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Churches of Castelritaldi

[image ALT: A detail of some particularly vivid medieval high-relief sculpture on the archivolt of a small door, depicting a stylized lion cub with a grapevine issuing from its mouth, in which he also entwines his tail. Inscribed 'Catulus leoni', the carving is on the façade of the church of Pieve S. Gregorio near Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]

Small as it is, the rural church of Pieve S. Gregorio, in the comune of Castelritaldi, is one of the great jewels of Umbrian Romanesque; here, a sampler of the 12c sculpture over the door.

[image ALT: A large hulk of a stone building with a rectangular portion to the right and a rounded portion to the left; a tall square steepled belfry pokes up out of this mass. It is a view of the apse of the church of S. Maria in Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Maria

[image ALT: The upper part of a stone door in the Renaissance style, surmounted by a small empty semicircular niche. It is a detail of the church of S. Nicola in Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]
S. Nicola

Outlying Churches

[image ALT: An intricate large stone carving in medium high relief: a man wrestles with a lion, holding it by the jaws; in a setting of acanthus foliage. It is a depiction of Samson and the Lion, from the tympanum of the church of S. Gregorio near Castel Ritaldi (Umbria).]
N of town:
Pieve S. Gregorio

1 page, 2 photos

[image ALT: A small fortress-like building, set in a landscaped area with a row of trees along a drainage canal, with a footprint no larger than that of an average house, yet disproportionately tall, about 10 meters in height, with an additional small cylindrical lantern above that. It is in the shape of a trefoil, its only windows small arched openings near the very top. It is a rear view of the Santuario della Madonna at La Bruna di Castelritaldi, Umbria (central Italy).]
La Bruna

1 page, 3 photos

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Site updated: 6 Jan 20
