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Horrea Agrippiana: warehouses, presumably built by Agrippa, in Region VIII (h. Agrippiana: Cur.; CIL VI.9972, 10026; XIV.3958 (?); h. Germaniciana et Agrippiana: Not.). Two fragments of the Marble Plan (37, 86) represent the three cohortes of these horrea between the clivus Victoriae and the vicus Tuscus, where excavations since 1904 have disclosed the remains of the largest; and the identification is made certain by the discovery of an altar in situ with an inscription recording the erection of the statue of the Genius Horreorum Agrippianorum. The excavated portion consists of a trapezoidal court surrounded with rectangular chambers of opus quadratum (above which are later upper stories of brickwork) decorated with engaged columns of the Corinthian order of Augustan date.1 The back wall on the north-east side, originally of opus quadratum, was reconstructed in brickwork by Domitian when he erected the building known as the templum Divi Augusti; and the triangular space between served to conceal the divergent orientation which he introduced into the latter, the horrea having been constructed on the same orientation as the domus Tiberiana. (HC 192; Mitt. 1905, 84; 1925, 213, 214; BC 1911, 158‑172; 1914, 25‑33; YW 1915, 1‑2; RE VIII.2461; Mon. L. XXVII.373; DE III.986‑7; CIL VI.39417.)
Horrea Agrippiniana: known only from an inscription (CIL XIV.3958) found at Nomentum, but supposed to belong to Rome. It is quite likely (DE III.987) that the name is simply a mistake for Agrippiana. It has also been supposed that they were erected by one of the two Agrippinas (BC 1876, 45). See authorities quoted above.
Horrea Aniciana: mentioned in Not. in Region XIII, but Cur. reads Anicetiana, which is probably correct, though HJ 176 prefers Aniciana. Nothing is known of either.
Horrea Caesaris: warehouses referred to under this name twice (Dig. XX.4.21.1; CIL VI.33747), but probably to be identified with the horrea Galbae (BC 1885, 112‑117).
Horrea Candelaria: apparently a warehouse for wax tapers and similar goods, known only from a fragment of the Marble Plan (53).
Horrea Chartaria: a paper warehouse near the temple of Tellus on the Esquiline (Reg. Cat. Reg. IV; HJ 329).
Horrea Faeniana: known only from one inscription (AJP 1909, 158),2 but perhaps named after L. Faenius Rufus, praef. ann. in 55 A.D.
p262 Horrea Galbae: see separate page.
Horrea Germaniciana: see Horrea Agrippiana.
Horrea Leoniana: known only from the dedication of one inscription — genio horreorum Leonianorum (CIL VI.237) — without indication of exact site.
Horrea Lolliana: a warehouse on the bank of the Tiber (FUR frag. 51; CIL VI.4226, 4226a, 4239, 9467), and probably in Region XIII with the others rather than on the right bank (HJ 177; but cf. NS 1913, 117; DE III.986).
Horrea Nervae: possibly on the via Ardeatina, mentioned only in one inscription (CIL VI.8681 = 33744; Mon. L. XIII.139; DE III.987‑8; cf. also CIL VI.33747, which may belong to the period of Nerva, and was found outside porta Salaria, but not in situ; see Horrea Caesaris).
Horrea Peduceiana: only known from one inscription (CIL VI.33745 . . .pus Caesaeris (sic) . . .arius ex . . . .is Peduceianis, etc.) which Henzen (Mitt. 1886, 127) and Dessau (ILS 1626) restore as horrearius ex horreis Peduceianis, while Hülsen (loc. cit.) and others restore it topiarius EX Hortis Peduceianis (q.v.).
Horrea Petroniana: known from two sepulchral inscriptions, one (CIL VI.3971) of a slave of Nero, the other erected by one M. Aurelius Xenonianus Aquila, a Bithynian, who had a 'statio' in these horrea; as he calls himself πρῶτος λιθενπόρων, they must have been among the marble warehouses (RAP III.191‑196; see Emporium, Marmorata).
Horrea Piperataria: a storehouse and bazaar for the sale of pepper and spices from Egypt and Arabia (Cass. Dio LXXII.24), built by Domitian, burned during the reign of Commodus, and obliterated by the basilica of Maxentius (Chron. p146). Some of the brickwork that has been found at various times beneath the basilica and just north of it, may p263 possibly belong to these horrea3 (cf. Fea, Varietà di Notizie 24; LR 204; BC 1876, 50; NS 1880, 227; HJ 7; BC 1900, 8‑13; AJA 1923, 386, 400).
Horrea Postumiana: known only from the inscription on two bricks (CIL XV.4), one of which was found at Ostia, so that it is uncertain whether the horrea were there or in Rome.
Horrea Seiana: known from inscriptions (CIL VI.238, 9471; NS 1911, 317, 444; AJA 1913, 17; 1916, 106; PT 71), and from remains of walls found between the Via Giovanni Branca, the Via Beniamino Franklin and the Tiber. The horrea were therefore south of the Emporium and near the river (BC 1885, 115; 1911, 255 sqq.; NS loc. cit.; BA 1915, Cr. 39; DE III.981, 986).
Horrea Sempronia: mentioned only in Festus (290), where the inference seems to be that these warehouses were established by the Gracchan legislation. If so, they were as old as the horrea Galbae.
Horrea Severiana (?): some horrea (?) were found in the south-west corner of the site of the Ministero della Guerra on the Quirinal; on the neck of an amphora was a painted inscription, in which the words usibus cellari Severi (?) occur (LF 16; BC 1885, 3; CIL XV.4807; DE III.988).
Horrea Sulpicia: see Horrea Galbae.
Horrea Q. Tinei Sacerdotis: known only from one inscription (CIL VI.33860; cf. DE III.982) from the church of S. Martino ai Monti on the Esquiline. Tineus was consul in 158 A.D.
Horrea Ummid(iana): known only from one inscription (NS 1910, 90) that was found during excavations at S. Saba on the Aventine. They belonged to the Ummidii, and were probably near the Domus Cornificiae (q.v.), which was the property of the younger sister of Marcus Aurelius, who married M. Ummidius Quadratus (BC 1891, 211; 1911, 120‑128; RL 1911, 79 ff.; DE III.987).
Horrea Vespasiani: mentioned only once (Chron. 146) among the buildings of Domitian.
Horrea Volusiana: mentioned only in one inscription (CIL VI.9973; cf. ib. 7289; DE III.988); see Horti Volusiani.
1 Remains of similar chambers (which should not be identified with the porticus Catuli: LR 127; HJ 57, 58) are visible on the south-east side of the clivus Victoriae, higher up on the side of the hill: while at the level of and behind the horrea may be seen scanty traces of a Republican house (traces of wall decoration with stucco and seashells) and a cistern or quarry cut in the rock, with a shaft leading down into it from the level of the clivus Victoriae. The trapezoidal court has at a later date been filled with buildings of various periods. First of all brick pillars were built to support awnings; the chapel containing the statue was erected in the second century A.D.; the rest are still later.
2 See CIL VI.37796.
3 From the character of the brickwork and the orientation of the walls, it seems clear that the remains on the south side of the basilica (which are undoubtedly those of horrea) are to be connected with the pre-Neronian Sacra via, and were destroyed when its level was raised by Nero (see BC cit. pls. i, ii; AJA cit. 421), while those under the basilica come after the Neronian period (Nibby, Roma Antica, II.243, 247; CR 1906, 239).
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