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Atrium Caci: mentioned only in the Regionary Catalogue (Reg. VIII) and probably a hall of some sort near the Scalae Caci (q.v.).
Atrium Cyclopis: see Antrum Cyclopis.
Atrium Libertatis: see separate page.
Atria Licinia: auction rooms at the entrance to the Macellum (q.v.), probably just north of the basilica Aemilia at the beginning of the Subura (Cic. pro Quinct. 12, 25; Serv. ad Aen. I.726; HJ 359).
Atrium Maenium: a building which, together with the atrium Titium and four tabernae, standing in lautumiis (q.v.), were bought by the elder Cato in order that he might erect his basilica on their site (Liv. XXXIX.44). The Pseudo-Asconius (Cic. Div. in Verr. 16), in telling the same story, calls this atrium a domus, but this is probably an error. It was rather a hall or office (Jord. I.2.344‑5; FUR p29).
Atrium Minervae: a later name for the Chalcidicum (q.v.), an annex to the curia built by Augustus.
Atrium Publicum (in Capitolio): a public office, perhaps containing some of the state archives, said by Livy (XXIV.10) to have been struck by lightning in 214 B.C. It may possibly be identified with the τῶν ἀγορανόμων ταμιεῖον, in which Polybius (III.26.1) says that the treaties between Rome and Carthage were kept in his time (Jord. I.2.52).
Atrium Regium: found only in Livy (XXVI.27; XXVII.11, referring to the fire of 210 B.C.), and used apparently of the Atrium Vestae (q.v.). The origin of this name may be due to the confusion between Atrium Vestae and Regia (q.v.; Van Deman, Atrium Vestae 10).
Atria Septem: mentioned only in the Chronograph of 354 A.D. (p146) among the buildings of Domitian. Nothing further is known of these atria.
Atrium Sutorium: a building in which the ceremony of tubilustrium was annually performed. Its site is unknown, but it is natural to connect it with the shoe trade, and to place it in the Argiletum. As it is not mentioned after the first century, its site may have been occupied by the forum Transitorium (Varro, LL VI.14; Fest. 352; CIL I2 p313; Jord. I.2.452; FUR 30).
Atrium Titium: see Antrum Maenium.
Atrium Vestae: see separate page.
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