta Tiburtina. There is no explanation known of the name.

Horti Cassiani: mentioned only once (Cic. ad Att. XII.21.2) with those of Lamia and Drusus. They were probably on the right bank of the Tiber.

Horti Ciloniae Fabiae: so marked on fragments (58, 80, 81) of the Marble Plan. Cilonia Fabia was the wife of Fabius Cilo, consul in 204 A.D., to whom the Domus Cilonis (q.v.), on the Aventine near S. Balbina, belonged. The horti were probably adjacent to the domus (HJ 188).

Horti Clodiae: gardens which Clodia owned ad Tiberim (Cic. pro Cael. 36), on the right bank of the river. They are mentioned frequently by Cicero (ad Att. XII.38.4, 41.3, 43.2, 44.2, 47.1, 52.2).

Horti Commodiani: the gardens of the Emperor Commodus (Hist. Aug. Pesc. 6.8), of unknown location, if indeed they ever existed (cf. Comm. 4.5).

Horti Coponiani: probably on the right bank of the Tiber, spoken of by Cicero (ad Att. XII.31.2) as villam et veterem et non magnam silvam Nobilem, and therefore in the same class as the estates which he usually calls horti. Wesenberg alters 'silvam' to 'Silianam' (see Horti Siliani).

Horti Cottae: small gardens situated on the Via Ostiensis (Cic. ad Att. XII.23.3, 27.1).

Horti Crassipedis: gardens belonging to Furius Crassipes, the son-in‑law of Cicero. They were situated near the temple of Mars on the via Appia, just outside the line of the later Aurelian wall, probably in the valley of the Almo (Cic. ad Att. IV.12; ad Q. fr. III.7.1; ad Fam. I.9.20).

Horti Cusinii: probably on the right bank of the Tiber, mentioned twice by Cicero (ad Att. XII.38.4, 41.3: Cusinii et Trebonii).

Horti Damasippi: gardens that were probably on the right bank of the Tiber, as Cicero speaks of them as containing several iugera 'in ripa' (ad Att. XII.29.2, 33.1).

Horti Dolabellae: the gardens of Gnaeus Dolabella, near the barracks of the imperial bodyguard of German troops (Suet. Galba 12). Neither site is known.

 p267  Horti Domitiae: gardens of Domitia, the wife of Domitian (CIL VI.16983, cf. 34106 c; HJ 662; DAP 2.VIII.378), on the right bank of the Tiber. They contained within their limits the mausoleum of Hadrian (Hist. Aug. Pius 5; Not. Reg. XIV), and probably extended eastwards to about the middle of the new Palazzo di Giustizia (BC 1889, 173‑174). They continued to be called horti Domitiae as late as the time of Aurelian (Hist. Aug. Aurel. 49).

Horti Domitiae Calvillae: the gardens of Domitia Lucilla, the mother of Marcus Aurelius, on the Caelian (Hist. Aug. Marc. 1.5). Calvilla is probably simply a wrong reading for Lucilla (CIL XV p267; RE V.1518).

Horti Domitiorum: see Sepulcrum Domitiorum.

Horti Drusi: somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber, frequently mentioned by Cicero (ad Att. XII.21.2, 22.3, 23.3, 25.2, 31.2, 33.1, 37.2, 38.4, 41.3, 44.2).

Horti Epaphroditiani: * gardens on the Esquiline, of which Frontinus says (de aq. II.68) that they were situated at the point where the Tepula received a supply of water from the Anio novus. This branch conduit probably left the Anio novus at its terminal distributing station, 100 metres south-east of Le Galluzze, and ran directly east to the Tepula, a distance of about 100 metres. The gardens, therefore, probably extended beyond the line of the Tepula (cf. however, LA 248; HJ 358; RE V.2710; BC 1874, 53‑4). They may have belonged to the freedman Epaphroditus, who was procurator a libellis under Nero and Domitian (NS 1913, 466; Mél. 1914, 383‑387; DE III.0002). See Horti Torquatiani.

Horti Frontonis: gardens of Fronto which he calls Maecenatiani (Ep. I.8), but in what precise sense is a matter of conjecture (cf. RE IV.1316; VII.832; DS III.282).

Horti Galbae: the private gardens of the Emperor Galba on the via Aurelia, on the right bank of the Tiber (Suet. Galba 20; Tac. Hist. I.49; Eutrop. VII.16).

Horti Getae: somewhere in Region XIVº (Not., Cur.). The fact that the district of the Lungara, between the Porta Settimiana and the Porta S. Spirito, was known in the Middle Ages as Septimiana, suggests that possibly Septimus Severus had his gardens here (Hist. Aug. Sev. 4) on the slope of the Janiculum, and that these were afterwards called horti Getae (HJ 656).

(p268) Horti Lamiani: see separate page.

Horti Largiani: in Region VII (Not.), but whether on the slope of the Pincian or in the campus Martius, is uncertain.

Horti Liciniani: gardens belonging to the Emperor Gallienus (Hist. Aug. Gall. 17). There is no indication of their location unless they bore some relation to the colossus erected by Gallienus (ib. 18) in summo Esquiliarum monte, or to the Palatium Licinianum (q.v.), near S. Balbina, or to the arcus Gallieni at the porta Esquilina (BC 1874, 55; LR 402‑406; HJ 358‑9). The nymphaeum on the Esquiline, wrongly called the temple of Minerva Medica, is by some supposed to have belonged to these horti; see Nymphaeum. It is conceivable that they were previously called Horti Volusiani (q.v.), and acquired their name from Ferox Licinianus (AJP 1927, 28).

Horti Lolliani: gardens on the Esquiline, on the boundary between Regions IV and VI, as is shown by a terminal cippus that was found at the corner of the Via Principe Amedeo and the Piazza delleº Terme (CIL VI.31284; NS 1883, 339; BC 1883, 220; Civiltà Cattolica 1883, 210). These gardens may have belonged to M. Lollius, consul in 21 B.C., or to his daughter, Lollia Paulina, the rival of Agrippina.

(p269) Horti Lucull(i)ani: see separate page.

Horti Maecenatis: see separate page.

Horti Maiani: see Horti Lamiani.

Horti Marsiani: only known from one inscription (now in the possession of the American Academy in Rome), which was the boundary stone between them and the Horti Volusiani (q.v.). At the time it was set up (circa 80‑120 A.D.), the Horti Marsiani belonged to one Aithalis Augusti liberta; see AJP 1927, 27, 28.


Horti Messalae Corvini: known only from an inscription (CIL VI.29789) found in the villa Medici (cf. a brick stamp: Calpurniae Corvini BC 1889, 208).

Horti Neronis: see Horti Agrippinae.

Horti Othonis: gardens somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber, but otherwise unknown (Cic. ad Att. XII.43.2, 44.2).

Horti Pallantiani: gardens on the Esquiline mentioned three times by Frontinus (de aq. 19, 20, 69), existing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. V; cf. FUR 57?), and supposed to have been laid out by Pallas, the rich freedman of Claudius. According to Frontinus the point where the rivus Herculaneus branched off from the aqua Marcia, about 175 metres south of the porta Tiburtina, and the end of the Claudia and Anio novus, about 250 metres north of the porta Praenestina, were behind these gardens. They must, therefore, have occupied a site very near the middle of the triangle formed by the via Tiburtina vetus, the via Praenestina-Labicana, and the line of the aqua Marcia, i.e. somewhat south of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (cf. BC 1874, 53‑54; LA 248; HJ 358).

Horti C. Passieni Crispi: A lead pipe bearing his name was found east of the Mausoleum of Hadrian under the Palazzo di Giustizia. He was consul for the second time in 44 A.D. (BC 1889, 212; CIL XV.7508 (cf. 6100; Pros. III.14.109; PBS V.302; Cons. 348).

Horti Peduceiani: gardens of unknown location, but perhaps on the Via Latina (CIL X.6706, which mentions an ager Peduceianus), and in that case probably outside the city. They may have belonged to M. Peduceius Stloga Priscianus, consul in 163 A.D. (Pros. III.21, 163); and later they became imperial property (CIL VI.276, 33745). See also Horrea Peduceiana.

Horti Pompeiani: gardens of Pompeius Magnus in the campus Martius (Plut. Pomp. 44; Vell. II.60.3; Asc. in Mil. arg. 34). They were given to Antonius by Caesar after Pompeius' death (App. B. C. III.14; Cic. Phil. II.109), and were still called Pompeiani in the early empire (CIL VI.6299). Twice (Asc. in Mil. pp37, 51 Or.)​1 in connection with these gardens, horti superiores are spoken of in a way to imply that there were upper and lower parts, and the inference has been drawn that these parts lay at the foot and on the slope of the Pincian respectively. In this case, they must have been entirely on the east side of the via Lata (RE VIII.2486; HJ 492‑3).

Horti Pomponii Secundi: gardens of unknown location belonging to P. Pomponius Secundus, consul in 44 A.D. (Tac. Ann. VI.3 (V.8)).

Horti Reguli: * on the right bank of the Tiber, the property of M. Regulus, the infamous captator and lawyer (Plin. Ep. IV.2). They were adorned with very long porticus and many statues of the owner.

pp271‑272 Horti Sallustiani: see separate page.

Horti Scapulani: somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber (Cic. ad Att. XII.37.2, 38.4, 40.4, 41.3, 52.2; XIII.12.4, 33.4).

Horti Scatoniani: known only from one inscription (CIL VI.6281). Scato was a cognomen of some of the Vettii, and these gardens may have had some relation to the Domus Vettiorum (q.v.).

Horti Scipionis: gardens of Scipio Africanus, somewhere in the campus Martius (Cic. de nat. deor. II.4.1). They are perhaps the same as the villa Scipionis (Cic. Phil. II.109).

Horti Senecae: gardens of the philosopher (Tac. Ann. XIV.52, 53, 55), of unknown location, but of considerable extent, for Juvenal calls them 'magnos Senecae praedivitis hortos' (X.16).

Horti Serviliani: gardens that were probably in the southern part of Region XII (Tac. Ann. XV.55; Hist. III.38; Suet. Nero 47; CIL VI.8673, 8674; Berl. Papyr. 511; see HJ 199, n42). They contained some famous works of art (Plin. NH XXXVI.23, 25, 36).

Horti Siliani: somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber (Cic. Att. XII.22.3, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1, 30.1, 31.2,​2 33.1, 35.1, 41.3, 44.2, 52.2).

Horti Spei Veteris: gardens that are mentioned only once (Hist. Aug. Elag. 13). They were on the Esquiline, near the temple of Spes Vetus (q.v.), but are otherwise unknown (cf., however, LR 397‑400; HJ 364; LS III.163‑4; Homo, Aurélien 250; Mél. 1899, 125; NS 1922, 137).

Horti Tauriani: gardens of M. Statilius Taurus, consul in 44 A.D., who was forced to commit suicide in 53 by Agrippina because she coveted them (Tac. Ann. XII.59). They were on the Esquiline adjacent to the horti Calyclani (CIL VI.29771; cf.  Horti Calyclani and Forum Tauri).

Horti Terentii: the gardens of the poet Terence, on the via Appia, near the temple of Mars, of twenty iugera in extent (Suet. Terent. 5).

Horti Thraseae Paeti: mentioned only once (Tac. Ann. XVI.34), of unknown location.

Horti Torquatiani: gardens on the Esquiline, of unknown owner­ship. They are mentioned only once (Frontin. de aq. I.5), where the junction of the aqua Appia and the aqua Augusta is said to be 'ad spem veterem' on  p273 the boundary between them and other gardens, the name of which cannot be made out.​3 This place is also called ad Gemellos (q.v.), and the horti Torquatiani, therefore, were south of the via Praenestina and west of Spes vetus (BC 1874, 53‑4; LA 248‑249; HJ 364).​a

Horti Trebonii: mentioned three times by Cicero (ad Att. XII.38.4, 41.3, 43.2: twice Trebonii et Cusinii), with no indication of situation. They were probably on the right bank of the Tiber.

Horti Variani: gardens that are mentioned only once (Hist. Aug. Aurel. 1), where the context points to a location on the Pincian hill or beyond — unless indeed their invention is due to a misunderstanding of Hist. Aug. Heliogab. 14.5; SHA 1916, 7. A, 13. See NS 1922, 137; LR 397, where they are treated as identical with the Horti Spei Veteris (q.v.), but wrongly (Mél. 1899, 125), for a proposed site, partly inside, partly outside the porta Praenestina;º and cf.  Obeliscus Antinoi.

Horti Vettiani: see Vettius Agorius Praetextatus, Domus.

Horti Volusiani: known only from an inscription now in the possession of the American Academy in Rome, a boundary stone between them and the Horti Marsiani (q.v.). From it we learn that they belonged to one Ferox Licinianus; and if he is to be identified with (Cn. Pompeius) Ferox Licinianus (Pros. III.66.461), who in turn may be the Pompeius mentioned as one of Domitian's courtiers who was invited to the famous conclave on the great fish (Juv. IV.109 sqq.) and the 'Licinus' mentioned by Sidonius Apollinaris (Ep. V.7), the inscription would belong to the period circa 80‑120 A.D. It is, further, possible that CIL VI.9973 refers to these horti, and not to the horrea Volusiana (AJP 1927, 27, 28). On the other hand a 'vestiarius' is more appropriate in the latter, and ib. 7289 certainly seems to imply the existence of such horrea.

The Authors' Notes:

1 Arg. 37, Orat. 50; pp32, 45, ed. Kiessling and Schoell.

2 See also Horti Coponiani.

3 The supplement Epaphroditianorum is due to Lanciani, and is accepted by Bennett in the Loeb edition. See Horti Epaphroditiani. Carcopino (Basilique Pythagoricienne, 67‑72) proposes to read Taurianorum, pla­cing the Basilica (q.v.) within the limits of these gardens, and pointing out that neither the Horti Epaphroditiani nor the Horti Pallantiani need have come into existence until after the death of Statilius Taurus (53 A.D.), so that the Horti Tauriani may have included the area which they afterwards occupied. He attributes the Horti Torquatiani to D. Iunius Silanus Torquatus, a great-grandson of Augustus, who was forced to commit suicide in 64 A.D.

Thayer's Note:

a See also Rodgers, On the Water-Management of the City of Rome, note 25.

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