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 p293  Juppiter Dolichenus

The entries for three shrines to Jupiter Dolichenus on p293 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Iuppiter Dolichenus, templum: a temple of the Syrian Baal, who was introduced into Rome under the name of Jupiter, and called Dolichenus because the cult came from the city of Doliche in Commagene. It was also called Dolocenum (Not. Reg. XIII). Its site is indicated very clearly as close to the church of S. Alessio, at the western corner of the Aventine, by the discovery of several inscriptions (CIL VI.366, 406‑413 = 30758‑30761) relating to the building itself (409: in fabrica templi, 406: curator templi) and to votive offerings. The date of its erection is uncertain, but probably not earlier than the Antonines (HJ 167‑168; Gilb. III.113‑114; BC 1893, 5‑7; 1914, 345‑346; RE V.1277; Rosch. I.1192; DE II.1930‑1931, 1934; A. B. Cook, Zeus, Cambridge 1914, 608‑611; Merlin 317‑318, 373‑374; WR 362, and literature here cited).

Iuppiter Dolichenus: a shrine of some sort on the Esquiline, known only from four inscriptions found in the neighbourhood of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (CIL VI.414, 30942, 30946), which indicate that, after being enlarged and re-decorated, it was dedicated on 1st August, 191 A.D. (DE II.1935; Gilb. III.113‑114; HJ 357; RE V.1277; Rosch. I.1192).

Iuppiter Dolichenus: a shrine in Region XIV, known only from two inscriptions (CIL VI.415, 418).

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Page updated: 28 Feb 00
