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Porticus Liviae

Article on p423 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Porticus Liviae: begun by Augustus on the site of the house of Vedius Pollio (q.v.) in 15 B.C., and finished and dedicated to Livia in 7 B.C. (Cass. Dio LIV.23; LV.8;​1 Suet. Aug. 29; Ov. Fast. VI.639). It is represented on three fragments of the Marble Plan (10, 11, 109), and was situated on the north slope of the Oppius on the south side of the clivus Suburanus, between this street and the later baths of Trajan. The porticus was rectangular, about 115 metres long and 75 wide, with an outer wall and double row of columns within. In each of the long sides were three niches, the central one square, the others semi-circular. There was also a semi-circular apse on the south side. The entrance was on the north, where a flight of steps, 20 metres wide, led down to the clivus Suburanus. In the centre of the area was something that appears to have been a fountain, but may possibly be the Aedes Concordiae (q.v.) built by Livia. This porticus was very popular and magnificent (Ov. AA I.71; Plin. NH XIV.11; Plin. Ep. I.5.9; Strabo V.236), the most important in the city after those of the campus Martius (HJ 315‑316; BC 1886, 270‑274; DE II.2160).​2 It is still mentioned in Not. (Reg. III), but no remains of it have ever come to light.

The Authors' Notes:

1 In ib. LVI.27.5 Λιουία has been emended into Ἰουλία, as the date there given is 12 A.D. (See Basilica Iulia, Basilica Aemilia.)

2 See also Mem. L. 5.xvii.515.

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Page updated: 2 Aug 17
