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Collecting all the individual insula entries on pp281‑282 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Insula: a house containing a number of apartments (see De Marchi in Mem. Ist. Lombardo, 1891, 252 sqq.; Calza in Mon. L. XIII.541‑608; RL 1917, 60‑87; and contrast Hermes, 1885, 91‑100; Mem. Acad. Inscr. B.‑L. 1915, 279‑335). Assigning to one‑third of the 44,300​1 insulae enumerated in Reg. (Brev. gives 46,602) an area of 400 square metres each, and 100 each to the rest, we get an average area of 200 square metres per insula, or a total of 8,860,000 square metres; and, adding 500 square metres for each of the 1790 domus, we get a further 895,000 square metres, giving a total of 9,755,000 square metres, out of the total area of 13,868,750 square metres within the area of the Aurelian walls. Calza computes the approximate population of Rome at the time of Constantine at 40 per insula, or roughly 1,800,000.

Insula Aesculapii: see Insula Tiberina.

Insula Bolani: a lodging house belonging to M. Vettius Bolanus (CIL VI.67), consul before 69 A.D. It was in Region XIV, west of the pons Aemilius, and a little north of the church of S. Cecilia (cf. Aedes Bonae Deae, Balineum Bolani; and see LA 218).

Insula Cuminiana: a lodging house on the Caelian, mentioned only in a late source (acta S. Pancratii, 12th May, p21), but perhaps belonging to the classical period.

Insula Felicles: a lodging house in Region IX (Not.), and famous for its height (Tert. adv. Valent. 7; cf. Pr. Reg. 91, 179). It was probably near the east end of the circus Flaminius (HJ 556).

Insula Serpentis Epidauri: see Insula Tiberina.

Insula Sertoriana: a lodging house known only from one inscription (CIL VI.29791), found in the forum Boarium.

(p282) Insula Tiberina: see separate page.

Insula Vitaliana: a lodging house on the Esquiline, known only from an inscription (CIL VI.33893) painted on a wall (BC 1895, 129).

The Authors' Note:

1 For the figures see Richter 371‑375.

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