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Collecting all the individual schola entries on pp467‑468 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

 p467  Schola Calcariensium: probably the headquarters of the corporation of lime burners (Cod. Theod. XII.1.37), mentioned only in two inscriptions that were found near the thermae of Diocletian (CIL VI.9223, 9224). It was probably situated, as well as their synagogue, near the Vicus Pulverarius (Eranos, 1924, 85‑88).

Schola Carrucariorum: see Area Carruces.

Schola Fabrum Soliarium Baxiarium: an office or headquarters of the guild of shoemakers under the theatre of Pompeius (CIL VI.9404)

Schola Fori Traiani: probably a room or rooms attached to the libraries of the Forum Traiani (q.v.), where editors and authors worked, if we may judge from the only occurrence of the name — in the subscriptio after declamatio Pseudo-Quintiliana X in codd. Parisinus 16230 and Sorbonianus 629: legi et emendavi ego Dracontius cum fratre Ierio . . .​1 urbis Romae in schola fori Traiani. Dracontius and Hierius probably belonged to the late fourth or early fifth century (RhM 1905, 154‑158).

Schola Kalatorum Pontificum: the name given to the recently discovered office or headquarters of the kalatores, or freedmen attached to the pontifices and flamines as assistants (Mommsen, Staatsrecht I.359), which was in the forum near the regia. In 1899 a fragment of a marble epistyle was found built into the foundations of a mediaeval wall at the south-west corner of the regia, with part of an inscription. The other part of this epistyle had been found in 1546 (Jahrb. d. Inst. 1889, 231; LS II.200), and the complete inscription reads: in honorem domus Augustae kalatores pontificum et flaminum (CIL VI.32445; NS 1899, 128; BC 1899, 146; Mitt. 1901, 10‑12; 1902, 66; Klio II.279, No. 66; HC 195). This epistyle is 3.50 metres long, and probably spanned the entrance of the schola, but the building cannot be identified with any existing remains (cf. however, AJA 1912, 390). It may possibly have been restored in the time of Septimius Severus (Mitt. 1914, 7‑11).

Schola Porticus Octaviae: see Porticus Octaviae.

Schola Quaestorum et Caplatorum: mentioned only in Not. in Region III, between the Lacus Pastorum and the thermae Titianae. The interpretation of this name is uncertain. Caplatores (capulatores) were workmen engaged in the pressing of olive oil, and there is epigraphical evidence for the existence of collegia of caplatores in several Latin and Campanian  p468 towns (CIL X.5917; IX.665, 2336; XIV.3677; DE II.104). In the first of these inscriptions a quaestor collegi caplatorum is mentioned, and this may cast some light on the title of the Notitia (Pr. Reg. 126; HJ 319; HCh 316‑318). The trivium or contrada cambiatoris, a mediaeval district near the Colosseum and the basilica of Constantine, may preserve the latter name.

Schola Quindecimvirum Sacris Faciundis: the name given by modern topographers (LF 14) to a building of which some remains were found in 1886 a little north-west of the Tarentum, when the Corso Vittorio Emanuele was built. This building may have been an office of the xvviri in charge of the ludi saeculares (HJ 598; Mon. L. I.548).

Schola Sodalium Serrensium: probably the headquarters of the sodales Serrenses, mentioned in one inscription of the third century (CIL VI.839) which was found a little way outside the porta Nomentana (BCr 1864, 57; cf. Cicinenses, Parianenses).

Schola Xanthi: an office of the scribae, praecones and Librarii of the curule aediles which was erected on the site of an earlier one by Bebryx Aug. lib. Drusianus and A. Fabius Xanthus (hence the modern name Schola Xanthi) during the principate of Tiberius, and restored by a certain C. Avilius Licinius Trosius in the early part of the third century. This is known from the double inscription (CIL VI.103 = 30692; Mitt. 1888, 208‑232), which is repeated on the inside and outside of the epistyle of a small but beautiful building that was excavated in 1539 (LS II.185‑186) between the arches of Tiberius and Septimius Severus, and shortly afterwards destroyed. During the excavations of 1900‑1902 there were found on the site of this earlier discovery, in front of the row of chambers that support the clivus Capitolinus, the remains of a room of trapezoidal shape, with a pavement of white marble. A marble seat encircled three sides of the chamber and in the middle of the north wall is a door from which a flight of steps led up to the level of the clivus Capitolinus. There were also marks of posts or columns on the pavement. The concrete of this building dates from 14‑16 A.D. (AJA 1912, 398), and corresponds with the indication of the inscription, while the ruins agree with the accounts of the first discovery. It is therefore generally assumed that this is the schola or office of the aediles' clerks (Jord. I.2.367; Mitt. 1902, 12‑13; BC 1903, 164; Gilb. III.161‑162; Thédenat 162, 265; HC 69‑70; DR 385‑387; RE Suppl. IV.500‑501).

The Authors' Note:

1 The text has here 'incomparabili arrico' [sic], for which 'oratore' has been conjectured (Lommatzsch, Zeitsch. f. vergl. Litteraturgesch. 1904, 177).

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