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p374 Pacati F(undus?): probably the estate of one Pacatus. It is mentioned on one inscription (CIL VI.9103 = 31895).
Paedagogium: see Domus Augustiana.
Paedagogium Puerorum a Capite Africae: see Caput Africae.
Pagus Aventinensis: the district that comprised the Aventine hill, designated according to its original form of organisation. From the evidence of an inscription of the Augustan period, found at Lanuvium (CIL XIV.2105), it is believed that this term continued in use down to the first century, and that the Aventine was organised religiously as a pagus until its formal inclusion in the pomerium of Claudius (Mommsen, Staatsrecht III.114‑115; RE I.774; Jord. I.1.278; HJ 153; Merlin 58‑63; DS IV.273‑276).
Pagus Ianiculensis: a name for the district on the right bank of the Tiber while it was still organised as a pagus. It is found only in two inscriptions of about 100 B.C., one in a pavement of opus signinum (CIL I2.1000, 1001 = VI.2219, 2220) discovered near S. Maria dell' Orto (Jord. I.1.278; Mommsen, Staatsrecht, III.114, 115; DS IV.273‑276).
Pagus Montanus: a name occurring in one inscription (CIL I2.591 = VI.3823 = 31577) on a travertine cippus that was found in situ behind the tribune of the church of S. Vito on the Esquiline. This inscription (a fragment of a senatus consultum belonging to the second century B.C.) seems to show that this part of the Esquiline, outside the Servian wall, was then still organised as a pagus. Montanus is usually explained as equivalent to Esquilinus (HJ 265, and references there cited). Cf. also Oppius Mons.
Pagus Sucusanus: see Sucusa.
(pp375‑380) Palatinus Mons: see separate page.
p381 Palatium Licinianum: the name applied in mediaeval documents to a building or buildings on the Esquiline, near S. Bibiana at the corner of the Viale Principessa Margherita1 and the Via Cairoli (act. S. Bibianae, cod. Vat. 6696: ad caput tauri iuxta palatium Licinianum ad formam Claudii; Mirabil. 27;2 cf. LPD I.249, vit. Simplic. I: fecit basilicam intra urbe Roma iuxta palatium Licinianum beatae martyris Bibianae ubi corpus eius requiescit; Passio SS. Fausti et Pigmenii, catal. codd. hagiogr. bibl. Paris. I.522: in cubiculo Romano iuxta palatium Licinianum). It is natural to connect this with the Horti Liciniani (q.v.) or gardens of the Emperor Licinius Gallienus, and the arch of Gallienus at the old porta Esquilina, and it has been conjectured that by 300 A.D. the district between the Viae Tiburtina and Labicana and the wall of Aurelian had largely come into the possession of the emperors, and that the term, palatium Licinianum, was applied to the complex of buildings in the horti, including the existing Nymphaeum (2) (q.v.). This, however, is as yet merely conjecture (LPD I.250; LR 402‑406; BC 1874, 55; HJ 359; HCh 213).
Palatium Sessorianum: see Sessorium.
Pales, templum: a temple built by M. Atilius Regulus after his victory over the Sallentini in 267 B.C. (Flor. Ep. I.15 (20): in hoc certamine victoriae pretium sibi pastoria Pales ultro poposcit; schol. Veron. et Bern. ad Verg. Georg. III.1; EE I.231). It probably stood on the Palatine, and seems to have disappeared at an early date (cf. Tibull. II.5.28).
The newly discovered pre‑Caesarian calendar from Antium has, under the 7th July, Palibus II. This has been held to prove that the Parilia, celebrated on 21st April, the day of the foundation of Rome, should be derived from parere (Parilia dicuntur non Palilia, non a Pale dea, sed quod eo tempore omnia sata arboresque et herbae parturiant pariantque, Mar. Vict. Gl. L. VI.25.23), rather than (under the form Palilia) from Pales (Varro, LL VI.15: Palilia dicta a Pale, quod ei feriae). See Mancini in NS 1921, 101.3 The dual form may be accounted for by the fact that Pales appears sometimes as masculine as well as feminine (Rosch. III.1277) or by the existence of two temples close together (cf. Victor(iis) II in the same Fasti under date 1st August).
(p382) Pallacinae: see separate page.
Palma Aurea: see Ad Palmam.
Ad Palmam: a name that seems to have been used from the fifth or sixth century for the area between the Curia and the arch of Septimius Severus (Anon. Vales. 66 in Chron. Min. I.324 (517 A.D.): venit ad senatum et ad Palmam populo adlocutus; Acta S. Restituti AA. SS. May 29, c. 12). This area had previously been called Tria Fata (q.v.), and was undoubtedly identical with the Palma Aurea of Fulgentius (Acta S. Fulgentii AA. SS. Jan. vol. I p37, c. 13: in loco qui palma aurea dicitur). The Domus Palmata (q.v.) has been wrongly placed here (BC 1887, 64‑66): see supra, 187 and add.
Palus Capreae: see Capreae Palus.
(pp383‑386) Pantheon: see separate page.
Parianenses: the inhabitants of a district, probably somewhere on the Esquiline, who are mentioned only once (CIL VI.9103 = 31895; HJ 338).
Pavor et Pallor, fanum: a shrine that Tullus Hostilius is said to have vowed at the critical moment when the Albans deserted the Romans in the battle against the Veientes and Fidenates (Liv. I.27.7). There is no other mention made of this shrine,4 which probably never existed at all (WR 149; Rosch. III.1341‑1342).
(pp387‑388) Pax, templum: see separate page.
Pectuscum Palati: referred to once (Fest. 213: pectuscum Palati dicta est ea regio urbis quam Romulus obversam posuit, ea parte in qua plurimum erat agri Romani ad mare versus et qua mollissime adibatur urbs, cum Etruscorum agrum a Romano Tiberis discluderet, ceterae vicinae civitates colles aliquos haberent oppositos), and explanation by Gilbert (I.133) as a 'breastwork,' i.e. the fortified side of the Palatine. This explanation is very doubtful; see Ashby, The Roman Campagna in Classical Times, 29, n.2.
(p389) Penates Dei, aedes: see separate page.
Pentapylum: a building on the Palatine (Not. Reg. X), but otherwise unknown (Pr. Reg. 183), unless it be identified with a possible temple of Jupiter Ultor (q.v.) (Richmond in JRS IV.196, places it near the Domus Augusti).
Petronia, amnis: see separate page.
Phrygianum: see Magna Mater in Vaticano.
(p390) Pietas, aedes: see separate page.
Pietas Augusta, ara: an altar voted by the senate in 22 A.D. on the occasion of the severe illness of Livia, but not dedicated until 43 (Tac. Ann. III.64; CIL VI.562; ILS I.202). Nothing further is known of it (WR 332; Rosch. III.2503), to it has been conjectured that the five Valle-Medici reliefs formerly thought to have come from the ara Pacis may possibly belong to it (Studniczka, Zur Ara Pacis 10;5 OJ 1907, 190; SScR 101, n. 4).
(p391) Pila Horatia: see separate page.
Pila Tiburtina: a monument on the northern slope of the Quirinal, near the temple of Flora (Mart. V.22.3). There may have been a vicus named from this pila, in which the temple of Flora (q.v.) stood (HJ 427; RhM 1894, 397).
Pincius Mons: see separate page.
Ad Pirum: a street on the Quirinal, where Martial lived at one time (Mart. I.117.6), and from which the trees in the campus Agrippae could be seen (ib. I.108.3). It was probably on the western slope of the hill (RhM 1894, 397). For the use of the name in 1199: Jord. I.1.72; II.668; and on the contrary, Hülsen in Mitt. 1891, 121, n. 3).
Piscina Aquae Alexandrinae: a distributing reservoir, probably for the aqua Alexandrina, situated on the east side of the thermae Helenae, a little south-west of the porta (Maggiore) Labicana. Remains of at least twelve compartments of this piscina have been found (HJ 247‑248; LA 387, and pl. viii.5; LF 32).
Piscina Aquae Virginis: a distributing station of the Aqua Virgo (q.v.) on the west slope of the Pincian hill, just north of the modern Spanish Steps (LA 336).
(p392) Piscina Publica: see separate page.
Piscina Thermarum Diocletianarum: see Thermae Diocletianae.
Platanonis: see separate page.
Platea Traiani: a street or square mentioned only once (Sym. Ep. VI.37) in 398 A.D. It may very probably have been near the forum of Trajan.
(pp393‑397) Pomerium: see separate page.
(p398) Pons Aemilius: see separate page.
Pons Agrippae: see separate page.
Pons Antoninus: see Pons Aurelius.
(p399) Pons Aurelius: see separate page.
Pons Caligulae: see separate page.
(p400) Pons Cestius: see separate page.
Pons Fabricius: see separate page.
Pons Gratiani: see Pons Cestius.
(p401) Pons Hadriani: see Pons Aelius.
Pons Ianiculensis: see Pons Aurelius.
Pons Lapideus: see Pons Aemilius.
Pons Lepidi: see Pons Aemilius.
Pons Maximus: see Pons Aemilius.
Pons Naumachiarius: see Naumachia Augusti.
Pons Neronianus: see separate page.
Pons Probi: see separate page.
(p402) Pons Sublicius: see separate page.
Pons Theodosii: see Pons Probi.
Pons Triumphalis: see Pons Neronianus.
Porta Agonensis: see Porta Collina.
(p403) Porta Appia: see separate page.
Porta Ardeatina: see separate page.
(p404) Porta Argiletana: see separate page.
Porta Asinaria: see separate page.
(p405) Porta Aurelia (2 different gates): see separate page.
Porta Caelimontana: see separate page.
Porta Capena: see separate page.
(p406) Porta Carmentalis: see separate page.
Porta Catularia: see separate page.
Porta Chiusa: see separate page.
Porta Collatina: see separate page.
Porta Collina: see separate page.
(p407) Porta Cornelia: see separate page.
Porta Esquilina: see separate page.
Porta Fenestella: see separate page.
(p408) Porta Flaminia: see separate page.
Porta Flumentana: see separate page.
Porta Fontinalis: see separate page.
Porta Ianualis: see Ianus Geminus.
Porta Labicana: see Porta Praenestina.
(p409) Porta Latina: see separate page.
Porta Lavernalis: see separate page.
Porta Maior: see Porta Praenestina.
Porta Metrovia, Metrobi, Metronia, Metroni, Metrosi, etc.: see separate page.
(p410) Porta Minucia: see separate page.
Porta Mugonia: see separate page.
Porta Naevia: see separate page.
Porta Nomentana: see separate page.
(p411) Porta Ostiensis: see separate page.
Porta Pancratiana: see Porta Aurelia (1).
(p412) Porta Pandana: see separate page.
Porta S. Petri: see Porta Aurelia (2).
Porta Piacularis: see separate page.
Porta Pinciana: see separate page.
Porta Portuensis: see separate page.
(p413) Porta Praenestina: see separate page.
Porta Querquetulana: see separate page.
(p414) Porta Quirinalis: see separate page.
Porta Ratumenna: see separate page.
Porta Raudusculana: see separate page.
(p415) Porta Romana: see separate page.
(p416) ºPorta Salaria: see separate page.
Porta Salutaris: see separate page.
Porta Sanqualis: see separate page.
Porta Saturnia: see Porta Pandana.
Porta Scelerata: see Porta Carmentalis.
(p417) Porta Septimiana: see separate page.
Porta Stercoraria: see separate page.
Porta Taurina: see Forum Tauri.
Porta Tiburtina: see separate page.
(p418) Porta Trigemina: see separate page.
(p419) Porta Triumphalis: see separate page.
Porta Vetus Palatii: see Porta Mugonia.
Porta Viminalis: see separate page.
(p420) Porticus Absidata: see separate page.
Porticus Aemilia: see separate page.
Porticus Agrippiana: see Porticus Argonautarum.
Porticus Apollinis: see Apollo Palatinus, aedes.
Porticus Argonautarum: see separate page.
Porticus in Aventino: see Porticus Aemilia.
(p421) Porticus Boni Eventus: see separate page.
Porticus in Capitolio: see Area Capitolina.
Porticus Catuli: see separate page.
Porticus Claudia: see Divus Claudius, Templum.
Porticus in Clivo Capitolino: see Clivus Capitolinus.
Porticus Constantini: see separate page.
Porticus Corinthia: see Porticus Octavia.
Porticus Crep(ereia?): see separate page.
Porticus Curvae: see Domus Palmata, Forum Traiani (p241), ad Palmam.
Porticus Decii: see separate page.
(p422) Porticus Deorum Consentium: see separate page.
Porticus Divorum: see Divorum Templum.
Porticus Europae: see separate page.
Porticus Fabaria: see separate page.
Porticus Gai et Luci: see Basilica Aemilia.
Porticus Gallieni: see separate page.
Porticus Gordiani: see separate page.
Porticus Gypsiani: see Porticus Vipsania.
Porticus Herculea: see Porticus Pompei.
Porticus Ilicii: see separate page.
Porticus Iovia: see Porticus Pompei.
Porticus Iulia: see Basilica Aemilia.
(p423) Porticus inter Lignarios: see separate page.
Porticus Liviae: see separate page.
Porticus Margaritaria: see separate page.
(p424) Porticus Maximae: see separate page.
Porticus Meleagri: see separate page.
Porticus Metelli: see separate page.
Porticus Miliarensis: see Horti Sallustiani.
Porticus Miliaria: see separate page.
(pp425‑426) Porticus Minucia: see separate page.
Porticus ad Nationes: see separate page.
Porticus post Navalia: see separate page.
Porticus Octavia: see separate page.
(p427) Porticus Octaviae: see separate page.
Porticus Pallantiana: see separate page.
(p428) Porticus Palmata: see separate page.
Porticus Philippi: see separate page.
Porticus Pollae: see Porticus Vipsania.
(p429) ºPorticus Pompei: see separate page.
Porticus extra Portam Fontinalem: see Porta Fontinalis.
Porticus extra Portam Trigeminam: see Porticus Aemilia.
Porticus Purpuretica: see Forum Traiani.
Porticus Quirini: see separate page.
Porticus Saeptorum: see Saepta.
Porticus Severi: see separate page.
Porticus post Spei: see separate page.
Porticus Thermarum Traianarum: see separate page.
Porticus Tri(umphi): see separate page.
(p430) Porticus Vipsania: see separate page.
(p431) Portunium: see separate page.
Portus Corneli(i): a warehouse (cf. Portus Licini) for the storage of brick, named after some Cornelius, and known only from its probable occurrence on an inscribed tile of 123 A.D. (NS 1892, 347; Mitt. 1893, 260).
Portus Licini(i): a warehouse, named after some unknown Licinius and used for the storage of bricks 'ex praediis M. Aur. Antonini,' mentioned on numerous inscribed tiles of the time of Severus (CIL XV.408), and later (Cassiod. Var. I.25). There is no indication of its location, and portus in this sense (cf. P. Corneli(i), Parrae, etc.) had no necessary connection with the river (cf. the definition in Ulpian (Dig. L.16.59: portus appellatus est conclusus locus quo importantur merces et inde exportantur; and CIL XV pp37, 121; BC 1878, 42‑43; EE II p434; Pr. Reg. 103; HJ 175).
Portus Neapolitanus: mentioned only in a graffito found in the catacombs of S. Sebastiano as a brick warehouse (CIL XV.6123; Mitt. 1886, 188). Its situation is quite uncertain.
Portus Parrae: a warehouse for bricks known only from its occurrence on inscribed tiles of the time of Hadrian (CIL XV.409‑412).
Portus Tiberinus: see Portunium.
Portus Vinarius: a wine warehouse mentioned in three inscriptions, without topographical indications (CIL VI.9189, 9190; AJP 1910, 35).
p432 Portus Xysti: a warehouse of unknown use and location that is mentioned only in the Codex Theodosianus (XIII.3.8), in connection with the archiatri.
Ποσειδώνιον: see Ara Neptuni.
Posterulae in Muro Aureliano: see Murus Aurelianus.
Praedia Galbana: the district occupied by the Horrea Galbae (q.v.). The name occurs only once, in an inscription (CIL VI.30983) of the second century A.D. (BC 1885, 51‑53; Bull. d. Inst. 1885, 137; NS 1885, 157).
Praefectura Urbana: see separate page.
Praenestius Collis: a late name for the mons Caelius, occurring only once in extant literature (Lydus, de mens. IV.115; HJ 229; Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 233). Like Tiburtius Collis (q.v.) it is derived from the name of a gate (porta Praenestina) of the Aurelian wall, and is an antiquarian's invention.
Prata Flaminia: see separate page.
Prata Mucia: see separate page.
Prata Neronis: see Campus Neronis.
(p433) Prata Quinctia: see separate page.
Prata Vacci: see Domus Vitruvii Vacci.
Privata (Domus) Hadriani: the house of Hadrian in Region XII (Not.) in which he lived before his adoption, and where Antoninus Pius lived after his adoption by Hadrian (Hist. Aug. Marc. 5). Its place in the list of the Notitia would point to a site near S. Saba, probably towards the south-west (HJ 187; Merlin 326, 343).
Privata (Domus) Traiani: apparently the house of Trajan in which he lived before his adoption by Nerva. It is mentioned only in the Notitia (not Curiosum) after the Dolocenum in Region XIII, and is therefore supposed to have been situated on the south-western part of the Aventine, perhaps near the monastery of S. Anselmo (HJ 168; Merlin 318; BC 1914, 347‑348).
Providentia Augusta, ara: an altar of the goddess who was the incarnation of the imperial care over the Roman empire, mentioned in the acta Arvalium of 38 A.D. (Henzen, Act. Arv. XLV.74; CIL VI.2028 d 15) and 39 (VI.32346) and 43‑48 (Henzen LVI; CIL VI.2033, 5); and on coins of the emperors from Nero to Vitellius (Cohen I.296, No. 253; 329, No. 162; 361, No. 73; 397, No. 398‑400; 444, No. 173‑180; 508, No. 404‑406; Rosch. III.3187).
Pudicitia, ara: an altar of Pudicitia (Augusta) erected in honour of Plotina, the wife of Trajan, of which nothing further is known (Cohen II.97, No. 6‑7; WR 334; Rosch. III.3375).
(p434) Pudicitia Patricia: see separate page.
Pudicitia Plebeia, sacellum (ara): a shrine and altar which a certain Virginia, of patrician birth, who had married a plebeian consul, L. Volumnius, is said to have dedicated in 296 B.C. in a part of her house in the vicus Longus on the Quirinal, after she had been excluded from the worship of Pudicitia Patricia (q.v.) in the forum Boarium (Liv. X.23.6‑10; Fest. 236, 237). This cult, becoming polluted, postremo in oblivionem venit (Liv. loc. cit.), but that the altar continued to stand seems to be indicated by a part in Juvenal (VI.308: Pudicitiae veterem cum praeterit aram), where the context can hardly permit a reference to the forum Boarium (HJ 417‑418; Rosch. III.3275).
Pulvinar ad Circum Maximum: see Circus Maximus.
(p435) Puteal Libonis or Scribonianum: see separate page.
Puteal in Comitio: see separate page.
1 Now Via Principe di Piemonte.
2 Here we find the form Palatium Licinii.
3 Cf. also Mitt. 1921, 28‑33.
4 The deities are mentioned often enough by later writers, but all go back directly or indirectly to Livy.
5 = Abh. d. sächs. Gesellsch. 1909, 908.
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