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 p381  Pallacinae

Article on pp381‑382 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Black-and‑white images are from Platner; any color photos are mine © William P. Thayer

Pallacinae: a name which occurs in classical literature only in Cicero and his scholia, in connection with balnea and vicus (pro Rosc. Amer. 18: occiditur ad balneas Pallacinas de cena rediens Sex. Roscius; ib. 132: in vico Pallacinae, and schol. Gronov. ad loc., Or. p436: locus ubi cenaverat Sex. Roscius). Whether there was originally a district — Pallacinae — or not, is probable but not certain (cf., however, Rostowzew, Sylloge 500), and the testimony of early Christian literature is in favour of such a  p382 hypothesis (LP vit. Marci 3: hic fecit basilicam iuxta Pallacinis in 336 (HCh 308); Inscr. Chr. I p62: Antius​a lector de Pallacine; cf. the church and cloister of S. Lorenzo in Pallacinis, LP xcvii.71; xcviii.76; cvi.23; HCh 291‑292; see also HJ 556; BC 1914, 98‑99; S. Andrea de Pallacina, Arm. 463; HCh 189‑190). In the eighth century a porticus Pallacinis is mentioned (LP xcvii. (Hadr. I) 94), of which possible fragments were found in the Via degli Astalli (Arm. 459; BC 1908, 280‑282). In any case the district was near the north-east end of the circus Flaminius, and the vicus may have coincided in general with the Via di S. Marco (KH IV).

Thayer's Note:

a Antius: so Platner (and maybe his source, which I have not seen); but here's the inscription, unequivocally reading Venantius, lining up against the left margin with three other lines:

[image ALT: A primitively carved ancient Roman inscription on what appears to be marble. The text and translation are given on this webpage. It is in the narthex of the church of S. Marco in Rome.]

Hic positvs est Petrvs VIII Idvs
Martias qvi vИxit annis XVIIII
dep. in pace Phillppoº et Saa
coss. dvo fratres
Venantivs lector de Pallacine qvi vixit
a. XX dep. XII. Kal. Sep.

Here was placed Peter, on the 8th of the Ides of March, who lived 19 years; laid to rest in the consulate of Philippus and Saia (?); two brothers: Venantius, a reader from the Pallacinis, who lived 20 years and was laid to rest on the 12th of the Kalends of September.

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Page updated: 4 Jan 07
