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Bill Thayer

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The Pons Mulvius
A Forgotten Place

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Further text is on its way but what I was most struck by about this place when I was here, is that although the bridge is exceedingly famous for just one thing — Constantine's reported vision, on the eve of battle, of a cross in the sky and a voice "In this sign conquer" which turned him and the Roman Empire to Christianity — not a peep about it anywhere. This major right-brain event has been studiously non-commemorated here.

(One of the reasons, of course, is that this isn't where it happened. Yes, I know we all know that it did, but Eusebius, closer to that time than us by a long shot, reports it as having happened somewhere in Cisalpine Gaul, well before Constantine ever got to Rome.)

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Page updated: 21 Feb 05
