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As you can see, there's nothing much left of it; in fact, it was almost impossible to find, and completely impossible to visit. |
A very small wedge of the seating remains, with no actual seats: we're looking at it here from the north, but it is sunk beneath the level of the surrounding grass. Of the cavea, as far as I could make out, merely a hole in the ground with one or two walls. A satellite view by Google is more informative, showing this same little patch of ruins quite clearly, as it is now, or at least much more recently than my visit.
The picture isn't meant to be artsy, by the way: it was the least obstructed shot I could take, poking my camera thru the garden fence of an apartment complex. Here is a brief diary account of my expedition to the amphitheatre of Milan. . . .
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Page updated: 17 Mar 23