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Bill Thayer

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For the monument popularly called "Temple of Minerva Medica" —
which it is not — see this page instead.

 p344  Minerva Medica​a

Article on p344 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Minerva Medica: a temple on the Esquiline (Not. Reg. V), dating from republican times (cf. Cic. de div. II.123: sine medico medicinam dabit Minerva), and referred to in two inscriptions (CIL VI.10133, 30980). Its position in the Regionary Catalogue, between the campus Viminalis and the temple of Isis Patricia, points to a site in the northern part of Region V, but the discovery of hundreds of votive offerings — on one of which is one of the two inscriptions (30980) — in the via Curva (now the Via Carlo Botta), just west of the via Merulana, may mean that this was its location (BC 1887, 154‑156, 192‑200; 1888, 124‑125; Mitt. 1889, 278; HJ 353; Rosch. II.2989; Cons. 305‑312 and reff.). Some tufa walls, resembling favissae,​b were also found here. For the circular building wrongly so called, see Nymphaeum.

Thayer's Notes:

a Platner is writing a summary article in a dictionary; for a much fuller account of the temple of Minerva Medica, see Lanciani, Pagan and Christian Rome, Chapter 2.

b The non-specialist reader, left wondering what a favissa might be, can read about it in Lanciani; our ancient source for the term, not cited by Lanciani, is Gellius, II.10.

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Page updated: 10 Feb 08
