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Area Apollinis: mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region I.
Area Apollinis (in Palatio): see Aedes Apollinis.
Area Calles. In the Notitia et Calles is added to the words aream Apollinis et Splenis of both Notitia and Curiosum, in Region I, but the reading is very doubtful (Jord. II.23, 542; BC 1914, 401).
Area Callisti: found only on a slave's collar (CIL XV.7193). It was in the Transtiberine district, probably near the castra Ravennatium and the church of S. Maria in Trastevere (HJ 647).
Area Candidi: mentioned only in the Notitia, after Decem Tabernae (q.v.), in Region VI. It was probably not far from the southern point of the Viminal, perhaps in the neighbourhood of S. Pudenziana (HJ 374).
Area Capitolina:
see separate page.
Area Carboniana:º somewhere on the Caelian, and known only from one source in early Christian literature — Acta S. Eusebii ap. Baron. Ann. Eccl. ad a. 259, 12.
Area Carruces: mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region I. This was probably the square in which travellers were accustomed to leave their carriages (Galen, περὶ φλεβοτομίας 17),a and connected with the schola carrucarum (better carrucariorum), or headquarters of those who engaged in the business of transportation (CIL III p1938; DE II.120; BC 1912, 204‑222; HJ 205; Pr. Reg. 116), which was situated between the porta Appia and the temple of Mars (BC 1916, 198‑199). See Mutatorium Caesaris.
Area Concordiae: see Concordia, aedes.
Area Macari: in Region V, known only from the inscription on a lead disk (CIL XV.7174).
Area Palatina: see separate page.
Area Pannaria:* mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region I, with no indication of even its approximate location. Richter (345) has rightly pointed out that both this and the Campus Lanarius in Reg. XII were probably open spaces on each side of the Via Appia, where the peasants bought and sold cloth and wool. This would invalidate the site assigned to the latter in the text (following HJ 198). Cf. also Area Radicaria.
Area Radicaria: mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue in Region XII, and marked on a fragment (3) of the Marble Plan. It appears to have been at the north-west corner of the baths of Caracalla (HJ 189).
Area Saturni: the open space adjoining the temple of Saturn in the forum. The name occurs only in inscriptions (CIL I2.810 = XIV.153; VI.1265; VIII.9249), and it is not certain whether the area was in p51 front of the temple or behind it, but probably behind, that is, on the south, between the clivus Capitolinus and the vicus Iugarius. Bronze tablets, on which laws were inscribed, were set up around this area (CIL I2.587, 589), and the offices of the aerarium probably opened on it. At least one guild of merchants had its office here (Jord. I.2.363‑5).
Area Splenis: see separate page.
Area Volcani (1): see Volcanal.
Area Volcani (2): mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue in Region IV, and situated perhaps in the neighbourhood of the Argiletum.
a The study of Antiquity can seem awfully dry at times. This is a parking lot and cab stand. Why it should be mentioned in a medical work on phlebotomy is another matter; I haven't read Galen's book yet, but when I do, I hope I'll remember to answer that gripping question here.
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Page updated: 26 Feb 14