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Collecting all the individual
domus entries on pp154‑198
of Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

 p154  Domus (names of the owners given in the nominative):

Aebutii: on the Aventine, mentioned in connection with the Bacchanalian prosecutions (Livy XXXIX.11).

Aelia Athenais: on the Esquiline, just south of and within the porta Esquilina (?); only known from a lead pipe of the middle of the third century A.D. found in the Via dello Statuto (LF 23), on which she is called honesta femina (CIL XV.7377).

Aelii: a small house (domuncula: Val. Max. IV.4.8; Plut. Aem. 5; Jord. I.2.45; II.520‑523), perhaps on the Esquiline, near the Mariana Monumenta (q.v.), which was occupied by sixteen Aelii at once about the middle of the second century B.C. (cf. BC 1914, 360‑361).

Aelius Maximus Augustorum Libertus: near the thermae of Caracalla (?) (CIL XV.7374; LF 46 seems to fix the site too closely).

T. Aelius Naevius Antonius Severus: on the Quirinal, where its foundations were discovered at the corner of the Via Milano and the Via Nazionale. The owner was a man of consular rank of the time of Decius (?) (IG XIV.1071; CIL VI.1332 =31632; BC 1881, 15; LF 16; cf. CIL VI.1469 (=31663), 1470, 9147.

P. Aelius Romulus Augg. lib.: see Q. Blaesius Iustus.

Aemilia Paulina Asiatica: on the Quirinal (CIL XV.7380; LF 16). Its foundations were discovered in 1887 in the Via Genova under the Palazzo dell' Esposizione, oriented according to the vicus Longus (Mitt. 1889, 276).

M. Aemilius Aemilianus: situated on ground later occupied by the thermae of Diocletian on the site of the Ministero delle Finanze (?). One piece of lead water-pipe, with his name and that of Marcia Caenis, the maker, was found in the Campo Verano, the modern cemetery on the via Tiburtina; another, with that of Marcia Caenis only, on the site named above (CIL XV.7378). The inscription is of too early a date to allow us to accept Lanciani's identification (BC 1881, 10) with the Aemilianus who subsequently became emperor (Pros. I.25.213).

 p155  L. Aemilius Iuncus: on the Esquiline (?), only known from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7379). He is perhaps the consul suffectus of 127 A.D. (Pros. I.28.235), to whom the Figlinae Iuncianae (CIL XV.257‑123 A.D.) are thought to have belonged, and is also referred to in IG III.622; V.485.

M. Agrippa: see M. Antonius (in Palatio).

Albinovanus Pedo: see C. Plinius Secundus.

Alfenius Ceionius Iulianus Kamenius: on the Quirinal, south-east of the Palazzo Barberini, where its ruins were found (CIL VI.1675 =31902; 31940; LF 16; BC 1884, 43; RhM 1894, 387). Alfenius was a prominent member of the anti-Christian party in the fourth century, and was accused of practising magic in 368 (Amm. Marc. XXVIII.1.27). It must have been his grandfather who was praefectus urbi in 333 A.D., ten years before his birth (Chron. Min. I.68). He died in 385, and was buried near Fogliano, on the coast between Astura and Monte Circeo (Bull. d. Inst. 1884, 56‑79; EE VIII.648, 650; cf. 899; Mél. 1905, 203‑205).

Amethysti Drusi Caesar(is): below the Pincian Hill, on the north-east of the Via del Babuino (?); only known from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7383; LF 1).

Ampelius: the house on the Quirinal, belonging to P. Ampelius of Antioch, praefectus urbi in 370 A.D., which was described as parvae aedes sub clivo Salutis (Sym. V.54.2).

Ancus Martius: on the summa Sacra via, near the temple of the Lares (Solin. I.23), or, according to Varro (ap. Non. 531 M), in Palatio ad portam Mugionis secundum viam sub sinistra.

Anicii (1): see Gregorius Magnus.

Anicii (2): supposed to have stood near the circus Flaminius (HJ 549; LR 456), from an inscription (CIL VI.1676) that records the restoration of some structure by Anicius Acilius Glabrio Faustus in 408‑423 A.D. See also Xenodochium Aniciorum (for an erroneous theory that the Anicii dwelt in the insula Tiberina, see Besnier, L'Ile Tibérine 64‑65).

L. Annaeus Seneca: a house occupied by Seneca, only mentioned in one passage (Ep. 83.5: primum ad Tiberim transtuli castra, deinde ad hoc solium, quod, cum fortissimus sum et omnia bona fide fiunt, sol temperat: non multum mihi ad balneum superest), which only shows that it was in a sunny situation.

Anniana: see Milo.

A. Annius Plocamus: on the Esquiline, to the north-east of the thermae of Diocletian (?); only known from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7391; ib. 798 is a brick bearing his name). The pipe is said to have been found at the angle of the Via Volturno and the Via Goito; but as they are parallel, Via Gaeta is a probable conjecture. He may be the freedman who under Claudius took over the Red Sea dues from the treasury (Plin. NH VI.84 = Solin. I.53.8); see Pros. I.68.517.

 p156  Annius Verus: on the Caelian, near the Lateran, in which Marcus Aurelius was brought up (Hist. Aug. M. Ant. 1). Annius Verus was consul for the second time in 121 and for the third in 126 A.D. (Pros. I. p70, n. 535). See CP 1909, 195; LR 346; LF 36.

M. Antonius: see Pompeius (in Carinis).

M. Antonius: the house of the triumvir on the Palatine, which afterwards belonged to Messala (Pros. III p365) and to M. Agrippa, and was burned in 29 B.C. (Cass. Dio LIII.27).

Antonius Gnipho: mentioned only once (Suet. Gramm. 7), and of unknown location. See Domus Caesaris.

L. Appuleius Saturninus: destroyed, like that of M. Fulvius Flaccus, after the murder of its owner, who was tribune in 103 and 100 B.C. (Val. Max. VI.3.1c). Its site is unknown.

C. Aquilius Gallus: on the Viminal, and said to have been the most beautiful house in Rome in the middle of the first century B.C. (Plin. NH XVII.2).

Arruntius Stella: the house of the consul of 101 A.D., the friend of Statius and Martial, at the beginning of the Subura (Mart. XII.3.9; cf. Pros. I. p147, n. 947).

L. Asinius Rufus: on the Aventine (?), known only from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7396). He may be identical with the friend of Pliny and Tacitus (Plin. Ep. IV.15).

Atticus: see Domus Pomponiorum.

Aufidia Cornelia Valentilla: who had a house or gardens south of the Porta Maggiore (?), where the remains of a building of the latter half of the second century A.D. were found (NS 1887, 70, 108; 1888, 225; cf. also BC 1887, 100; 1925, 276‑278; CIL XV.755, 7398; LF 32).

(p157‑158) Augustus: see separate page.

(p159‑166) Augustiana: see separate page.

Avianus Vindicianus: on the Quirinal (?) (see NS 1891, 250; CIL VI.31005). He also had property, near the Tiber, to the south-west of the Mausoleum of Augustus (?), known only from several inscriptions on a large lead pipe found near the Ripetta (CIL XV.7399). He was consularis Campaniae, and vicarius urbis Romae in 378 A.D. (BC 1894, 49).

T. Avidius Quietus: (a) on the Esquiline, just outside the porta Esquilina, where some remains​1 were found in 1876 (BC 1877, 66 ff., 74 ff.). Avidius was governor of Thrace in 82 A.D. (CIL VI.3828, 31692‑3). (b) Probably of the same man (Pros. I. p189, No. 1172; RE II.2385‑6), on the Quirinal, where a tastefully decorated nymphaeum was found (BC 1877, 59 ff.; NS 1901, 295, 352, 418; CIL XV.7400. Two other pipes of unknown provenance (one perhaps from the Caffarella valley on the left of the via Appia) bearing the same inscription are recorded ib.).

(p167‑172) Aurea: see separate page.

 p173  M. Aurelius Solanus: on the Esquiline, east of the horti Maecenatis, west of the via Merulana (?), known only from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7409; LF 23).

Aurelia Severa: only known from a lead pipe found either on the site of the baths of Diocletian or to the east of it, towards the Praetorian camp (CIL XV.7415).

Balbinus: somewhere on the Carinae (Hist. Aug. Balb. 16), but otherwise unknown, unless it be a mere invention from Suet. Tib. 15.

Baronia Iusta: on the Esquiline (?), known only from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7416).

L. Bellienus: the house of an unknown person (RE III.253) that was burned at the time of the funeral of Caesar (Cic. Phil. II.91), and therefore near the forum.

Betitius Perpetuus Arzygius: close to the ara incendii Neroniani on the Quirinal, under the present Palazzo dell' Esposizione, where various remains have been found (NS 1888, 493‑6; RhM 1894, 387; LF 16). Arzygius was corrector Siciliae between 315 and 330 A.D. (IG XIV.1078aCIL VI.31961; X.7204). CIL VI.1702=31904 is a dedication to another man of the same name, perhaps his son.

Bibulus: (M. Calpurnius Bibulus, Caesar's colleague in the consulate in 59 B.C.): mentioned only by Appian (BC II.11). Its site is unknown.

Q. Blaesius Iustus: on the Esquiline (?), known only from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7418) of the end of the second century which bears his name and that of P. Aelius Romulus Augg. lib.

Bruttius Praesens: mentioned in the Notitia in Region III, apparently for some special reason. It probably was situated near the baths of Trajan. This Bruttius may have been the consul of 180 A.D. or a descendant of his (Pros. I. p241, n. 136‑143; II. p91, n. 355).

Caecilius Capito: A lead pipe bearing his name was found west of the via Lata, north of the Saepta, and must have been supplied by the aqua Virgo (CIL XV.7419; LF 15).

L. Caecilius Metellus: on the Palatine. It is mentioned only once (Cic. de Or. II.263), where it is called cors in jest.

Caecilii: According to the legend S. Caecilia was exposed for three days to the heat of the calidarium in the baths of the house of her family, during the persecution of M. Aurelius. Excavations under the church dedicated to her in Trastevere brought to light (in 1899‑1900) considerable remains of Roman brick walls of the first half of the second century A.D., intermingled with still earlier (though not republican) structures in opus quadratum. There are also later walls (third and fourth century) with rough mosaic pavements. In one room are circular basins, for the fulling of cloth or for tanning (see Coraria Septimiana and cf. Mau, Pompeii, 416). To the upper floor  p174 of the ancient building belongs the room heated with a hypocaust, now in the chapel on the right of the present church. The older basilica was perhaps to the left of this. See BCr 1899, 261; 1900, 143, 265; NS 1900, 12‑14, 230; Cosmos Catholicus IV (1902), 648; Leclercq in Cabrol, Dict. II.2765; HJ 638‑639; HCh 229; Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 113‑116; 149 n. 1, 155, 156.

Caecina Decius: situated, according to the testimony of fourth century inscriptions (CIL VI.1192; XV.7420), on the south-west side of the Aventine, above the porta Lavernalis, near S. Alessio (LF 34; HJ 165).

Caecina Largus: see Domus Crassi, Domus Scauri.

Caelia Galla: see Maecius Blandus.

M. Caelius: a house on the Palatine hired by Caelius in order to be near Cicero (Cic. pro Cael. 18).

Caelius Saturninus: a house belonging to the Caelii of the fourth century, situated between the via Lata and the western slope of the Quirinal, just north of the present Piazza della Pilotta, where inscriptions (CIL VI.1704, 1705)​2 and remains have been found (Ann. d. Inst. 1858, 11; Nuove Mem. d. Ist. 298‑333).

Caesar: in the Subura, where Julius Caesar lived (Suet. Caes. 46), and where the grammarian Antonius Gnipho taught for a time before he had a house of his own (Suet. de Gramm. 7).

Caesetius Rufus: of unknown location but near that of Fulvia, the wife of Antonius, who coveted the house and therefore caused the proscription of its owner (App. B. C. IV.29; Val. Max. IX.5.4).

Q. Canusius Praenestinus: a lead pipe bearing his name was found on the Esquiline, near S. Maria Maggiore (CIL XV.7423). He appears to have owned brickfields (ib. 913), and is mentioned in several other inscriptions. He was consul suffectus about A.D. 157 (Pros. I.31.341).

Carminia Liviana Diotima: clarissima femina. Her name occurs several times on a large lead pipe of the end of the second or beginning of the third century A.D., belonging to other owners also, P. Attius Pudens (Prosop. I.181.1132), T. Flavius Valerianus, C. Annius Laevonicus Maturinus (?), which was found between the porta Tiburtina and the porta Labicana in making the railway (CIL XV.7424a; LF 24). For her genealogy, see Pros. I.305, 365.

Spurius Cassius: on the west slope of the Carinae. Sp. Cassius was put to death in 485 B.C. for alleged treason, and the temple of Tellus (q.v.) was afterwards erected on the site of his house (Cic. de domo 101; Liv. II.41.11; Dionys. VIII.79; Val. Max. VI.3.1).

Cassius Argillus: the house of a certain senator, Argillus, which was said to have been pulled down by order of the senate, after its owner  p175 had counselled peace with Hannibal after the battle of Cannae (Serv. Aen. VIII.345). This was one of the stories invented to account for the name Argiletum.

C. Cassius Longinus: the famous jurist (Pros. I.314, 428), who was banished by Nero. It is mentioned only by Juvenal (X.16) and its site is unknown.

Catiline: the only authority for the existence of a house of Catiline on the Palatine is a passage in Suet. de Gramm. 17; M. Verrius Flaccus transiit in Palatium eum tota schola docuitque in atrio Catulinae domus, quae pars Palatii tunc (before B.C. 4) erat. This passage is often (e.g. in Thes. Ling. Lat. Onomasticon, II.277.35) referred to the house of Catulus (see the next article); but it may be argued that the adjective of Catulus is Catulianus (Plin. NH XXXIV.77) just as Catullianus is the adjective of Catullus; whereas Catulina is admissible as a form of Catilina. We know nothing of its site; LR 119 places it 'on the edge of the hill fa­cing the Circus Maximus'; Boni preferred to identify it with the house which he discovered under the so‑called lararium of the Flavian palace (JRS 1913, 248; cf. Domus Augustiana, p161).

Q. Lutatius Catulus: an unusually magnificent house (Plin. NH XVII.2) built by Catulus after his victory over the Cimbri, on the Palatine hill, near his porticus (q.v.). It was on the site of the earlier house of Fulvius Flaccus, and was incorporated by Augustus in his house about 20 B.C. (Suet. de Gramm. 17; Varro, RR III.5.12; Cic. de domo 102, 114; Val. Max. VI.3.1; JRS 1914, 211‑213; HJ 57; but cf. Domus Transitoria).

Ceionius Rufus Volusianus: see Domus Lampadii.

Censorinus: see Domus Ciceronis.

Censorinus Tyrannus: see Domus Titi.

M. Tullius Cicero: see separate page.

 p176  Q. Cicero: (1) on the Carinae adjoining the temple of Tellus (Cic. ad Q. Fr. II.3.7; III.1.14; de har. resp. 31; Gilb. III.356; HJ 324). (2) on the Palatine hill, near his brother's house, but mentioned only once (ad Att. IV.3.2).

L. Fabius Cilo: presented by Septimius Severus to Cilo, his intimate friend and praefectus urbi in 203 A.D. (Vict. Ep. 20.6; Pros. II.45.20). It is mentioned in the Regionary Catalogue in Region XII, and on an inscribed lead pipe (CIL XV.7447) found near S. Balbina, on the Aventine (Bull. d. Inst. 1859, 164; NS 1884, 223; BC 1916, 198). Considerable remains of substructions, of an earlier date, however, still exist on the way up to and under the monastery, while the church itself was formed out of a rectangular hall of the house (Mon. L. I.490). A fragment (43, cf. 58) of the Marble Plan may also indicate this house (LR 543; HJ 88; RE VI.1767; ZA 279‑280); Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 94‑96).

Arpius Claudius: mentioned only once (Liv. II.49.5) as being near the forum.

Appius Claudius Martialis: on the western part of the ridge of the Quirinal, known only from a lead pipe found in the vigna of the Cardinal d'Este in the sixteenth century, corresponding with the west part of the Palazzo del Quirinale (CIL XV.7427). Appius Claudius Martialis was leg. Aug. pro praet. Prov. Thraciae (161‑169 A.D.; Pros. I.387, 743). Cf. Hülsen, Röm. Antikengärten 87; HJ 423, 424.

Appius Claudius Pulcher: only mentioned once as in Campo Martio extremo (Varro, RR III.2.5). See Constans, Un correspondant de Cicéron,º Appius Claudius Pulcher, p14, n. 1.

Claudius Centumalus: an apartment house (insula) on the Caelian, which the owner was ordered to demolish because its height interfered with the observations of the augurs. Notwithstanding this order, he sold it to P. Calpurnius Lanarius, and was sued by the latter for damages (Cic. de off. III.66; Val. Max. VIII.2.1).

Ti. Claudius Nero: See Domus Liviae.

Claudii: on the Quirinal, near the thermae Constantini and the modern Palazzo Sacripante, where lead pipes inscribed with the names of T. Flavius Claudius Claudianus3 and Claudia Vera c. f. (CIL XV.7450, 7434) seem to indicate a house of the patrician Claudii. Here was also found a mosaic of a ship entering a harbour (BC 1878, 276; Cons. 268; Pros. II.66.168; RE VI.2356; BA 1925, 163, n. 33). Cf. Balneum Claudianum.

Clemens: the church of Clemens, near the Moneta, is mentioned in the inscription on a slave's collar of the Constantinian period, tene me  p177 quia fugi et reboca me Victori acolito ad dominicum Clementis (CIL XV.7192). Cf. Hieron. de vir. ill. 15. Presbyters of the titulus Clementis were present at the synods of 499 and 595.

Interesting remains of the house, belonging to the second and third centuries A.D., with a fine stucco ceiling in one room, are still to be seen. They include a Mithraeum, the most perfectly preserved of all known in Rome. They had been discovered in 1861 ff. by Father Mullooly; and they have recently been rendered permanently accessible by the construction of a drain (see Castra Misenatium). See Nolan, The Basilica of S. Clemente, 1914 (esp. 233 sqq.); CIL VI.748; BCr 1870, 125‑168; CRA 1915, 205‑211; BC 1915, 69‑70; AJA 1916, 105; HCh 238; Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 36‑41; Leclercq in Cabrol, Dict. III.1873‑1902; Mem. Am. Acad. IV.56, 57.

Clodius: the house that Clodius intended to build, and apparently began, on part of the site of Cicero's house and that of his neighbour, Q. Seius (Cic. de domo 115, 116).

M. Cocceius Nerva: a lead pipe bearing his name was found on the Esquiline (CIL XV.7437), which may have belonged either to the supply of a house belonging to him, or to a pipe line laid by him as curator aquarum in 24‑34 A.D. (Pros. I.428.972).

Commodiana: a designation of the imperial palace found once in extant literature (Hist. Aug. Comm. 12: domus Palatina Commodiana), probably referring to the Domus Augustiana. The term is now sometimes used to denote the additions supposed to have been built by Commodus, but no such additions can be satisfactorily identified; and it is better to suppose that we have to do with a piece of flattery on a par with the change of the name of the month of August (ib. 1; HJ 98).

Cornelii Fronto et Quadratus: Several pipes bearing their name were found near the so‑called auditorium of the horti Maecenatis (CIL XV.7438; LF 23). Fronto may be the tutor of M. Aurelius and Lucius Verus (Pros. I.446.1106, 1166).

L. Cornelius Pusio: probably on the Quirinal, near the present Banca d'Italia, where some traces of walls (NS 1878, 368), fragments of a bronze statue (the head is well preserved) and an inscribed tablet (CIL VI.31706; NS 1893, 194; PT 196) were found. This Cornelius Pusio was commander of the sixteenth legion under Claudius (Mitt. 1892, 197‑203).

Sex. Cornelius Repentinus: near S. Alessio on the Aventine (?), known only from a lead pipe (CIL XV.7439; LF 34), which mentions him as praefectus praetorio clarissimus vir, an office which he held at the end of the reign of Antoninus Pius (Pros. I.461.1168).

Cornelia Tauri f. T. Axi (uxor): situated on the Quirinal, just east of the Via dei Serpenti in the Via Nazionale. This Cornelia was the  p178 wife or daughter of Sisenna Statilius Taurus (Pros. III.263.613, 623). T. Axius is unknown (CIL XV.7440).

Cornelia L. F. Volusi Saturnini: known only from a lead pipe found among some earlier buildings under the southern exedra of the thermae Diocletiani (CIL XV.7441; Pros. III.483.661; BC 1887, 182 — the name was repeated fourteen times).

Cornificia: mentioned in the Regionary Catalogues in Region XII, next to the cohors IV vigilum, and on a lead pipe (CIL XV.7442). It was probably between these barracks and the vicus portae Raudusculanae. Cornificia was probably the younger sister of Marcus Aurelius, who married M. Ummidius Quadratus (BC 1891, 210‑216; Mitt. 1892, 296; Pros. I.75.546; III.469.601).

Cosmus Aug. Lib. a rationibus: near S. Sabina, on the Aventine, where a lead pipe bearing his name was found in remains of a building of the early second century (CIL XV.7443; LF 34; Merlin 319; Descemet, Santa Sabina 3 sqq.). De Rossi (Bull. d. Inst. 1855, 48) believes that the house of Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius included a part of this house.

L. Crassus: on the Palatine, near that of Scaurus, with which it seems to have been united at a later period, for the whole property belonged to Caecina Largus in the first century A.D. This house was famous for its six columns of Hymettan marble — the first set up in any private house in Rome — and for six lotos trees that were burned in the fire of Nero when they were more than 180 years old (Plin. NH  XVII.3‑6; XXXVI.7). Because of this magnificence Crassus was called the Palatine Venus.

M. Crassus: see M. Tullius Cicero.

M. Curius Dentatus: given to Curius, together with fifty jugera of land, by the people of Rome, apud Tifatam, that is, near a grove of oaks that was afterwards known as Tifata Curia (q.v.) (Fest. 49; Auct. de vir. ill. 33.10; Hermes, 1911, 305‑308).

Daphnis: in the via Tecta in the campus Martius, near the Tarentum, previously the property of an unknown Daphnis, but belonging in 88 A.D. to Julius Martialis (Mart. III.5.6).

Diadumenus Aug. L. a Libellis: on the Caelian, near the present military hospital, known only from the inscription on a lead pipe (CIL XV.7444) of about the middle of the first century A.D.

Dion: mentioned only in Not. in Region X, and otherwise unknown (B reads dionisii).

Domitiana: the house of Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, the father of Nero, on the Sacra via, in front of which the Arval Brethren offered sacrifices in his memory. Domitius died in 40 A.D., and the extant fragments  p179 of the Acta Fratrum Arvalium record three celebrations, in 55 (CIL VI.32352), 58 (ib. 2041. 25), and 59 (ib. 2042 d). Cf. Sen. Controv. IX.4.8; Henzen, Acta fr. Arv. 61, 82; Jord. I.1.509, 2.286).

Cn. Domitius Calvinus: built during the principate of Augustus on the Velia, on the site of the shrine of Mutunus Tutunus (q.v.), which was said to have stood there from the foundation of the city (Fest. 154; Gilb. I.156; II.369‑370).

Elpidius v. c.: on the Caelian, known only from the inscription on a slave's collar (CIL XV.7190). This Elpidius may be the Helpidius who was proconsul of Africa in 402 A.D., and a correspondent of Symmachus (Sym. Ep. V.78‑98; RE VIII.208).

Ennius: on the Aventine (Hier. a. Abr. 1777; cf. Suet. ed. Reiff. p24), probably on its north-east slope near the southern end of the circus Maximus (Varro, LL V.163; HJ 154).

Equitius: on the Esquiline, adjacent to the church of S. Martino ai Monti, in which the Titulus Equitii was founded by Pope Silvester I (314‑335 A.D.); see Mon. L. I.484‑489; ASRSP 1912, 1‑117; Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 41‑45; HCh 382, 383.

Sex. Erucius Clarus: A pipe bearing his name was found in the campus Viminalis sub aggere (CIL XV.7445; LF 18). He may be identical with the man who was consul for the second time in 146 A.D., described by Gellius (XIII.18.2) as 'vir morum et litterarum veterum studiosissimus' (Pros. II.39.69). CIL VI.22471 mentions a slave 'de domo Eruci Clari.'

Fabius Fortunatus: a house on the Clivus Capsarius (q.v.) in Aventino Maiore. It is mentioned only in a fragment of the Acta Arvalia of 240 A.D. (NS 1914, 473‑474).

L. Fabius Gallus: his name is mentioned on five pipes found in the Via dei Serpenti between the Via Cavour and the Colosseum, and on two found on the site of the Finance Ministry in the Via Venti Settembre (CIL XV.7449). It is therefore uncertain what inference should be drawn as to the situation of his house.

Fabia Paulina: see Vettius Agorius.

C. Fabricius: see Compitum Fabricii.

Fausta:* mentioned once, in 313 A.D. (Optat. Milev. de schism. Donat. I.23: Convenerunt in domum Faustae in Laterano). It may have been a part of the domus Lateranorum which continued to exist separately (HJ 243). Cf. Addendum to p162, l. 11.

Flaminia: the house of the flamen Dialis (Fest. 89; Gell. X.15.7; Serv. Aen. II.57; VIII.363), probably near the atrium Vestae (Cass. Dio LIV.24).

Flamen Quirinalis: near the Doliola in the Velabrum, but mentioned only once (Liv. V.40.8).

 p180  Flavius Eugenius Asellus: on the Capitoline hill. Asellus was comes largitionum in 469 A.D., and afterwards praefectus urbi (Sid. Ap. Ep. I.7.4; CIL VI.1668).

T. Flavius Claudius Claudianus v. c.: see Domus Claudiorum.

Flavius Iunius Quartus Palladius: For this house, situated opposite S. Anselmo (infra, p186, l. 34), where an honorary base and walls of the fifth century A.D. were found, see BC 1926, 35‑41.

T. Flavius Sabinus: the house of the brother of Vespasian (or of his son) on the Quirinal between the Alta Semita and the vicus Longus, just south of the present church of S. Andrea, as is shown by the discovery of a travertine cippus (Tac. Hist. III.69; CIL VI.29788; XV.7451; cf. Pros. II.73.231; 74. 234 — where these inscriptions are not cited; RhM 1894, 400, 401).

T. Flavius Salinator: A lead pipe bearing his name was found to the east of the house of T. Flavius Sabinus (CIL XV.7452).

T. Flavius Tiberianus: on the Esquiline, known only from a lead pipe, of the second century (CIL XV.7453), that was found at the corner of the Via Mazzini and Via Napoleone III. The house seems to have belonged afterwards to M. Tuticius Capito.

Flavius Vedius Antoninus c. v.: on the Viminal, near the Ministero delle Finanze, known only from a lead pipe of the second or third century (CIL XV.7456; but cf. Pros. II.77.261).

Fronto: see Domus Horatiana, Horti Maecenatis.

M. Fulvius Flaccus: near the north corner of the Palatine, destroyed after the murder of its owner in 121 B.C. The house of Catulus was erected on its site (Cic. de domo 102, 114; Val. Max. VI.3.1 c).

C. Fulvius Plautianus:* on the slope of the Quirinal, north of the royal gardens, where some remains and two water-pipes bearing his name have been found (NS 1902, 132‑133; 1903, 20). This Plautianus was the famous friend of Septimius Severus (HJ 424; Pros. II.96.379). See BC 1926, 145‑175 and reff. for a full description: and for the so‑called Forum Archemonium (a sixteenth century invention) see Jord. II.310; HJ 424, n. 84; HCh 390.

Fulvia: wife of M. Antoninus, near that of Caesetius Rufus, but of unknown location (App. B. C. IV.29).

Gaiana: see Domus Tiberiana.

Galeria Fundana, the wife of Vitellius: on the Aventine (Tac. Hist. III.70; cf. also Pros. II.107.18).

Gelotiana: a house on the slope of the Palatine, over­looking the circus Maximus, which Caligula seems to have incorporated in the imperial palace (Suet. Cal. 18; CIL VI.8663). For a description of some existing remains, often identified with this house, see Domus Augustiana, p161, and for the frescoes, see PBS VIII.91‑103.

Geminia Bassa c. f.: just inside the porta Viminalis, known only from a lead pipe of the beginning of the third century (CIL XV.7463).

Genucius Marinianus: just south-east of S. Maria Maggiore (?), known only from a lead pipe of the middle of the third century A.D. (CIL XV.7464).

 p181  G . . . . AR . . . . T . . . . CERMANIANUS (sic) c. v. known only from a lead pipe of the fourth or fifth century (CIL XV.7462), found at the south-east corner of the thermae Constantini, near the Banca d'Italia.

Germanicus: the father of Caligula, on the Palatine and mentioned only by Josephus (Ant. Iud. XIX.1.15). Its location is unknown, and no identification as yet proposed is acceptable (HJ 85; v. supra, p157).

Gregorius Magnus: situated on the clivus Scauri, opposite the Domus Johannis et Pauli (q.v.). In it Gregory founded the church which still bears his name, in honour of S. Andrew, about 580 A.D. (LPD I.312: hic domum suam constituit monasterium). Johannes Diaconus (Vita S. Greg. IV 83‑84, in Migne, Patrol. Lat. CXXV. 230) speaks of some paintings executed here during Gregory's lifetime by his order, representing himself and his parents, which are now no longer visible. The name domus Aniciorum is often applied to it, inasmuch as Gregory belonged to the family of the Anicii Petronii. Pope Agapetus I (535‑536) had previously founded a library here, the dedicatory inscription of which is preserved, and some remains of which exist (De Rossi, Insc. Crist. II.1 p16; LPD I.288, n. 1; LF 35; LR 351‑352; DAP 2.viii.417‑450; HCh 256; Leclercq in Cabrol, Dict. VI.1753‑1770).

(H)aterius Latronianus: A lead pipe bearing his name belonging to the middle or end of the second century A.D. was found at the north-west angle of the Finance Ministry (CIL XV.7467; LF 10). The tomb of Q. Haterius (CIL VI.1426; cf. Pros. II.126.17) stood on the right of the via Nomentana not far off, and served as foundation to one of the towers of the porta Nomentana of the Aurelian wall (PBS III.38). See Sep. Q. Haterii.

L. Hermonius Iustus: see Stabula IIII Factionum.

Homullus: probably M. Valerius Homullus, consul in 152 A.D. (Pros. III.358.61). The house is mentioned once (Hist. Aug. Pius 11), but is otherwise unknown.

Horatiana: mentioned only in the Scholiast to Juvenal (I.12): Frontonis in Horatiana domo in qua poetae recitabant. Cf. Horti Maecenatis. It is quite uncertain which Fronto is meant (Friedländer in loc.).

A. Hortensius Licinianus: lead pipes bearing his name (end of second or beginning of third century) were found near the right bank of the Tiber, above the Mausoleum of Hadrian, in the so‑called Prati di Castello (CIL XV.7469).

Hortensius: (aedes Hortensianae): on the southern half of the Palatine. This modest house was purchased by Octavian, and occupied by him before the building of the domus Augustiana (Suet. Aug. 72). It is probably to be identified with the Domus Augusti (q.v.); cf. JRS 1914, 192‑211).

 p182  Iohannes et Paulus:* the house in which S. John and S. Paul (not the Apostles, but two officers who suffered martyrdom under Julian) were murdered, situated on the Caelian just south-west of the porticus Claudia, in the present Via di SS. Giovanni e Paolo (perhaps the Clivus Scauriq.v.), under the church of that name. The excavations show a private dwelling of the second century, enlarged and rebuilt in the third and fourth, in which, probably in the second half of the third century, a titulus was instituted (titulus Byzantis), while Pammachius founded the basilica at the end of the fourth century. The enlargement consisted for the most part in connecting two houses that had been separated by a narrow street. Upwards of thirty rooms have been opened up, among them a cavaedium, with five rows of three rooms each on the south side, bathrooms, storerooms and stairways. The discovery of an interesting Pagan painting with a marine scene in 1909 may be noticed. Krohn's conjecture (Frontinus de Aquaeductu, p. vii) that the subject of the painting is an allusion to the construction of the Anio Novus by Claudius cannot be accepted. The house had three stories, traces of which are visible, and an arcade in front, with two rows of windows above. The façade resembles that of the houses of Ostia (NS 1887, 532; 1890, 79, 150‑151; 1891, 161‑162; BC 1887, 151‑152, 321‑322; 1892, 65; 1909, 122‑123; Mitt. 1889, 261‑262; 1891, 107‑108; 1892, 297; AJA 1890, 261‑285, pl. XVI, XVII; 1891, 25‑37, pl. IV‑VI; Röm. Quartalschr. 1888, 137‑147, 321‑326, 404‑405; Germano, La Casa Celimontana dei SS. martiri Giovanni e Paolo, Roma 1894; Grisar, Geschichte Roms I.42‑45; HJ 232; LR 350; DAP 2.x(i).205‑208; Wilpert, Mosaiken und Malereien, II.631‑652; RAP II.29‑31; HCh 277, 592; ZA 149‑158; Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen 26‑33).

C. Iulius Avitus: known only from the inscription on a lead pipe (CIL XV.7471) found on the Viminal hill, under the Teatro Costanzi (BC 1880, 22). He may have been the husband of Iulia Maesa (Pros. II.169.123). Here was found a fine statue of a hermaphrodite (PT 200).

Iulii Cefalii cc. vv.: a little north of the aqua Antoniniana, about halfway between the porta Ardeatina and the porta Appia, where some ruins were found, and an inscribed waterpipe (CIL XV.7472).

T. Iulius Frugi: A fragment of a marble slab bearing his name (CIL VI.31717) was found on the site of the Banca d'Italia, but it does not give sufficient warrant for the existence of his house here (HJ 420), inasmuch as, though found in the ruins of a private house of the second century A.D., the place had been used by marble workers in the Middle Ages and the inscription itself was found in a modern drain (BC 1886, 185; 1922, 7; RhM 1894, 386, n. I).

Iulius Martialis: in the via Tecta in the campus Martius, near the Tarentum (Mart. III.5.5).

Iulius Pompeius Rusonianus: on the south-west slope of the Quirinal, where three pipes, inscribed with his name, were found under the  p183 Teatro Nazionale (CIL XV.7475). Pompeius was (probably) magister XVvirum sacris faciundis in 204 A.D. (Pros. II.207.320; CIL VI.p3261).

Iulius Proculus: probably on the eastern side of the so‑called clivus Palatinus, about at the north corner of the present vigna Barberini, although the exact location depends somewhat upon the extent of the Clivus Sacer (q.v.). Iulius was the friend of Martial, to whom the poet sends his first book (Mart. I.70).

Iulia Vitalis: A lead pipe bearing her name was found between the agger of Servius Tullius and the aqueduct of the Anio Vetus, at the corner of the Viale Principessa Margherita (now Viale Principe di Piemonte) and the Via Mazzini, now called Via Cattaneo (CIL XV.7480).

Iunius Bassus: see Basilica Iunii Bassi.

Iunius (senator): only mentioned by Tac. Ann. IV.64 as situated on the Caelian. Who he was, is unknown.

Iunia Procula: A lead pipe bearing her name was found inside a fountain in the shape of a truncated pyramid, faced with marble, to the south-east of the fountain of the aqua Iulia in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (CIL XV.7482; LF 24; LA 431. 47).

M. Laelius Fulvius Maximus: known only from an inscribed waterpipe (CIL XV.7483) found at the north-west corner of the Ministero delle Finanze on the Quirinal. Laelius was perhaps the consul of 227 A.D.

Lamiae: see Horti Lamiarum.

Ceionius Rufus Volusianus Lampadius: on the Viminal, near the baths of Constantine (Amm. Marcell. XXVII.3.8). Lampadius was praef. urbi in 366 A.D.

(p184) Laterani: see separate page.

Lenaeus: probably the house belonging to Lenaeus, a freedman of Pompeius, who is said to have taught on the Carinae, near the temple of Tellus (Suet. de gramm. 15).

C. Licinius Calvius: the house of the orator that was occupied by Augustus for a time before he moved up to the Palatine (Suet. Aug. 72). It was near the forum, and above the Scalae Anulariae (q.v.), but the location of these scalae is very uncertain.

Licinius Sura: see Thermae Suranae for the house on the Aventine. Sura probably had another house on the Caelian, near the Lateran, where the base of a statue with a dedicatory inscription (CIL VI.1444) was found in the sixteenth century (LS III.75). See Pros. II.285.174.

Domus Liviae: see Domus Augusti.

M. Livius Drusus: on the site afterwards occupied by the house of Cicero (Vell. II.14.1 and 3).

Lucina:* on the via Lata, near the Catabulum (q.v.), but probably separate from it. It belonged to a certain Lucina, who established in it the church of S. Marcello, called after Pope Marcellus (309 A.D.). See Kirsch, Röm. Titelkirchen, 79, 80.

Luciniana: mentioned only once (Cic. ad Q. Fr. II.3.7) ad lucum (the better reading for lacum) Pisonis, the location of which is entirely unknown (BC 1905, 229). Liciniana is the emendation generally adopted.

L. Lusius Petellinus: A lead pipe of the middle or end of the first century A.D. bearing his name was found on the site of the house of the Laterani (CIL XV.7488). It may be conjectured that he became the owner of the house after the execution of Plautius Lateranus.

Q. Maecius Blandus: lead pipes bearing his name and that of Caelia Galla were found under the monastery of Aracoeli on the Capitol (CIL XV.7489).

Mamurra: somewhere on the Caelian (Plin. NH XXXVI.48). This was the first house in Rome in which the walls were entirely faced with marble.

Mancinus: see Tifata Mancina.º

M. Manlius: an aedicula (Cic. Paradox. VI.50) on the Carinae. This Manlius was consul in 149 B.C.

M. Manlius Capitolinus: on the arx, on the site of the later temple of Juno Moneta. The house was destroyed in 384 B.C. by order of the senate (Liv. VI.20.13; VII.28.5; Ov. Fast. VI.185).

Marcella: somewhere on the Aventine, mentioned only by St. Jerome (Ep. 48. 96; cf. BC 1893, II).

 p185  T. Marcius Figulus: of unknown location, and mentioned only once (Liv. XLIII.13.6) in 169 B.C.

Publia Marcia Sergia Fusca c(larissima) f(emina). A lead pipe bearing her name was found close to that of Naevius Clemens in a group of tabernae (CIL XV.7493; cf. BC 1881, 17; RhM 1894, 390 n.).

C. Marius: built by Marius near the forum (Plut. Marius 32), but otherwise unknown.

M. Valerius Martialis: on the Quirinal, on a street leading from the temple of Flora to the Capitolium vetus (Mart. V.22.3; VI.27.1; X.58.9; XI.1.9). Previously Martial seems to have lived in lodgings in the street ad Pirum (q.v.).

L. Marius Maximus Perpetuus Aurelianus: on the Caelian, in the present villa Fonseca, where inscriptions (CIL VI.1450‑1453) were found in 1553 (LS III.67‑8). This Marius was consul in 197 or 198, and the historian of the emperors (Pros. II.346.233).

C. Marius Pudens Cornelianus: known only from a bronze tablet (CIL VI.1454) of the year 222 A.D., found near S. Prisca on the Aventine. Pudens was legatus of the seventh legion.

P. Martius Philippus: A lead pipe bearing his name was found on the right bank of the Tiber, opposite the island (CIL XV.7492; cf. XIV.169).

Merulana: known only from a letter of Gregory the Great (Ep. III.19) of 593 A.D., but probably dating from the early empire. It was near the church of S. Matteo in Merulana, that is, near the place where the Via Machiavelli crosses the old Via Merulana (HJ 351; HCh 386; Henze in Misc. Ehrle II. (Studi e Testi 36) 405).

M. Valerius Messala Corvinus: (a) on the Palatine, see M. Antonius; (b) on the Pincian; known only from an inscription found in the Medici gardens (CIL VI.29789 (cf. BC 1889, 208); it is not noted in Pros. III.368.91 sq.).

T. Annius Milo Papinianus: (a) on the clivus Capitolinus (Cic. pro Mil. 64); (b) on the Cermalus, called the domus Anniana (Cic. ad Att. IV.3.3; cf. NS 1898, 413 fragm. laud. Turiae and CIL VI.69=30689, a dedication to the Bona Dea Annianensis; see on ib. 30849).

Mucianus: on the site of the thermae of Constantine (?) (CIL XV.7496).

Q. Munatius Celsus: just inside the porta Viminalis, and known only from an inscribed fistula (CIL XV.7497). This Munatius was probably the procurator of Mauretania under Caracalla.

L. Naevius Clemens: known only from two inscribed lead pipes (CIL XV.7499), one of which was found just inside the porta Viminalis, and the other on the slope of the Quirinal in the villa Aldobrandini. Either Clemens had two houses, or the water conduit was very long (RhM 1894, 385). The latter hypothesis is no doubt correct; for the second pipe was found near the distributing reservoir.

 p186  Narcissus (Claudi lib.): probably on the west slope of the Quirinal, near the present Teatro Nazionale, and known only from inscribed fistulae (CIL XV.7500; HJ 421).

Neratius Cerealis: see Balnea Neratii Cerealis.

Numa: said to have been on the Quirinal (Solin. I.21).

Cn. Numicius Picus Caesianus: on the Viminal (CIL VI.31742‑31743) at the corner of the Vie Viminale and Principe Amedeo (Ann. d. Inst. 1873, 131; BC 1874, 222‑3; LF 17).

Nummii: on the Quirinal, just east of the Ministero della Guerra. Inscriptions found here (CIL VI.1748, 31378, 32024‑32026) show that this house was occupied by several members of the gens Nummia in the third and fourth centuries (BC 1885, 5‑10; 1886, 18‑25; HJ 428; LF 10). For the Mithraeum, see Cumont, Textes et Monuments, II.197.11.

Octavius: on the Sacra via (Sall. hist. fragm. II.45). The identity of this Octavius is not known (BC 1889, 351‑355; Jord. I.1.286).

Cn. Octavius: on the Palatine. It is described as praeclara, and was built by Cn. Octavius, consul in 165 B.C. It was afterwards bought and removed by Scaurus, in order to permit of the enlargement of his own house (Cic. de Off. I.138).

L. Octavius Felix: on the Viminal, known from the discovery of an inscribed fistula in its atrium at the south-west corner of the present railway station (CIL XV.7503; BC 1872‑3, 79‑81; LF 17; Pros. II.426.22).

Olliana: known only from an inscribed fistula (CIL XV.7256) of unknown provenience, perhaps of the Christian period (BC 1890, 74).

M. Opellius Macrinus: on the Caelian, near the Lateran, under which an inscribed lead pipe bearing his name (CIL XV.7505) was found. He caused Caracalla to be assassinated, and became emperor in 217, but was defeated by Elagabalus and slain in 218 (Pros. II.433.7).

Paciliana: perhaps on the Palatine. It is mentioned only once (Cic. ad Att. I.14.7), where Quintus Cicero is said to have wished to buy it.

Pactumeia Lucilia: on the west side of the Aventine, under the church of S. Anselmo, where considerable remains of an ancient house, with an interesting mosaic pavement (Orpheus) (still preserved in the monastery) and a lead pipe bearing her name were found (NS 1892, 314, 408, 477; 1893, 32, 70, 119, 194, 239; 1894, 313, 362, 405; CIL XV.7507; LF 40; HJ 169; KH II.).

Palatina or Palatinae: the general name for the palace of the emperors on the Palatine, according to the testimony of some inscriptions (CIL VI.8656‑8661; see Domus Augustiana).

 p187  Palmata:* near the Porticus Curva (see Forum Traiani), according to Cassiodorus (Var. IV.30). The passage of Cassiodorus runs: testatus es porticus curvae, quae iuxta domum palmatam posita forum in modum areae decenter includit, superimponendis fabricis licentiam condonari. As Hülsen points out, the reference cannot be to the Forum Romanum, but must be to the Forum Traiani, which is often called simply forum in late sources (e.g. LP XXVI), and in the period of Theodosius was the regular place for the promulgation of laws (see also Curia Iulia). This is probably the same as the domus ad Palmam of L. Acilius Glabrio Faustus, consul in 438 A.D., in which the Theodosian Code is said to have been promulgated (Gesta promulgationis Cod. Theodos. I). Cf. also ad Palmam.

Parthorum Septem: (domus): probably near the site where the thermae Caracallae were built. These houses were among those which Severus presented to his friends (Not. Reg. XII; Vict. Ep. 20). They have been identified with some ruins to the north-west of the thermae (BC 1916, 204; ZA 278‑279; Eranos, 1924, 88‑90).

Percennii: The remains of a house found a little south-east of the Porta S. Lorenzo have been attributed to the Percennii from the supposed discovery there of lead pipes bearing the names of two of the family, and of fragmentary inscriptions which may be attributed to them (BC 1881, 27; LF 24; CIL VI.31745; XV.7509 — from which it appears that the provenance of the pipes is uncertain).

Pescenniana: the house of Pescennius Niger (Hist. Aug. Pesc. 12) in the Campus Iovis (q.v.; Pr. Reg. 136).

Petronius Maximus: on the Oppius, just north of S. Clemente, where ruins and inscriptions have been found (CIL VI.1197‑1198; HJ 303). Maximus seems to have constructed an open square here, before becoming emperor, which was probably close to his house in the via Labicana (see Forum Petronii Maximi).

Philippus: mentioned only in the Notitia in Region II. It may have belonged to the Emperor Julius Philippus (244‑249 A.D.; HJ 252; LR 348).

Pinciana:* the house of the Pincii on the Pincian hill, which became imperial property afterwards. The παλάτιον, to which a shaft of the Aqua Virgo led (see addendum to p29, l. 24), must refer to this building, as there is no possibility that the Palatine can be meant. Domus Pinciana occurs only in Cassiodorus (Var. III.10), but it appears elsewhere as palatium Pinciorum or Pincis (Lib. Pontif. LX.6, 8). Some of the marble decorations of this house were carried to Ravenna by Theodoric. See Aqua Pinciana, Horti Aciliorum; and for the church of S. Felix in Pincis, cf. Eins. 2.7; LP XCVII.50; CVI; HCh 252; Mon. L. I.456‑459, and the panoramas of Wyngaerde reproduced in BC 1895, pls. VI‑XIII; 1900, IV-IX.

L. Piso: known only from an inscribed pipe (CIL XV.7513) found in the Via della Ferratella, near the porta Caelimontana. It probably had no connection with the house rented by L. Calpurnius Piso in 53 B.C. (Cic. in Pis. 61). The man may be identified with the consul of 57 A.D. (Pros. I.284.238), as Dressel suggests in CIL cit.

Plautius Lateranus: see Lateranorum Domus.

C. Plinius Secundus: on the Esquiline, near the lacus Orphei (Mart. X.19.10; Plin. Ep. III.21). It had previously belonged to Albinovanus Pedo.

Cn. Pompeius: on the Carinae, near the temple of Tellus (Suet. de gramm. 15; App. B. C. II.126; Vell. II.77; Cic. de har. resp. 49). It was ornamented with rostra taken from captured pirate ships (Cic. Phil. II.68), and therefore called domus rostrata (Hist. Aug. Gord. 3). V. Domaszewski (SHA 1920, 6. A, 16) maintains that the name domus  p188 rostrata is a mere invention — as also the story that it belonged to the Gordiani, inasmuch as it must have perished in the fire of Nero (HJ 326). After the death of Pompeius the house became the property of Antonius (Cass. Dio XLVIII.38; Flor. II.18.4; de vir. ill. 84), and later of the imperial family. Tiberius lived in it before his accession (Suet. Tib. 15), and in the third century it is said to have belonged to the Gordiani (Hist. Aug. Gord. 2, 3, 6, 17).
    (b) According to Plutarch (Pomp. 40) Pompeius built himself a finer house than he had previously occupied, after the erection of his theatre. This second house was probably near his Horti (q.v.) in the campus Martius and on the slope of the Pincian (HJ 492).

Pomponii: on the Quirinal, near the temples of Salus and Quirinus. This house belonged to a certain Tampilus, and afterwards to T. Pomponius Atticus. It was old-fashioned in its appointments, but had a delightful garden (Cic. ad Att. IV.1.4; XII.45.3; de legg. I.1.3; Nepos Att. 13). It continued in the possession of the Pomponii, for an inscription (CIL VI.1492) found at the south-east corner of the Alta Semita and the clivus Salutis in 1558 (LS III.192) indicates that T. Pomponius Bassus, curator alimentorum under Trajan, lived here in 101 A.D. (RhM 1894, 398, 399; Pros. III.75.530).

Postumii: on the eastern slope of the Pincian, between the horti Luculliani and the horti Aeliorum, where inscriptions relating to M. Postumius Festus (CIL XV.7517), L. Flavius Postumius, praef. urbi in 271 A.D. (CIL VI.1417), and T. Flavius Postumius Tiberius, consul in 301 (VI.1418), have been found. Cf. HJ 420, 446.

Potitus: on the Aventine, near the thermae Decianae, known only from the inscription on a slave's collar (CIL XV.7181). De Rossi (BC 1887, 266, 293) refers it to the Potitus who was vicarius urbis in 379‑381.

Sex. Propertius: somewhere on the Esquiline, according to the poet's own statement (III.23.24; IV.8.1).

Publica: see Regia and Atrium Vestae.

Pulverata: known only from the inscription on a slave's collar (CIL XV.7179; BC 1892, II ff.; HJ 524).

Thayer's Note: The following italicized article is not in Platner. I've repaired the oversight.

Quintilii: a (domus) Quintiliorum is mentioned in Hist. Aug. Tac. 16.2; probably fictitious.

Rex Sacrorum: see Regia.

Roius Hilario:º A lead pipe (of the time of Augustus or even earlier) bearing his name was found, with another bearing the name of Rubellia Bassa (of the beginning of the second century A.D.), under the crepido of the ancient road between the Circus and the Palatine  p189 (CIL XV.7522, 7524). It is stated that the first pipe ran off towards the Palatine at right angles from the second (or, more probably, from another uninscribed pipe which ran parallel to it), and it may have supplied a house situated there (LA 447, syll. 159, 160 is more correct than BC 1877, 180; NS 1877, 204). For Rubellia Bassa see CIL XIV.2610; Pros. III.137.86.

L. Roscius Aelianus Paculus:º on the Caelian, known from an inscribed pipe found at the entrance to the Villa Wolkonsky (CIL XV.7523). Roscius was consul in 187 A.D. (Pros. III.133.64, 66).

Rostrata: see Pompeius.

C. Sallustius Crispus: see Horti Sallustiani.

M. Sallustius Rufus Titilianus: A lead pipe bearing his name was found in the campus Viminalis sub aggere (CIL XV.7526; LF 18; Pros. III.160.67).

M. Aemilius Scaurus: on a cross street between the Sacra via and the Nova via, perhaps that at the east end of the Atrium Vestae. The house of Cn. Octavius was removed by Scaurus to provide room for the enlargement of his own (Cic. de off. I.138). This was decorated with four columns of Hymettian marble, brought to Rome by Scaurus in his aedile­ship in 58 B.C. for the adornment of a temporary theatre (Plin. NH XVII.5‑6; XXXVI.6). These were afterwards removed to the theatre of Marcellus, where they stood in 42 A.D. The house belonged then to Caecina Largus (as well as that of Crassus, so that they must have been close together).

P. Scipio Africanus: behind the tabernae Veteres, that is, just south of the forum. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, censor in 169 B.C., bought this house, with the adjacent shops and stalls, out of public funds, and built on the site the basilica Sempronia (Liv. XLIV.16).

Scipio Nasica: on the Sacra via, presented to Scipio (probably the consul of 191 B.C.) by the state 'quo facilius consuli posset' (Dig. I.2.2.37).

Q. Seius Postumus: on the Palatine, bought by Clodius after he had caused Seius to be poisoned (Cic. de domo 115).

L. Sempronius Rufus: A lead pipe bearing his name was found on the right bank of the Tiber, opposite the pons Agrippae, just outside the Aurelian wall (CIL XV.7530).

M. Servilius Fabianus: on the Esquiline, just south of the clivus Suburanus and east of the porticus Liviae, known only from an inscription (CIL VI.1517). Servilius was cos. suff. in 158 A.D. (Pros. III.226.415).

Servius Tullius: on the Esquiline, above the Clivus Urbius (q.v.), probably near S. Pietro in Vincoli (Solin. I.25).

C. Sestius: in the Subura, where remains and an inscription (CIL VI.29790) were found near S. Maria di Monti.

T. Sextius Africanus: thought to have been at the corner of the Via del Babuino and the Via di Gesù e Maria, where a private house  p190 was discovered in making the foundations of the English Church of All Saints (NS 1880, 466; BC 1881, 29; LF I; CIL VI.31684; Cons. 288). The inscription is, however, fragmentary, and its provenance not absolutely certain (HJ 451). T. Sextius Africanus was consul suffectus in 59 A.D. (Pros. III.236, 464).

Sextia Cethegilla: A lead pipe bearing her name was perhaps found on the Esquiline, in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (CIL XV.7537). She was the daughter of the Emperor Pupienus (Pros. III.110.805; cf. CIL VI.1087 = 31237, 31750).

Silverius: A lead pipe inscribed pt Silveri v. in. (the meaning of the first abbreviation is uncertain but is probably presbyteri) was found near the Lateran (CIL XV.7538).

App. Silvius Iunius Silvinus: on the Quirinal, but known only from an inscribed pipe found in the vineyard of the Cardinal d'Este (corresponding with the western part of the royal palace) in the sixteenth century (CIL XV.7539). Cf. Appius Claudius Martialis.

D. Simonius Proculus Iulianus: He was praefectus urbi before 254 A.D. (Pros. III.248.529; cf. Museo Italiano III.55). A lead pipe bearing his name was found south-west of the Casino dell' Aurora of the Villa Ludovisi (CIL XV.7528; LF 9; cf. BC 1887, 102; NS 1887, 109), and the sepulchral inscription of one of his dependants (alumnus) on the via Salaria (Mitt. 1906, 88; CIL VI.38271).

Sisenna Statilius: see Domus Ciceronis.

Spurius Maximus: on the Quirinal, under the Palazzo Barberini, where an inscribed pipe (CIL XV.7540) and some ruins of a private house have been found. This Spurius was perhaps L. Spurius Maximus, trib. vigilum under Severus (Pros. III.258.583; Mitt. 1897, 85; BC 1872‑3,​4 227; HJ 427).

C. Stertinius Xenophon: on the Caelian, known only from an inscribed pipe (CIL XV.7544). Stertinius was the physician of Claudius (Plin. NH XXIX.7; CIL VI.8905), and caused his death by poison (Tac. Ann. XII.61, 67); cf. Pros. III.273.666.

C. Suetrius Sabinus: This house has been located on the Aventine (LF 40; Merlin 321), but the evidence is insufficient (CIL VI.1476; XV.7546; Pros. II.425.19).

P. Sulla: on the Palatine. It was seized by Clodius in the outbreak of 57 B.C. (Cic. ad Att. IV.3.3).

 p191  Sulpicia Pacata: A lead pipe bearing her name (second century A.D.) was found between the church of S. Crisogono and the excubitorium of the seventh cohort of the vigiles (CIL XV.7548).

Sulpicia c.f. Triaria: A lead pipe bearing her name was found north of the temple of Isis and Serapis in the third region (CIL XV.7550; LF 30).

Sura: see Licinius Sura.

Q. Aurelius Symmachus: (1) on the Caelian (Sym. Ep. III.12, 88; VII.18, 19), near the Villa Casali, where inscriptions have been found (CIL VI.1699, 1782, 31903).

(2) on the right bank of the Tiber (ib. I.44; Amm. Marcell. XXVII.3.4), called pulcherrima, and burned in 367 A.D.

Tampiliana: see Pomponii.

Tarquinius Priscus: on the Velia, near the temple of Iupiter Stator (Liv. I.41.4), ad Mugoniam portam supra summam novam viam (Solin. I.24).

Tarquinius Superbus: (1) ad Statoris (Plin. NH XXXIV.29); (2) on the Esquiline, supra clivum Pullium ad Fagutalem lacum (Solin. I.26), near S. Pietro in Vincoli (Jord. I.1.155, 157).

T. Tatius: on the arx, the site afterwards occupied by the temple of Iuno Moneta (Solin. I.21; Plut. Rom. 20).

Terentius Culleo: A lead pipe bearing his name was found at the corner of the (modern) Via Merulana and the Via dello Statuto, a little south-west of the porta Esquilina. He was consul suffectus in 40 A.D. (Pros. III.301.54). See CIL XV.7551; LF 23.

Tetricus: on the Caelian: opposite the temple of Isis (v. Inter duos Lucos). It was probably close to the boundary between Regions II and III, near SS. Quattro Coronati (Rev. Études Anc. 1914, 213‑214; AJA 1914, 530), and was called pulcherrima at the beginning of the fourth century (Hist. Aug. XXX. tyr. 25). It belonged to C. Pius Esuvius Tetricus, who was defeated by Aurelian in 274 A.D. V. Domaszewski (SHA 1916, 7.A, 10; 1918, 13.A, 49; 1920, 6.A, 28) regards the whole passage as a sheer invention.

Tettius Damio: on the Sacra via, known only from a mention in Cicero (ad Att. IV.3.3).

Theodote: mentioned only on a slave's collar (CIL XV.7176), of unknown provenience.

(pp192‑194) Tiberiana: see separate page.

Titus Flavius Vespasianus: (1) mentioned once (possibly twice) (Plin. NH XXXVI.37, in connection with the Laokoon; cf. XXXIV.55). This house was probably part of the domus Aurea of Nero, occupied by Titus and adjacent to his baths (q.v.), and afterwards destroyed by Trajan to secure room for his thermae (LS II.222‑228).

(2) on the Quirinal next to the templum gentis Flaviae, and standing in the fourth century (Hist. Aug. XXX. tyr. 33) — if it be not an invention, on the basis of Suet. Dom. I.5 (cf. Gens Flavia, Templum) as V. Domaszewski thinks (SHA 1916, 7. A, 10, 11).

(p195) Transitoria: see separate page.

 p196  Tullus Hostilius: (1) on the Velia (Cic. de rep. II.53; Varro ap. Non. 531; Solin. I.22).

(2) on the Caelian, destroyed by lightning with Tullus himself (Liv. I.30.1, 31.8; Dionys. III.1.5).

Turcii: between the Saepta and the porticus Divorum, in the campus Martius, south of S. Marco, where remains and inscriptions have been found (CIL VI.1772, 1773). L. Turcius Secundus was praef. urbi in 363 A.D.

M. Tuticius Capito: see T. Flavius Tiberianus.

L. Vagellius: on the Caelian, near the Ospedale Militare, where an inscribed pipe was found (CIL XV.7555). Vagellius was cos. suff. in 44/46 A.D. and a friend of Seneca (Pros. III.347.3).

(p197) Valerii: see separate page.

M. Valerius Bradua Mauricus: A lead pipe bearing his name was found on the Aventine near S. Alessio (CIL XV.7556). He was consul in 191 A.D. and curator aquarum (Pros. III.353.31).

Q. Valerius Vegetus: on the Quirinal, between the Alta Semita and the vicus Longus, near the Ministero della Guerra, where some remains and an inscribed pipe have been found (CIL XV.7558). Valerius was cos. suff. in 91 A.D. (Pros. III.379.150). See BC 1885, 11‑17.

Publia Valeria Comasia clarissima femina: A lead pipe bearing her name was found on the Esquiline, and another on the Aventine (CIL XV.7559). If both belonged to the same conduit, it must have been an exceptionally long one. She seems to have been the daughter of the consul of 220 A.D. (Pros. III.379.156).

Valeria Eunoea: Lead pipes bearing her name were found in 1776 in the garden of the Barberini nuns, south-west of the south-west exedra of the thermae of Diocletian (CIL XV.7560).

Varenius Liberalis: A lead pipe bearing his name was found on the Esquiline (CIL XV.7562).

Vectiliana: on the Caelian (Hist. Aug. Com. 16) in Region II (Not.), but its exact site is unknown. Commodus was killed in this house (Hist. Aug. Com. 5.7; Oros. VII.16; Chron. 147).

Vedius Pollio: on the clivus Suburanus. Vedius bequeathed this house, which was famous for its magnificence, to Augustus, but that emperor tore it down to show his disapproval of such private residences, and built the porticus Liviae on its site (Ov. Fast. VI.639‑644; Cass. Dio LIV.23).

P. Vergilius Maro: on the Esquiline, near the horti Maecenatis (Donat. vit. Verg. 6; cf. however, BC 1914, 365).

Verus: near the Domus Lateranorum on the Caelian (Hist. Aug. Marc. 1).

Vespasianus: on the Quirinal, in the street ad Malum Punicum, a site afterwards occupied by the templum gentis Flaviae (Suet. Dom. 1; cf. Gens Flavia).

Vettius Agorius Praetextatus et Fabia Paulina (uxor): north-east of the porta Esquilina, between the Vie Rattazzi, Principe Umberto, Cappellini, and Principe Amedeo, where considerable remains (BC  p198 1874, 58 sqq.) and inscribed pipes have been found (CIL XV.7563). Vettius was praef. urbi in 367 A.D. From the apparent extent of this property, it may perhaps be regarded as horti (HJ 368).

Virius Lupus Iulianus: on the western slope of the Quirinal, where ruins and inscriptions have been found in the Via dei Serpenti, near the Banca d'Italia (CIL VI.31774; NS 1910, 420; 1911, 316; BC 1911, 202). Virius was legatus of Lycia and Pamphilia in the second century.

Vitruvius Vaccus: on the Palatine. It was destroyed in 330 B.C., when its owner, a native of Fundi, was put to death for treason. The site was afterwards known as Vacci prata (Cic. de domo 101; Liv. VIII.19.4, 20.8; Jord. I.1.189).

L. Volumnius: on the Quirinal in the vicus Longus (Liv. X.23.6). Volumnius was consul in 296 B.C.

Vulcacius Rufinus: on the Quirinal, near the vicus Longus. The ruins of this house, and an inscribed base (CIL VI.32051; PT 178) were found under the Ministero della Guerra. Vulcacius was consul in 347; praef. urbi in 349 A.D., and an uncle of the Emperor Julian (BC 1885, 17).

The Authors' Notes:

1 For terra-cotta friezes from this house, see Cons. 347, 348.

2 Ib. 1389 is the first line of this inscription (see 31905).

3 See ib. 7785: T. Flavi Claudiani c. v., found at Campo Iemini, near Ardea.

4 The drawings of a nymphaeum with well-preserved paintings which was found in this house referred to in BC cit. are at Windsor (Inv. 12080, 12081; not in the volume referred to by Lanciani). There are also drawings in the Baddeley codex (xci, xcii; see PBS VIII.49, and reff., to which may be added Winckelmann, Gesch. d. Kunst VII.3, § 6 (Werke V.106 = Opere, ed. Fea, II.54), 'das sogenannte Nymphäum an eben dem Orte hat der Möder vertilget).'

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