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 p570  Collecting all the individual vicus entries on pp570‑580 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Vicus Aemilianus: see Thayer's note below.

Vicus Aesculeti: a street which must have entered or passed through the Aesculetum (q.v.). It is known only from the occurrence of the name in the inscription (CIL VI.30957) on an altar dedicated by the magistri vici Aescleti to the Lares, which was found in the via Arenula about 100 metres north of the Tiber (NS 1888, 498; BC 1888, 327‑339; 2889, 69‑72; Mitt. 1889, 265‑267; HJ 521‑522). Fragments of pavement have been found in the Via di S. Bartolommeo, and the vicus may have run in that direction.

Vicus Africus: a street somewhere on the Esquiline, known only from Varro (LL V.159: Esquiliis vicus Africus quod ibi obsides ex Africa bello Punico dicuntur custoditi).

Vicus Apollinis: a street somewhere on the Palatine, in Region X, mentioned only on the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975).

Vicus Armilustri: see Armilustrium.

Vicus Bellonae: probably named from the temple of Bellona (q.v.), but known only from one inscription (CIL VI.2235).

Vicus Brutianus: a street in Region XIV, mentioned only in the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975), but probably near the Campus Brutianus (q.v.).

 p571  Vicus Bublarius: * a street of which the name is preserved on a fragment of the Marble Plan if the first two letters, now missing, are correctly restored (FUR frg. 62, and p61; Mitt. 1892, 281; HJ 63, n63). It was on the Palatine, in Region X, if we are justified in the conjecture that another fragmentary inscription (CIL VI.343 =30743 mag. anni xxxII [vici] . . . ari reg. X) contains its name, and a connection with the district Ad Capita Bubula (q.v.) is possible.

Vicus Caesaris: a street known only from one inscription (CIL VI.9492) which gives no indication of locality.

Vicus Caeseti: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), which may possibly have derived its name from Caesetius Rufus, whose beautiful house was coveted by Fulvia, the wife of Antonius (App. B. C. IV.29; Val. Max. IX.5.4).

Vicus Camenarum: see Camenae.

Vicus Canarius: a street mentioned in the acts of the martyrs (S. Laur. 10 Aug. AA. SS. p518;º S. Euseb. 25 Aug. 115;º S. Xysti 6 Aug. 141; Passio S. Abundii, BCr 1883, 156), and in the Mirabilia (10), where it is called ad S. Giorgium, that is, near S. Giorgio in Velabro. This, however, is quite doubtful (Jord. II.588; LPD II.41, n61).

Vicus Capitis Africae: see Caput Africae.

Vicus Capitis Canteri: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), but otherwise unknown.

Vicus Caprarius: a street mentioned only in a bull of Paschal II of 1104 A.D. (Quellen u. Forschungen XIV. (1911) 33: vicus Caprarius in regione quinta), and undoubtedly identical with the viculus Capralicus which occurs in the false bull of John III (Jord. II.669‑670) of the end of the twelfth century. This street seems to have run south from the aqua Virgo and campus Agrippae, and pavement​1 found in the line of the via Lucchesi is thought to have belonged to it (LF 22, 16, where the name is erroneously given as vicus Capralicus; HJ 459‑460; cf. Kehr, Italia Pontificia I.71, 73, for references to S. Marcello in via Lata, where, however, there is no actual citation of the vicus).

Vicus Censori: perhaps the only vicus on the island (CIL VI.975). It is mentioned in two other inscriptions (VI.451, 821), and was probably named after an earlier member of the family, whose first representative known to us is C. Censorius Niger, in the second century (RE III.1910; Gilb. III.54; HJ 638; Besnier 54‑55).

Vicus Collis Viminalis: a street known only from two inscriptions (CIL VI.2227, 2228), which undoubtedly ran along the ridge of the  p572 Viminal to the porta Viminalis. Its pavement has been found along a line from the via Napoli to the porta Chiusa (BC 1874, 199; HJ 373‑374).

Vicus Columnae Ligneae: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), but otherwise unknown. The explanation of the name is obvious.

Vicus Compiti Pastoris: a street somewhere in Region XII (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Cuprius: a street on the Esquiline, running from the Tigillum Sororium (Dionys. III.22.8) north across the slope of the Carinae to the Subura. It crossed the Clivus Orbius (q.v.) at its highest point, where the daughter of Servius Tullius is said to have driven over the body of her murdered father (Liv. I.48.6; Varro, LL V.159). The vicus, therefore, seems to have coincided with the Vie del Colosseo and del Cardello. Varro (loc. cit.) derives the name from a Sabine word and uses this derivation as evidence that the Sabines settled here (vicus Ciprius a cipro, quod ibi Sabini cives additi consederunt, qui a bono omine id appellarunt; nam ciprum Sabine bonum. HJ 258, 263, 322; Jord. I.3.155; RE IV.1761; cf. for an erroneous theory, Pais, Ancient Legends 273). The churches of S. Maria and S. Nicolao inter duo were so called because they stood between this street and the Compitum Acilii (HCh 340, 394).

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Curiarum: a street in Region X (CIL VI.975), which was probably close to the Curiae Veteres (q.v.) on the east side of the Palatine, and named from that building.

Vicus Curvus: probably a street on the Esquiline, the name of which is contained in vicocurvenses [sic] of a fourth century inscription (CIL VI.31893. d. 8; BC 1891, 357).

Vicus Cyclopis: see Antrum Cyclopis.

Vicus Dianae: a street somewhere in Region XII (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Drusianus: see separate page.

Vicus Epicteti (?): see Epictetenses.

Vicus Fabrici: see Compitum Fabricium.

Vicus Fanni: a street mentioned only in one inscription (CIL VI.7542) with no indication of locality.

 p573  Vicus . . .ionum Ferrariarum: a street known only from one inscription (CIL VI.9185) found near S. Pancrazio on the Janiculum. No restoration of the name has been made.

Vicus Fidii: a street somewhere in Region XII (CIL VI.975), but otherwise unknown.

Vicus Fortunae Dubiae: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), named from a probable shrine of Fortuna dubia (WR 262; RE VII.30).

Vicus Fortunae Mammosae: a street in Region XII (CIL VI.975), named from a shrine of Fortuna Mammosa (q.v.).

Vicus Fortunae Obsequentis: a street somewhere in Region I (CIL VI.975), obviously named from some shrine of Fortuna Obsequens.

Vicus Fortunae Respicientis: a street on the Palatine (CIL VI.975), perhaps on the south side, named from the shrine of Fortuna respiciens (Not. Reg. X).

Vicus Fortunati: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Frumentarius: a street in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), in the neighbourhood of the warehouses on the Tiber below the Aventine, doubtless chiefly occupied by dealers in grain (cf. CIL VI.814: negotiatores frumentarii).

Vicus Gemini: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), but otherwise unknown.

Vicus Honoris et Virtutis: a street named after the temple of Honos et Virtus (q.v.) in Region I (CIL VI.975). It occurs also in an inscription on a fragmentary epistyle (CIL VI.449), and probably ran from the via Appia to the temple, which doubtless stood on the slope of the Caelian, a short distance south of the porta Capena (LA 268; HJ XXI).

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Huiusce Diei: a street on the Palatine, in Region X (CIL VI.975), which is supposed to have been named from a shrine or altar of Fortuna Huiusce Diei in this part of the city, like that of the same deity in the campus Martius (HJ 104; WR 262; DE III.1061). This is open to question.

Vicus Ianuclensis: a street mentioned only in the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975), but probably on the western slope of the Janiculum.

Vicus Iovis Fagutalis: a street on the Fagutal, named after the shrine of Jupiter Fagutalis, but known only from one inscription of 109 A.D. (CIL VI.452).

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Insteius: (Livy), Insteianus (Varro): a street on the collis Latiaris, the southern part of the Quirinal (Varro, LL V.52), in which a great flood of water is said to have burst forth in 214 B.C. (Liv. XXIV.10.8). It probably ascended the hill near the porta Fontinalis and the modern  p574 Piazza Magnanapoli, and was destroyed by the building of the imperial fora.

Vicus Ianus: see Ianus.

Vicus Iugarius: see separate page.

 p575  Vicus Laci Fundani: see Lacus Fundanus.

Vicus Laci Miliari, Laci Restituti, Laci Tecti: streets in Regions XIII, XIV and XII, respectively, known only from the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975), but evidently from more or less conspicuous fountains. The meaning of Restitutus and Tectus is plain; that of Miliarius only conjectural.

Vicus Larum Alitum: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975). The name probably came from a statue or relief of winged figures which were generally, but erroneously, called Lares (Rosch. II. 1885).

Vicus Larum Curialium: * the probable name of a street in Region XIV, due to an emendation of the uncertain reading ruralium of the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975). No lares rurales are known, but an ara Larum curialium2 has been found on the via Portuense, with which this vicus may be connected (NS 1907, 465; BC 1908, 42‑47; PT 61).

Vicus Licinianus: a street known only from one inscription that was found on the via Tiburtina, four miles from Rome (CIL VI.9871).

Vicus Longi Aquilae: see Aquilenses.

Vicus Longus: the street that traversed the valley between the Quirinal and the Viminal and joined the Alta Semita (q.v.) inside the porta Collina, very near where the via Quintino Sella runs into the via Venti Settembre. It is mentioned first by Livy (X.23.6) in connection with the dedication of an altar to Pudicitia Plebeia (Fest. 237) in the year 296 B.C. In this street were also shrines to Febris (Val. Max. II.5.6) and Fortuna (Plut. de Fort. Rom. 10: ἐν δὲ τῷ μακρῷ στενωπῷ Τύχης βωμὸς Εὐέλπιδος), and it occurs on two inscriptions of the empire (CIL VI.9736, 10023) and in LP (XLVI. vit. Innoc. I, 6). The pavement of this street has been found on a line that crosses the via Nazionale at an angle of twenty degrees near the Banca d'Italia, at various points between the bank and the baths of Diocletian, a distance of one kilometre. The valley through which it ran has been artificially filled up (BC 1886, 186). A considerable part of the north-east section was destroyed by the erection of these baths (RhM 1894, 382‑384; HJ 417, 428; Gilb. III.368. See also S. Agata dei Goti by Hülsen and others (Rome 1924), 4).

Vicus Lorarius: a street evidently named from the lorarii, or harness-makers, but known only from one inscription (CIL VI.9796), which was found on the via Appia near the Torre di Selci, with no indication of location.

 p576  Vicus Loreti Minoris, Maioris: see Loretum.

Vicus Mamuri: see Clivus Mamuri.

Vicus Materiarius: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975). It evidently took its name from lumber yards or carpenters' shops,​3 and was probably in the warehouse district between the Aventine and the Tiber (cf. however, HJ 170).

Vicus Mercurii Ebrii: a street the existence of which is inferred by Lanciani (BC 1922, 3‑4) from a fragment of a papyrus published by Nicole (Un catalogue d'oeuvres d'art conservées à Rome à l'époque impériale (Geneva 1906)), where the words . . . tes a Mercurio Ebriu occur (l. 2). It would be a parallel to the Vicus Sobrius or Mercurii Sobrii (q.v.).

Vicus Minervi: a street in Region VII, known only from the inscription (CIL VI.766) on a small altar erected in honour of Stata Mater Augusta by the magistri of that region. This altar was found just outside the porta Pinciana, and the vicus may have run north-east from that gate (HJ 450, cf. KH II, III).

Vicus Mundiciei: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975). The name may be due to the presence in the street of shops for toilet articles and luxuries.

Vicus Novus: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975).

Vicus Pacrai. . .: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975). All emendations are mere conjectures (cf. CIL and Hermes 1867, 416).

Vicus Padi: a street in Region X, mentioned only on the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975). It was probably on the eastern slope of the Palatine, towards the Caelian and the arch of Constantine (BC 1914, 100).

Vicus Pallacinae: see Pallacina.

Vicus Panispernae: This name is probably derived from that of an ancient locality (a vicus?) near the church of S. Lorenzo in Panisperna on the Viminal. The name comes into use about 1000 A.D.; it was previously, e.g. in Eins. 1.11; 5.7; 7.13, called S. Laurentii in Formoso or ad Formosum, from the name of its founder (HCh 292‑293; cf. HJ 376).

Vicus Patricius: a street that branched off from the Subura and ran north between the Cispius and the Viminal to the porta Viminalis (FUR frg. 9), and perhaps beyond (cf. Isis Patricia). It seems to have formed the boundary between Regions IV and VI, and to have corresponded closely with the modern Via Urbana. The name is of doubtful origin, although explained by Roman antiquarians (Fest. 221: patricius vicus Romae dictus eo quod ibi patricii habitaverunt, iubente Servio Tullio, ut si quid molirentur adversus ipsum, ex locis superioribus obprimerentur; ib. 351). It is mentioned under the empire (Plut. qu. Rom. ἐν τῷ καλουμένῳ πατρικίῳ στενωπῷ; Mart. VII.73.2; X.68.2), and in LP  p577 (III.I (vit. Cleti); xcviii.47 (vit. Leo III), once as a clivus Patricius (XLII.6 (vit. Innoc. I)), which may have been the upper part of the vicus (HJ 339). Eins. mentions the church of S. Euphemia in vico Patricio (1.12; 5.7; 7.14; HCh 249).

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Pauli: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Piscinae Publicae: see Piscina Publica.

Vicus Platanonis: see Platanonis.

Vicus Ploti: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Portae Collinae: see Alta Semita.

Vicus Portae Naeviae: see Porta Naevia.

Vicus Portae R(a)udusculanae: see Porta Raudusculana.

Vicus Pulverarius: a street somewhere in Region I (CIL VI.975). If pulvis here means pulvis Puteolanus (cf. Stat. Silv. IV.3.53 et pass.), this street may have been named from the pozzolana beds outside the porta Appia (HJ 219). See Schola Calcariensium.

Vicus Quadrati: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), but otherwise unknown.

Vicus Raciliani Maioris — Minoris: a street in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown, but probably to be connected with the Prata Quinctia (q.v.): for Cincinnatus' wife's name was Racilia (Liv. III.26.9). An inscription recording the gift of a statue of Hercules to a collegium iuvenum Racillanensium, which was recently noticed in a shop near the Janiculum, no doubt came from the same locality (RAP IV.394, 395; Marucchi, App. al Cat. del Mus. Lateranense (1927), p6, n245 B.).

Vicus Rostratae: a street in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), probably named from some monument decorated with rostra.

Vicus Sabuci:* a street in Region III, known only from one inscription (CIL VI.801) that was found in the via Merulana near S. Martino ai Monti. The form Sabucus (for Sambucus, the elder-tree) is also found in Serenus Sammonicus (fl. A.D. 230 (?)).

→ For additional details about the vicus,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Salutaris: the name of two streets, one on the Palatine in Region X, the other somewhere in Region XIV. Both are known only from the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975).

Vicus Salutis: see Clivus Salutis.

Vicus Sandaliarius: see separate page.

 p578  Vicus Saufei: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Scauri: see Clivus Scauri.

Vicus . . .mi Publici: see Vicus . . .si. . . Luc. . .i.

Vicus Sceleratus: see Clivus Orbius.

Vicus Sergi: a street in Region XIV (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Silani Salientis: a street on the Aventine in Region XII (CIL VI.975), which seems to have been named from a fountain.

Vicus Sobrius: a street in Rome mentioned in Festus (296, 297, Sobrium vicum Romae dictum putatur . . . . quod in eo Mercurio lacte non vino subplicabatur). The same street seems to be referred to in two inscriptions (CIL VI.9483: insul(arius) a Mercurio sobrio; 9714: nummularius a Mercurio sobrio). A shrine was found in 1888 on the Esquiline near the Torre Cantarelli (BC 1888, 221‑239; Mitt. 1889, 280) dedicated to Mercurius (CIL VI.30974), but whether this is Mercurius Sobrius is purely a matter of conjecture (HJ 334; DE II.2161). Cf. Vicus Mercurii Ebrii.

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Statae Matris: a street on the Caelian in Region II, known from the inscription on an altar of Stata Mater (NS 1906, 179‑180; BC 1906, 186‑197). This altar may have been set up here after it had been removed from its original position in the forum, perhaps by Sulla (Fest. 317; Jord. I.1.525; WR 230).

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Statae Siccianae: a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975). This Stata may possibly be identified with Stata Mater (q.v.).

Vicus Statuae Valerianae: see Statua Valeriana.

Vicus Sulpicius: a street on which the baths of Caracalla were said to be situated (Hist. Aug. Elag. 17: opera eius praeter. . . et lavacrum in vico Sulpicio quod Antoninus Severi filius coeperat nulla extant; cf. the republican inscription on a round altar, CIL I2.1002 = VI.2221: magistri de duobus pageis et vicei Sulpicei; cf. 32452). It must therefore have extended along one side of the baths. On the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975) in Region I are mentioned a vicus Sulpicius ulterior and a vicus Sulpicius citerior, which would seem to indicate that by the fourth century at least the street was divided. As the baths were in Region XII, the most probable location of the vicus Sulpicius is on their southern side, for the most part inside Region I. The vicus may have formed  p579 part of the boundary between I and XII. If the vicus crossed the via Appia, ulterior and citerior may have indicated its two sections (HJ 196, 207‑209; KH II; for another location of this vicus, cf. LA 268).4

Vicus Summi Choragii: see Summum Choragium.

→ For additional details,
see Annas Rom Guide.

Vicus Tiberini: a street in Region XIV, mentioned only on the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975). There is no certain indication of its position, although this name has been given by Lanciani (LF 28) to a street of which the pavement has recently been found under the modern Via della Lungarina between the Viale del Re and the Piazza del Drago (BC 1913, 76).

Vicus Triarii: see Clivus Triarius.

Vicus Trium Ararum: see Clivus Scauri.

Vicus Trium Vi[a]rum: a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975), otherwise unknown.

Vicus Turarius: see Vicus Tuscus.

Vicus Tuscus: see separate page.

 p580  Vicus V(aler)i (?): a street somewhere in Region XIII (CIL VI.975).

Vicus Veneris Almae: a street in Region XII (CIL VI.975), the inhabitants of which are probably the Venerenses of a fourth century inscription (CIL VI.31901; BC 1891, 357). This cult of Venus may possibly be connected with that in the circus Maximus valley (cf. Ad Murciae).

Vicus Vestae: a street in Region VIII, known only from a fragmentary inscription dedicated to the Lares Augusti (CIL VI.30960; NS 1882, 235). It has been conjectured that this was the street that led from the temple of Vesta, past the temple of Castor, up to the north-west corner of the Palatine, in the general line of the ramp which still exists (Thédenat 173‑174), and this may be referred to in Ovid (Fast. VI.389: qua nova Romano nunc via iuncta Foro est; cf. Asc. in Scaurian. 23; Gilb. III.413‑414; Jord. I.2.297‑298; DR 508, 509). Another theory puts this vicus at the eastern end of the Atrium Vestae (Richter 88).

Vicus Victoris: a street somewhere in Region XII (CIL VI.975), possibly near the porta Ardeatina (HJ 198).

Vicus Viridiarii: the name of a street on one inscription (CIL VI.2225), which is reported to have been found outside Rome on the via Praenestina (Gabina), but is supposed to belong to the city. There is no indication of the location of the street.

Vicus Vitrarius: a street somewhere in Region I, mentioned only in the Notitia and otherwise unknown (HJ 219; BC 1914, 344).

Vicus Unguentarius: a street somewhere in Region VIII, mentioned only in the Notitia (cf. Pr. Reg. 155), but evidently named from the shops of the perfume sellers.

Vicus . . . si . . . Luc. . .i: a street in Region XIV, mentioned only in the Capitoline Base (CIL VI.975). For conjectural emendations, cf. CIL and Hermes 1867, 416.

Vicus Ceios (?): a street somewhere in Region XIV (CIL VI.975). Both the actual reading of the inscription and its emendations are disputed (Hülsen, Nomenclator = VICUS . . . IOS; cf. CIL).

The Authors' Notes:

1 Some pavement found at the corner of the Via delle Vergini and the Via dell' Umiltà may perhaps also be attributed to it; and it is possible that remains of the Aedicula Capraria (q.v.) were also discovered (BC 1925, 272, 273).

2 With it were found two others, dedicated respectively to the Lares Semitales and Lares Viales (the gods of the footpaths and of the main roads).

3 Compare inter lignarios, Liv. XXXV.41.10 (Eranos, 1923, 42, 43).

4 See also Via Nova.

Thayer's Note:

a Vicus Aemilianus: This is not an entry in Platner — he has none — but a reference to Aemiliana in Suet. Claud. 18 has been taken by some to refer to such a street: thus Vignoli as reported in Armellini, Chiese di Roma dal secolo IV al XIX (1891), s.v. Titolo di Emiliana, among the churches the latter author classifies as of unknown location. For what appears to me a better tentative solution, however, see Christian Hülsen, Le Chiese di Roma nel Medio Evo (1927), s.v. Quattuor Coronatorum.

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