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Juno Regina

Articles on p290 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Iuno Regina, templum (aedes, Liv. bis; νεώς, Dionys.; ἱερόν, Mon. Anc., Plut.): a temple on the Aventine vowed by Camillus just before the taking of Veii in 396 B.C. to the Iuno Regina of Veii (quae nunc Veios colis), and dedicated by him in 392 (Liv. V.21.3, 22.6‑7, 23.7, 31.3, 52.10). In this temple was the wooden statue of the goddess brought by Camillus from Veii (Dionys. XIII.3; Plut. Cam. 6; Val. Max. I.8.3; Rosch. II.609‑610), and it is mentioned several times in connection with gifts and sacrifices offered in atonement for prodigia (Liv. XXI.62.8; XXII.1.17; XXXI.12.9; cf. XXVII.37.7). It was restored by Augustus (Mon. Anc. iv.6), but is not mentioned afterwards. Two dedicatory inscriptions (CIL VI.364‑365) found near the church of S. Sabina indicate the approximate site of the temple, which corresponds (not with the church itself, which stands on the site of a private house, as recent discoveries have shown; see SR II.329‑342; DAP 2.xiii.119‑126; Muñoz, Chiesa di S. Sabina 1924; HCh 430‑431)º with its place in the lustral procession of 207 B.C. (Liv. XXVII.37.7; WR 426), near the upper end of the clivus Publicius (HJ 165‑167; Merlin 106, 196‑201, 301; WR 187‑190; Gilb. III.77‑78, 444; Rosch. II.600‑601, 603; RE X.1119). The day of dedication was 1st September (Hemer. Arv. ad Kal. Sept., CIL VI.2295 =32482).

Iuno Regina, aedes (templum, Liv. XL.52): a temple near the circus Flaminius, vowed by the consul M. Aemilius Lepidus in 187 B.C., in his last battle with the Ligures (Liv. XXXIX.2.11), and dedicated by Aemilius while censor in 179 (Liv. XL.52.1) on 23rd December (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 121). A porticus connected this temple with one of Fortuna (Obseq. 16), perhaps that of Fortuna Equestris (q.v.). A probable site for the temple of Juno is just south of the porticus Pompeiana at the west end of the circus Flaminius (AR 1909, 76; HJ 487; Gilb. III.81‑82; Rosch. II.601; for identification with one of the two temples of S. Nicola ai Cesarini, see BC 1918, 135‑136).

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Page updated: 13 Feb 05
