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S. Croce di Apecchio

[image ALT: missingALT. It is a view of the church of S. Croce in Apecchio, Marche (central Italy).]

Apecchio, it is said, once had 24 churches; since the township is rural and remote, they were for the most part small, and there's very little information on most of them: an adroit little preface which, while perfectly true, serves mostly to cover my own ignorance as well! The sum of my knowledge of this pretty little town in the Marche is a morning's jaunt with a friend, on the way to lunch somewhere else — but how could we whiz by S. Croce with its well-tended garden by the side of our road?

[image ALT: A small walled-up arched window with a central column and a crosspiece horizontal bar forming a cross. It is a detail of the façade of the church of S. Croce in Apecchio, Marche (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 4 photos ]

The exterior reserves a (small) surprise or puzzle, but not in anything you can see on this page: walk around the back with me.

[image ALT: A carved stone angel. It is a detail of a baptismal font in the church of S. Croce in Apecchio, Marche (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 2 photos ]

The interior of the church is very plain, but includes a nice piece of medieval sculpture.

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Site updated: 4 May 05