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 p267  Horti Lamiani

Article on pp267‑268 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Horti Lamiani (1): gardens near those of Maecenas and the city, i.e. just outside its limits (Phil. Iud. de leg. ad Gaium II.597). They became imperial property (CIL VI.8668), and Caligula's ashes were deposited here before they were carried to the mausoleum of Augustus (Suet. Cal. 59). It is quite probable that they were laid out by L. Aelius Lamia, consul in 3 A.D., and left by him to Tiberius. There was a house of the  p268 Aelii (v. Domus Aeliorum) on the Esquiline, near the gardens of Maecenas, and these horti may have had some connection with that. They seem to have been close to the horti Maiani (CIL VI.8668: procurator hortorum Maianorum et Lamianorum). These horti Maiani are mentioned in other inscriptions (CIL VI.6152, 8669) and in Pliny (NH XXXV.51), who tells of the destruction of a colossal painting of Nero, 120 feet high, which had been placed in some building within their limits. The fact that its height was the same as that of the Colossus Neronis (q.v.) can hardly be fortuitous, and it may have been a representation of the latter.

There are no further indications of the exact site of these gardens, but they are usually located just south-east of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, principally because of the discovery here of numerous works of art and a few structural remains (LR 408‑411 and literature cited; BC 1907, 34; HJ 347, 354 and literature cited; LS III.111, 168; Cons. 126 ff.; RE VIII.2485).

Horti Lamiani (2): somewhere on the right bank of the Tiber, near those of Drusus (Cic. ad Att. XII.21.2, 22.3; cf. 19.1).

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