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(pp504‑505) Tabernae circa Forum: see separate page.
Tabernae Argentariae: see Tabernae.
Tabernae Plebeiae: see Tabernae.
Tabernae Septem (Quinque): see Tabernae.
Tabernae Decem: see Decem Tabernae.
(p506) Tabula Valeria: see separate page.
(pp507‑508) Tabularium: see separate page.
(p509) Tarentum: see separate page.
Tarpeia, arx: a name apparently applied to the whole Capitoline hill, which is found twice in Latin poetry (Verg. Aen. VIII.652; Prop. IV.4.29; Jord. I.2.8).
Tarpeia, rupes see Tarpeius, Mons.
(p510) Tarpeius, Mons: see separate page.
Tascogenses: those who dwelt in some wholly unknown district of the city, mentioned only in one inscription of the fourth century (CIL VI.31893b, 5; BC 1891, 342‑345).
Ad Taurum: a locality near the thermae of Trajan, which occurs as a name of various mediaeval churches, and very likely has a classical origin. It is distinct from the Forum Tauri (q.v.). Cf. HCh 469 (S. Silvestri de p511 Tauro); cf. also 297, No. 33 (S. Laurentii ad Taurellum?); 309, No. 5 (S. Marci de Taurello). See also Arm. 170, 217; HJ 370.
De Teglatu: an unknown locality, mentioned only in two inscriptions of the fourth century (CIL VI.10099 = 31899; 31893b, 2; BC 1891, 357), possibly a centre for the manufacture or sale of tegulae.
Tellurenses: the inhabitants of the district about the temple of Tellus (q.v.) on the Esquiline (CIL VI.31893c, 11).
Tellus, aedes: see separate page.
Tempestates, aedes: (delubrum, Ovid): a temple erected by L. Cornelius Scipio, who had vowed it when overtaken by a storm in Corsican waters in 259 B.C. (CIL I2.9 = VI.1287 = AL No. 6: dedet Tempestatebus aede mereto(d . . .); Ov. Fast. VI.193‑194; cf. Cic. de nat. deor. III.51). Its day of dedication was not 1st June (Ov. loc. cit.), but 23rd December p512 (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 121). It was in Region I (Not. Cur. om.), and probably between the porta Capena and the temple of Mars (HJ 217; Gilb. III.100; WR 228; Rosch. V.360; Pais, Fasti Triumphales Capitolini, II.479).
Terminus, fanum: (βωμός, Dionys.: a shrine in the cella of Jupiter himself (Dionys. III.69), the central one in the great temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, perhaps consisting only of the rude stone that represented Terminus (Serv. Aen. IX.446; Lact. Inst. I.20.37; Aug. de civ. Dei IV.23), above which there was an opening in the roof (Fest. 368; Ov. Fast. II.671, 672; Serv. loc. cit.). At least as early as the beginning of the second century B.C. the presence of this cult was explained by the legend that there were shrines or altars on this site of several deities who, when the ground was desired for the temple of Jupiter, allowed themselves to be dispossessed, except Terminus whose refusal to be moved was regarded as a prophecy of the permanence of the cult and of Rome itself (Cato ap. Fest. 162; Liv. I.55.3‑4; Ov. Fast. II.667‑668; Dionys. III.69). Later Juventas was joined with Terminus in the story (Flor. I.1.7, 8; Liv. V.54.7). The probable explanation is that the stone was a boundary stone, a sign of Jupiter's function as the guardian of truth and loyalty, and that the opening in the roof indicated his connection with the sky (Jord. I.2.12, 91; Gilb. II.422; Schwegler, Rom. Gesch. I.794‑795; WR 136‑138; Rodocanachi, Le Capitole 34; Rosch. II.668, 708; V.379‑384).
Terra Mater: a shrine of which the existence and location just southeast of the baths of Caracalla seem to be indicated by the evidence of three inscriptions (CIL VI.770‑772; cf. 30828), two of them found in the vineyards behind the church of S. Cesareo (HJ 197; WR 195; Rosch. V.391).
(p513) Testaceus Mons: see separate page.
Theatrum Balbi: see separate page.
(pp514‑515) Theatrum Marcelli: see separate page.
(pp516‑517) Theatrum Pompei: see separate page.
p518 Theatrum Traiani: a theatre built by Trajan in the campus Martius, and destroyed by Hadrian, who pretended that this was in accordance with Trajan's instructions (Hist. Aug. Hadr. 9). Pausanias (V.12.6) is more likely to be referring to the Amphitheatrum Castrense (q.v.): cf. HJ 249, n74.
The(n)sarium Vetus in Capitolio: see Aedes Tensarum.
(pp519‑520) Thermae Agrippae: see separate page.
Thermae Alexandrinae: see Thermae Neronianae.
(pp521‑524) Thermae Antoninianae (Caracallae): see separate page.
(p525) Thermae Aurelianae: see separate page.
Thermae Cleandri: see Thermae Commodianae.
Thermae Commodianae: see separate page.
(p526) Thermae Constantinianae: see separate page.
(p527) Thermae Decianae: see separate page.
(pp528‑530) Thermae Diocletiani: see separate page.
Thermae Domitii: see separate page.
Thermae Etrusci: see separate page.
Thermae Gordiani: see separate page.
Thermae Helenae: see separate page.
Thermae Maxentii: see separate page.
(pp531‑532) Thermae Neronianae: see separate page.
Thermae Novati: see separate page.
Thermae Septimianae: see separate page.
Thermae Severianae: see separate page.
(p533) Thermae Suranae: see separate page.
Thermae Timothei: see Thermae Novati.
(p534) Thermae Titi: see separate page.
(pp535‑536) Thermae Traiani: see separate page.
Tiberinus: a shrine of the river-god on the insula Tiberina. The day of dedication was probably 8th December, when the festival was celebrated (Fast. Amit. ad VI Id. Dec., CIL I2 p245, 336; Fast. Ant. NS 1921, 118). Its exact location is not known, nor anything of its history (HJ 637; WR 224; Besnier 308‑309; Rosch. V.934). See Carcopino, Virgile et les Origines d'Ostie (Bibl. Éc. Franç. fasc. 116), 561 sqq., for a theory that Thybris was the original river-god, and his identification with Volcanus.1
Tiburtius Collis:º A name which appears to have been given at a late date to the Quirinal hill, and occurs only in an emended passage in Lydus (de mens. IV.155, ed. Bekk. 118: τιβο[ύρτιον . .]; cf. Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 233; HJ 229). Like Praenestius Collis (q.v.) the name is derived from that of a gate (Porta Tiburtina) in the Aurelian wall, and was probably the invention of some antiquarian.
(pp537‑538) Tiberis: see separate page.
Tifata Curia: a grove of holm oaks (Fest. 366: iliceta), perhaps on the Quirinal, named after M. Curius Dentatus (Fest. 49), to whom a house and fifty jugera of land in the immediate neighbourhood were said to have been given by the senate after his victory over the Samnites (de vir. ill. 33.10; cf. Keil, Sext. Aur. Victor. de vir. ill., 2nd ed., Breslau, 1872, 38; Hermes, 1911, 305‑308; for the name Tifata, see Schulze, Gesch. d. Lat. Eigennamen 531, n3; Rosch. V.954‑960; cf. Tifata Mancina).
Tifata Mancina: a grove of holy oaks in an unknown part of the city, and named after an unknown Mancinus (Fest. 131: Mancina tifata appellabantur quod Mancinus habuit insignem domum quae publicata est eo interfecto; cf. Tifata Curia; Hermes, 1911, 305‑308).
(p539) Tigillum Sororium: see separate page.
Divus Titus, aedes: see Templum Divorum.
Divus Traianus, templum: see Forum Traianum.
Ad To(n)sores: A district or street near the temple of Flora (q.v.) and the north end of the circus Maximus, which is mentioned only in one inscription, a slave's collar (CIL XV.7172; Mitt. 1891, 342; 1892, 312).2 We also find in a catalogue of artisans of the end of the fourth century (CIL VI.31900) a 'tonsor ad circum.'
Traianenses: evidently the inhabitants of some district in which some one of Trajan's great buildings stood, as the thermae or forum (CIL VI.10099 = 31899.4, 31893.1), or perhaps the arcus Traiani, if we may suppose that the names are arranged in the order of the regions to which they belong (Eranos, 1923, 124‑125).
A Transtiberim [sic]:* an indication of locality found on a sepulchral inscription of the empire (CIL VI.9847) — the only instance known of Transtiberis as a noun.
Ad Tres Fortunas: see Fortunae Tres, aedes.
Ad Tres Silanos: a local designation occurring on an inscription found at Grotta Ferrata but evidently belonging to Rome (CIL XIV.2496: Reg. VII / at · tres · Silanos / at · v). Silanus was one kind of a fountain (Fest. 352), and this inscription refers to a group of three such fountains in Region VII (Bull. d. Inst. 1879, 73; De Rossi, Piante icnografiche 40; NS 1879, 140).
Tria Fata: statues of the three Fates on the north side of the Rostra, close to the Curia (Procop. B. G. I.25.19).º They were said to have been set up by Tarquinius Priscus, and two of them were restored in the Augustan period (Plin. NH XXXIV.22, 29). When the name, tria Fata, first came into use is not known, but its first occurrence is in 250 A.D. (Cyprian, Epist. 21, Hartel 231), where it means that part of the forum about the curia. This usage continued and is found in several later documents (Procop. loc. cit.; S. Adriano in tribus fatis3 vit. Honor. 6, LPD I.34; vit. Stephani III 11, LPD I.471: aggregans in tribus fatis sacerdotes; ib. I.501, 508; Jord. I.2.258, 349; II.482; Thédenat 21, 69, 101; HC 26, 28, 136; cf. also RE VI.2050; Rosch. V.1099 and reff.).
(p540) Tribunal Aurelium: see separate page.
(p541) Tribunal Praetoris: see separate page.
Tribunal Traiani (so called): see Equus Domitiani.
Tribunal Vespasiani Titi Domitiani: A tribunal or platform erected in honour of these three emperors in Capitolio (CIL III Supp. pp1960‑1961, dipl. hon. miss. XIV, 82 A.D.; Jord. I.2.56, 59). It probably supported statues of the emperors, and to it the diplomata were affixed.
Tropaea Germanici: trophies erected in honour of Germanicus, of which nothing is known except that they stood on the Capitol, near the temple of Fides (CIL III p856 XIII = S. p1964 XVIII, p857 XIV = S. p1964 XIX: post tropaea Germanici in tribunali quae sunt ad aedem Fidei).
(p542) Tropaea or Monumenta Marii: see separate page.
Tropaea Neronis: trophies erected by Nero in 62 A.D., on the Capitol to commemorate victories over the Parthians ( Tac. Ann. XV.18; Jord. I.2.117, 129).
Tugurium Faustuli: see Casa Romuli.
Tullianum: see Carcer.
Tumulus Iuliae: see separate page.
Tumulus Maecenatis: see Sepulcrum Horatii.
Tumulus Octaviorum: a tomb of the Octavii, of unknown location, and mentioned only once (Tac. Ann. IV.44) as the burial place of L. Antonius in 25 A.D. (RE I.2590; Hirschfeld, Berl. Sitz. Ber. 1886, 1149‑1150 = Kleine Schriften 450).
Turris Maecenatiana: the tower from which Nero is said to have witnessed the burning of Rome (Suet. Nero 38). It probably stood in the Horti Maecenatis (q.v.) on the Esquiline, and may be referred to by Horace (Carm. III.29.10: molem propinquam nubibus arduis).
Turris Mamilia: a tower in the Subura on which the inhabitants of that region, Suburanenses, fastened the tail of the horse which was sacrificed at the October festival in case they were successful in their annual contest with the Sacravienses, a contest that dated from the period in p543 the city's development before that marked by the so‑called Servian wall (Fest. 178; Plut. q. R. 97; Wissowa, Ges. Abh. 248, 249). If another statement by Festus (131: Mamilia turris intra Suburae regionem a Mamilio nomen accepit) is true, the construction of this tower is perhaps to be connected with the settlement of the Mamilii, the principal family of Tusculum, in this part of the city (cf. the cognomen in C. Mamilius Turrinus, consul 239 B.C., and the Peloponnesian aedile Q. Mamilius Turrinus (Liv. XXVIII.10)). The tower was standing in the imperial period (CIL VI.33837: M. Octavius M. l. Attalus centonar(ius) a turre Mamilia), but is not mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue (Gilb. II.46‑47; HJ 330).
Tutilinae Loca: probably a small area, afterwards included within the circus Maximus, where a statue of the goddess Tutilina stood (Tertull. de spect. 8; cf. WR 201), and Ennius is said to have lived (Varro, LL V.163: . . .ligionem Porcius designat cum de Ennio scribens dicit eum coluisse Tutilinae loca). See Rosch. II.228.
1 Mommsen (CIL I2 p325) identifies him with Portunus.
2 Hülsen had in these articles referred the inscription to the temple of Flora on the Quirinal, but the mention of the praefectus annonae led him to change his opinion (HJ 118).
3 Cf. HCh xcvii, 260; SS. Cosma e Damiano and S. Martina also had the same name (ib. 242, 381).
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