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Via Triumphalis (1): a road running northwards from the Pons Neronianus across the Prati di Castello, ascending the southern slopes of Monte Mario to the right of the modern road, and finally joining the via Clodia at La Giustiniana, •7 miles from Rome. It was under the same curatores as the Via Aurelia (q.v.) but the origin of the name is unknown (CIL VI.10247; cf. p3307; Not. app.). Extensive brickfields which are still in use existed on the left of it, to which CIL XV.684: Tac(ci?) Ruf(i?) (de) via Tri(umphali) probably belongs. See Jord. I.1.376; HJ 658; LF 6, 14; Mon. L. I.525‑527; T. x.12‑16; BC 1908, 125‑135; 1913, 54‑57; LS III.129; PBS IX.205‑213. Cf. Apollo Argenteus, Bellona Pulvinensis.
Via Triumphalis (2): the name often given to the road from the Colosseum to the Septizonium, which passes by the arch of Constantine, but without ancient authority (HJ 25, 201).
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