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 p20  Aquae​a

Collecting all the individual aqua entries on pp20‑29 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Black-and‑white images are from Platner; any color photos are mine © William P. Thayer

Aqua Alexandri(a)na: see separate page.

(p21) Aqua Alsietina: see separate page.

Aqua Annia: an aqueduct mentioned in Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545 (Anena). As both the Anio Vetus and Novus are omitted in the list, it is probable that this is a corruption, especially as we have no other knowledge of an aqua Annia; and the same applies to the Aqua Attica, which is also found in the list (Jord. II.223, 224; RE I.2257).

Aqua Antoniniana: see Aqua Marcia.

Aqua Appia: see separate page.

Aqua Attica: see Aqua Annia.

 p22  Aqua Augusta (Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545): may refer to the aqua Alsietina (Hülsen, Nomenclators.v.), or to the fons Augustae of the aqua Marcia (Jord. I.1.472‑473; II.225).

Aqua Aurelia (Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545): is quite unexplained, and the name may be interpolated from the list of roads (Jord. I.1.480; II.228).

Aqua Caerulea: see Aqua Claudia.

Aqua Cernens: only mentioned in Not. (Reg. VIII), and generally emended into fervens (Jord. I.2.472), pendens (Mitt. 1896, 223; but the identification with Aquae pensiles, which was at Puteoli, must be given up; see Rev. Arch. 1913, II.253 sqq.; PBS VII.58) or cernua (Richter, 183, 388), i.e. 'the tumbling water.'

Aqua Ciminia: see remarks on Aqua Aurelia.

(p23) Aqua Claudia: see separate page.

Aqua Conclusa: only mentioned in one inscription (CIL VI.33087) as a locality on the Esquiline, which doubtless took its name from a tank of one of the aqueducts (HJ 254).

Aqua Damnata (Not. app.): is not otherwise known; it may be identical with Aqua Dotraciana (Pol. Silv. 545); see Jord. I.1.480; II.225; LA 325; RE IV.2049. It is certainly not identical with the aqua Crabra (Frontinus, de aquis I.9); see Aqua Iulia.

Aqua Drusia (anon. ap. Mommsen, Chron. min. I.546) is identified by some with the specus Octavianus of the Anio Vetus which passed, it is thought, over the Arcus Drusi (q.v.) (LA 266, 267); or it may be identical with the aqua Damnata (RE IV.2059).

Aqua Herculea (Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545) is the rivus Herculaneus of the Aqua Marcia (q.v.), not to be confused with the branch of the Anio Novus which bears the same name (Jord. I.1.479; II.224). Pliny (NH XXXI.42)º is probably in error in connecting a rivus Herculaneus with the aqua Virgo.

Aqua Iovia: see Aqua Marcia.

(p24) Aqua Iulia: see separate page.

(pp25‑27) Aqua Marcia: see separate page.

Aqua Mercurii: a spring near the porta Capena (Ov. Fast. V.669) which has been recognised in the garden of S. Gregorio, below the Villa Mattei. See LA 221; LF 35; HJ 205; BC 1904, 218; cf. Cap. Cat. Imp. 93 (a dedication to the springs and nymphs which was found not far off).

Aqua Pinciana: known only from a waterpipe (CIL XV.7259) with the inscription Aqua Pinciana d(omini) n(ostri) Fl(avii) Valentiniani Aug., which was found near the porta Salaria in the villa Verospi. (Its genuineness has been doubted, but probably without sufficient reason.) It probably conveyed water to the Domus Pinciana (q.v.).

Aqua Sallustiana: the modern name of a stream (which now runs under­ground) which rose between the Quirinal and the Pincio in the district of the horti Sallustiani, crossed the via Lata near the Piazza Colonna, and then turned southward to the Pantheon, where, near the Caprae Palus (HJ 473, 477), according to one view, it joined the Petronia Amnis (q.v.) with which it has by some been identified (LA 227; BC 1894, 393).

Aqua Severiana: mentioned only in Not. app. and Pol. Silv. 545; not the Alexandrina, which occurs separately. The reference is uncertain.

(p28) Aqua Tepula: see separate page.

Aqua Traiana: see separate page.

(p29) Aqua Virgo: see separate page.

Aquae Pensiles: see Aqua Cernens.

Thayer's Note:

a In 1935, a few years after this article, Thomas Ashby would write a whole book on The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome; it is online at Archive.Org.

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