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(p310) Lacus Aretis: see separate page.
Lacus Cunicli: see separate page.
(p311) Lacus Curtius: see separate page.
Lacus Escuilinus: see separate page.
Lacus Fabricius: see separate page.
Lacus Fagutalis: see separate page.
Lacus Fundani: see separate page.
Lacus Gallines: see separate page.
Lacus Ganymedis: see separate page.
(pp312‑313) Lacus Iuturnae: see separate page.
Lacus Longus: see separate page.
Lacus Miliarius: see Vicus Laci Miliarii.
(p314) Lacus Orphei: see separate page.
Lacus Pastorum: see separate page.
Lacus Pisonis: see Domus Luciniana.
Lacus Promethei: see separate page.
Lacus Restitutus: see Vicus Laci Restituti.
Lacus Servilius: see separate page.
Lacus Tectus: see Vicus Laci Tecti.
Lapis Niger: see Sepulcrum Romuli.
Lapis Manalis: see Manalis Lapis.
Lapis Pertusus: In Reg. VII, only known from Not. Cur. It may allude to a cutting through the Pincian hill, possibly that for the conduit of the aqua Virgo (BC 1887, 124; 1895, 49); see also Horti Aciliorum.
(p315) Lares, aedes: see separate page.
Lares Alites: see Vicus Larum Alitum.
Lares Curiales: see Vicus Larum Curialium.
(p316) Lares Permarini, Aedes: see separate page.
Lares Querquetulani, sacellum: see separate page.
Latiaris Collis: see Quirinalis Collis.
Lavacrum Agrippinae: probably baths, constructed by or named after one of the Agrippinae, but known only from a fifteenth-century copy of an inscription on a lead pipe (CIL XV.7247; cf. VI.29765, 36605). Ruins of what may have been this lavacrum were found about 1510 on the Viminal, near S. Lorenzo in Panisperna (HJ 375; LS I.230‑231; BC 1914, 368‑369). It is not impossible that we should read lavacrum Agrippinae for Agrippae in Hist. Aug. Hadr. 19; this would explain why it is so far from the Pantheon in the list of buildings in Rome restored by Hadrian.
Lavacrum Plauti(a)ni: baths of unknown location, mentioned only once (Hist. Aug. Elag. 8).
Laverna, ara, lucus: see Porta Lavernalis.
Lautolae: explained by Varro (LL V.156) as 'ab lavando quod ibi ad Ianum Geminum aquae caldae fuerunt,' who also states that its waters drained into the Velabrum minus. This statement is amplified by Macrobius (Sat. I.9.17), who says that Janus caused a flood of hot water to issue from the porta Ianualis to defend the Romans from the advance of the victorious Sabines; cf. Serv. Aen. VIII.361. For a discussion of its site and the literature of the subject, see Ianus Geminus. For the pass of Lautolae near Terracina, see Nissen, Italische Landeskunde, II.640; Forma Italiae I.1.1 (Anxur-Tarracina), 201.
Liber: a shrine in the imperial gardens (which is not known), mentioned but once (Pausan. VIII.46.5: Διονύσου ἐν βασιλέως κήποις ἐν ἱερῷ) and otherwise unknown.
p317 Liber Pater: see Lyaeus.
Libitina: see Lucus Libitinae.
Litus Etruscum: see Ripa Veientana.
Loricata, Ad: see Castor, aedes, templum (p103, n. 1).
Lucus Albionarum: see Albionarum Lucus.
Lucus (Asyli): see Inter duos Lucos.
Lucus Bellonae: see Bellona Pulvinensis.
Lucus Camenarum: see Camenae.
Lucus Deae Diae: see Dea Dia.
Lucus Egeriae: see Camenae.
Lucus Esquilinus: see separate page.
Lucus Fagutalis: see Fagutal.
Lucus Feroniae: see separate page.
(p318) Lucus Furrinae: see separate page.
p319 Lucus Iunonis Lucinae: see Iuno Lucina.
Lucus Libitinae: see separate page.
Lucus Martis: see separate page.
Lucus Mefitis: see Mefitis.
Lucus Mustellinus: see Murus Mustellinus.
Lucus Petelinus: see separate page.
Lucus Pisonis: see Domus Luciniana.
Lucus Poetelius: see separate page.
Lucus Stimulae: see separate page.
Lucus Streniae: see Sacellum Streniae.
Lucus Vestae: see Atrium Vestae.
Ludus Aemilius: see separate page.
Ludus Dacicus: see separate page.
p320 Ludus Gallicus: see separate page.
Ludus Magnus: see separate page.
Ludus Matutinus: see separate page.
Luna, aedes: see separate page.
Luna Noctiluca, templum: a shrine on the Palatine which was illuminated at night (Varro V.68: Luna vel quod sola lucet noctu itaque ea dicta Noctiluca in Palatio, nam ibi noctu lucet templum; cf. Hor. Carm. IV.6.38: rite crescentem face Noctilucam; Macrob. III.8.3: alma p321 Noctiluca). Whether the relation between epithet and illumination was that of cause or consequence, is uncertain.
Lupanaria: the brothels in Region II (Not. Cur.), which seem to have given the name to the district. This was probably on the southern slope of the Caelian, outside the line of the Servian wall and between the macellum magnum and the domus Lateranorum (HJ 236). These establishments were under state control.
Lyaeus = Liber, Bacchus, tecta: a shrine of Bacchus which, together with one of Cybele (see Magna Mater, tholus), stood 'in summa Sacra via,' where the clivus Palatinus branched off to ascend the Palatine (Mart. I.70.9‑10: Flecte vias hac qua madidi sunt tecta Lyaei / Et Cybeles picto stat Corybante tholus). In 1899 part of a marble epistyle, belonging to a circular structure about 3.9 metres in diameter, was found in front of the basilica of Constantine. On this is a fragmentary inscription recording a restoration by Antoninus Pius. A coin of that emperor (Cohen II No. 1187) represents a circular shrine with a statue of Bacchus within its colonnade, which probably records the same restoration (NS 1899, 223, 266; BC 1899, 147; 1903, 27‑29; Mitt. 1902, 98‑99; Klio 1902, 241; HJ 104; Hülsen, Satura Pompeiana Romana 7‑8, in Symbolae litterariae in honorem Iulii de Petra, Florence, 1911; HC, 238, 239; Altm. 72; Théd. 341).
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